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A Cruel Angel'S Thesis Rock Cover

Unidos ao Príncipe Cruel

[Conteúdo Maduro] Salvar um Fae ferido na floresta não tinha sido o plano de Islinda, e pior, ele se revela ser da realeza, Príncipe Valeria da corte de verão, herdeiro e príncipe herdeiro do trono de Astária. Mas então, os humanos desconfiavam dessas criaturas de outro mundo, enquanto os Fae olhavam para os humanos, pensando neles como criaturas inferiores. Islinda e o príncipe eram de mundos diferentes, mas isso não os impediu de se apaixonarem. Infelizmente, Príncipe Valeria não podia ficar no reino humano para sempre e teve que retornar ao seu reino com uma promessa de voltar por ela. E ela acreditou nele. Mas então, o outro veio em seu lugar. Sombrio, carrancudo, impiedoso, mas perigosamente atraente, todos temiam o Príncipe Aldric. Mesmo sendo um guerreiro feroz e filho do rei de Astária, Aldric tem seu direito ao trono negado e é amaldiçoado a nunca ocupar seu lugar por causa de sua herança sombria. Torcido por dentro e carente de afeto, Príncipe Aldric faz o que sabe fazer de melhor, causar miséria. Ele capturou Islinda - a mulher que atraiu a atenção de seu irmão. Ele a roubou de seu lar para seu cruel propósito. Se não podia ter o trono, pelo menos poderia brincar com o interesse amoroso de seu irmão. Seu novo prêmio. Islinda o odiava. O desprezava por tirar tudo o que ela poderia ter tido com o príncipe do verão. Ele é o vilão. Agora ela foi arrastada para o meio da política suja jogada nos tribunais de Astária, sem falar em sobreviver aos jogos frios praticados pelo príncipe. Mas toda esperança não estava perdida, porque o príncipe cruel poderia tentá-la o quanto quisesse, mas ele nunca teria a única coisa que ele mais quer. Ser amado. Ele nunca teria seu coração! Ou poderia? ________ "O que você pode me oferecer, pequeno humano," Ele sorriu, lento e cruel. Ela faria uma brinquedo maravilhoso. "Por favor," Ela implorou, com lágrimas agora se acumulando em seus olhos, "Apenas me deixe ir." "Tudo bem," Ele deu de ombros como se fosse um pedido fácil, "Você pode ir." "O-quê?" Ela balbuciou, achando difícil acreditar. "Pequeno humano, você descobrirá que minha mente muda muito facilmente." Essas palavras soaram misericordiosas, mas ela podia sentir a ameaça por baixo. Mas ele realmente estava falando sério? Islinda não ficou por perto para descobrir, pois disparou em uma corrida. Se havia até a menor chance de ele mudar de ideia, então ela aproveitaria. Ela ainda não desistiria da esperança. Embora não soubesse por quê, Islinda lançou um olhar para trás depois de um tempo e o sangue drenou de seu rosto ao ver o que estava vindo. Oh não, ela acabou de cometer um erro terrível. Isso nunca foi liberdade. Era uma caçada. E ela acabou de se tornar a presa. _________ Nota: Esse é um livro de fantasia sombria e o protagonista masculino é um vilão, então não espere um romance fofo. O que esperar? Morte, gore, forte tensão sexual e cenas explícitas. Além disso, não é harém reverso. Magia do castelo presente = 5 capítulos bônus! Venha, vamos ter uma caçada selvagem!
Glimmy · 25K Views

