The Return of the Grim Reaper
Set in Japan in the year 2022, the city of Tokyo faces mysterious nighttime events, caused by a group of masked people. As the police and military investigate, they receive a threatening message from an entity known as "THE REAPER", revealing the existence of a spy organization backed by the Japanese government. This organization becomes a key player in the midst of growing global tension that culminates in a Third World War, triggered by a series of devastating attacks blamed on THE REAPER.
Twenty years later, during the war, each country develops magical abilities and establishes magic academies to train young people in the use of these powers. The spy organization, Grim Reaper, led by THE REAPER, mysteriously disappears, leaving uncertainty about its fate. At the Magic Academy, Raizor, an unknown character who returns to action after seven years of absence, joins in searching for his sister, involved in the war. Without revealing his identity, Raizor prepares for the entrance test, while detecting a weak surveillance charm and facing the uncertain future that awaits him.