The Gatelings
Twenty three years ago, something strange occurred in peoples' normal lives... A phenomenon that is known as 'The Gates' among humanity. They were big, strange and purple doors that appeared absolutely everywhere on Earth, all the way from Asia to Europe to the USA.
Modern humanity took these as a threat, of course. Even if they've stayed closed and quiet, humanity's leaders banded together and created something... Something that would protect Earth and its inhabitants from danger. That was TGG, which was short for... The Gate Government.
They quickly dispatched armed soldiers to each and every Gate that they knew of, and announced to the public that all was good and well!
But, obviously, that was... Just not the case.
As The Gates stood there doing nothing for a long while, the soldiers were, at one point, dismissed. Until, they slowly but surely started opening... By they, I mean The Gates.
The soldiers were, once again, quickly dispatched to The Gates, with orders to shoot on sight anything and everything that came out of them.
And they stuck to said orders, expecting dragons, orcs and goblins to come out of the Gates. And finally, once The Gates had completely opened... Humans came out of them..?
...Uhm... Sorry, what...?