Accouplée au Prince Cruel

[Contenu Mature] Sauver un Fae blessé dans la forêt n'était pas dans les plans d'Islinda, et pire, il s'avère être de la royauté, le Prince Valérie de la cour d'été, héritier et prince héritier du trône d'Astaria. Mais alors, les humains se méfiaient de ces créatures d'un autre monde pendant que les Fae méprisaient les humains, les considérant comme des créatures inférieures. Islinda et le prince étaient mondes à part, mais cela ne les a pas empêchés de tomber amoureux. Malheureusement, le Prince Valérie ne pouvait pas rester dans le royaume humain pour toujours et devait retourner dans son royaume avec la promesse de revenir pour elle. Et elle l'a cru. Mais c'est l'autre qui vient à la place. Sombre, maussade, impitoyable mais dangereusement séduisant, tout le monde craignait le Prince Aldric. Même étant un guerrier redoutable et fils du roi d'Astaria, Aldric se voit refuser son droit au trône et est maudit à ne jamais prendre sa place en raison de son héritage obscur. Tordu de l'intérieur et privé d'affection, le Prince Aldric fait ce qu'il sait faire de mieux, engendrer la misère. Il a capturé Islinda – la femme qui a attiré l'attention de son frère. Il l'a volée de chez elle pour ses desseins cruels. S'il ne pouvait pas avoir la couronne, il pouvait au moins jouer avec l'intérêt amoureux de son frère. Son nouveau prix. Islinda le haïssait. Elle le détestait pour lui avoir tout pris ce qu'elle aurait pu avoir avec le prince de l'été. C'est le méchant. Maintenant elle a été entraînée au milieu des politiques sales jouées dans les cours de la cour d'Astaria, sans parler de survivre aux jeux glacials joués par le prince. Mais tout espoir n'était pas perdu, car le prince cruel pouvait la tenter autant qu'il le voulait mais il n'aurait jamais la chose qu'il désire le plus. Être aimé. Il n'aurait jamais son cœur ! Ou pourrait-il l'avoir ? ________ « Que peux-tu m'offrir, petit humain, » Il souriait, lent et cruel. Elle ferait un si merveilleux jouet. « Je t'en prie, » Elle le suppliait, les larmes commençant maintenant à s'accumuler dans ses yeux, « Laisse-moi juste partir. » « D'accord, » Il haussa les épaules comme si c'était une demande facile, « Tu peux y aller. » « V-vraiment ? » Elle murmura, trouvant cela difficile à croire. « Petit humain, tu découvriras que mon esprit change très facilement. » Ces mots semblaient miséricordieux et pourtant elle pouvait sentir la menace en dessous. Mais le pensait-il vraiment ? Islinda n'attendit pas pour le savoir car elle s'élança en sprint. S'il y avait même la moindre chance qu'il change d'avis, alors elle la saisirait. Elle n'abandonnerait pas l'espoir pour autant. Elle ne savait pas pourquoi, mais après un moment, Islinda risqua un regard par-dessus son épaule et le sang se figea dans ses veines à la vue de ce qui s'approchait. Oh non, elle venait de faire une terrible erreur. Ce n'était jamais la liberté. C'était une chasse. Et elle venait de devenir la proie. _________ Note : C'est un livre de fantasy sombre et le personnage masculin principal est un méchant, alors ne vous attendez pas à une romance douce. À quoi s'attendre ? Mort, sang, tension sexuelle intense et scènes explicites. Et ce n'est pas un harem inverse. Cadeau magique château = 5 chapitres bonus ! Venez, faisons une chasse sauvage !
Glimmy · 23.2K Views

An angel‘s road to hell

What happens if the one transcendent being that cares for mortals fell and got a second chance in a world full of magic, intrigue and possibly even friendships? Does the past determine the future or are we all able to pick our own destiny? An angel, one of the two nigh immortal species in existence, has been hunted and killed by his own kind because he wasn’t prepared to watch silently while his people followed their own desires to whatever end. When, against all odds, he opened his eyes again, he was someone else, his past and powers hidden deep within him. On an ancient world, with advanced magic but medieval technology, he was reborn as Cassandra Pendragon, the youngest daughter of one of the five royal families on Boseiju, the home of the fox tribe, the kitsune. As she grew up, who she was and who she had been, started shaping her future. Forgotten friends and unknown enemies began knocking at her door and while she struggled to find her way between the past and the present, the winds of war were already blowing across her home. I‘ll try to publish at least 2 chapters a week, probably more. The first story arc is pretty much mapped out. Should be around 150 or 160 chapters for the first volume (it’s taking much longer than I expected) and the second one is nearly finished as well. Try it, it should be one hell of a ride. One more thing: the first two chapters are more or less a prologue and if you want to, you can skip them, I wouldn’t recommend it, though. The writing style as well as the perspective shifts dramatically, afterwards. As for trigger warnings: it’s going to get gory from time to time, and the MC often has to pay a toll in blood. Additionally there are -mildly- sexualised scenes, once in a while, but nothing graphic. Lastly, somewhen webnovel changed the description box from female lead to female oriented. It’s mandatory and I can’t change it either way but I have no clue if the book is catering male or female preferences. I hope the description above makes up for whatever confusion it might cause.
David_Amann · 814.5K Views

Mated To The Cruel Prince

[Matured Content] Saving an injured Fae in the forest had not been Islinda's plan, and worse, he turns out to be royalty, Prince Valerie of the summer court, heir and crown prince to the throne of Astaria. But then, humans were wary of those otherworldly creatures while the Fae looked down on the humans, thinking of them as lesser creatures. Islinda and the prince were worlds apart but that didn't stop them from falling in love.  Unfortunately, Prince Valerie couldn't stay in the human realm forever and had to return to his kingdom with a promise to come back for her. And she believed him.  But then, the other one comes instead.  Dark, broody, ruthless yet dangerously handsome, everyone feared Prince Aldric. Even as a fierce warrior and son to the king of Astaria, Aldric is denied his right to the throne and cursed never to take his place because of his dark heritage.  Twisted from the inside and starved of affection, Prince Aldric does what he is best at, causing misery. He captured  Islinda - the woman who has drawn his brother's attention. He stole her from her home for his cruel purpose. If he couldn't have the throne, he could at least play around with his brother's love interest. His new prize.  Islinda hated him. Loathed him for taking away everything that she could have had with the summer prince. He's the villain. Now she has been dragged into the middle of the dirty politics played in the courts of Astaria, not to mention surviving the cold games played by the prince.  But all hope wasn't lost because the cruel prince could tempt her all he wants but he was never going to get the one thing he wants the most. To be loved. He would never have her heart!  Or could he?  ________ "What can you offer me, little human," He grinned, slow and cruel. She would make such a wonderful plaything.  "Please," She begged him, tears now gathering in her eyes, "Just let me go."  "Fine," He shrugged as if it was an easy request, "You can go."  "W-what?" She croaked, finding it hard to believe.  "Little human, you would find out my mind changes very easily." Those words sounded merciful yet she could sense the threat beneath.  But did he really mean?  Islinda didn't sit around to find out as she broke into a sprint. If there was even the slightest chance of him changing his mind, then she would take it. She would not give up hope yet.  She didn't know why but Islinda spared a look over her shoulder after a while and the blood drained from her face at what she saw coming.  Oh no, she just made a terrible mistake.  This was never freedom.  It was a hunt.  And she just became the prey.  _________ Note: This is a dark fantasy book and the male lead is a villain, so don't expect fluffy romance. What to expect? Death, gore, thick sexual tension, and explicit scenes. Also, it is not reverse harem. Gift magic castle = 5 bonus chapters! Come, let us have a wild hunt! 
Glimmy · 2.1M Views

Rock You World After World

Worlds Apart, Hearts Entwined Fanyin's life was already complicated, but nothing could have prepared her for the ultimate plot twist: being thrown into alternate worlds by a system with a bee mascot. The catch? She has to complete tasks to get back home. But every world has a familiar face-his face-different bodies, same magnetic presence, pulling her in despite her best efforts to stay detached. With every mission, Fanyin fights to keep her walls up, but piece by piece, she's falling for the soul inhabiting these different men. Sexy, hilarious, and brimming with chemistry, Fanyin's journey isn't just about the worlds she's thrown into. Who is behind the system, and what grand design is forcing her to complete these quests? Is there a deeper truth she's being led to discover, or is it all part of a cosmic game? Get ready for a wild ride full of steamy moments, laugh-out-loud banter, and the question of whether love truly transcends worlds. ... Bee Mine Across Worlds Fanyin was minding her own business—until a sassy bee system threw her into alternate realities with one goal: complete the missions or never make it home. Easy, right? Not when every world comes with a man who’s too familiar. Different face, same vibes, and definitely too hot to ignore. She’s here to get in, do the job, and get out. But something about him keeps pulling her back in every world. Is it just coincidence, or is there a deeper reason behind these encounters? With snark, steam, and sparks flying, Fanyin must figure out the game—before her heart loses control. Why her? Why him? And who’s really pulling the strings? There’s more at play than she thinks, and the answers might be closer than she realizes… ROCK YOU WORLD AFTER WORLD © 2024 Kashish Mishra (bliss_incarnation). All rights reserved. Excerpt from RYWAW "Going somewhere?" His voice drops, teasing, but there's a dangerous edge beneath the surface that makes my pulse quicken. The playfulness in his eyes has faded, replaced by something more primal, more intense. I flash him a sly smile, forcing myself to remain calm. "No," I murmur, leaning back into him, though my heart pounds against my ribs. "Just getting comfortable on my lover." He raises an eyebrow, his gaze narrowing slightly. The smirk returns, slow and deliberate, but there's a hint of something else-something darker, lurking beneath his usual charm. "Is that what we're calling it now?" Before I can respond, Wilde moves with swift precision, his hand sliding up to cup the back of my neck. The air between us grows heavy, charged, and then his lips crash against mine. It's not soft or slow-it's raw, demanding, and ignites a fire deep in my chest. I gasp, my hands instinctively gripping his jacket as his other arm pulls me flush against him, the heat of his body searing through the thin barrier of clothing. My mind spins, thoughts scattering like leaves in a storm as I lose myself in the kiss. The driver, without a word, flicks on the partition, a subtle acknowledgment of the moment as the car continues to glide down the road, but it's as if the world outside no longer exists.
bliss_incarnation · 18.7K Views

Enchanting The Cruel Prince

A lowly slave finds herself at odds with the merciless crown prince, their fates dangerously entwined, and meant to separate only with her inevitable death by his hand. Sold to a brothel as a child, she wore the mask of insanity to escape the brutal clutches of life that awaited her, but it only brought her to another hell. She persisted, hoping to one day find her freedom and return to the ethereal valleys where she was born. All Alyssane desired was to find her home. One night of mystery and murder thrusts her into a dangerous game-shards of her memories are missing, she is accused of a fatal crime she could not escape, and her path entangles her with the cruel prince. She knows how things would end. But deceiving fates could be impossible when the man supposed to end her life is both her captive and her savior, when he is cold and menacing yet so easily mesmerizes her with his sweet nothings. His sins are known far wide and are darker than any nightmares plaguing her mind. She knows their fates together would entangle in a brutal mess, though it doesn’t stop her heart from fluttering like a caged bird whenever he is near. And he’s always near. Stirring a heat inside no forbidden thing ever should. In a world where love is a treacherous game, and vicious schemes are whispered behind every shadow, Alyssane must use every ounce of her charm and cunning to survive, even if it means enchanting the cruel prince out for her blood. ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ The crown prince's fingers trailed down her back, a slow, deliberate path that sent a shiver, half fear half something she did not dare name, through Alyssane. His gaze held hers, intense and unwavering. “What are you hiding?” He murmured, his breath hot against her skin as she defiantly met his eyes, “Maybe I don’t you to find out.” A sly smile curled over his lips and he leaned in, his warmth flooded her heart with mixed emotions, in contrast to the coldness of his eyes with a thinly veiled threat, “Are you sure?” "What do you want from me?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper. His eyes locked onto hers, filled with a dark promise. “Everything.” ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ Thank you for stopping by~! Enchanting The Cruel Prince is in a beta phase that I am slowly developing by managing a few hours from my packed schedule. The updates will remain slow, but if you enjoy the story, you can add it to your library and revisit it when there are more chapters or the novel is completed. Feel free to share any thoughts you have in the comments. Happy reading!
Alancaster · 268.9K Views
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