The Princess Disaster Is My Student
Lin is the Crown Princess of the Kingdom of Korea, but her spectacular failures earned her the nickname ‘The Princess Disaster’. Tasked with guiding her is an inexperienced English Literature teacher fresh out of university - Lee Jun, who just began his teaching career at the prestigious Royal International School of Seoul.
Lin’s knack for spectacularly failing at everything precedes her and her latest antics (getting expelled from a British boarding school for punching a royal) have landed her back in Korea, much to the King's exasperation. However, despite her larger-than-life reputation, when it comes to Jun, Lin is just a young maiden at heart who is determined to charm her new teacher.
For Jun, it’s a battle to maintain his professional responsibilities while Lin’s chaotic energy and secret crush threaten to derail his life and career. For Lin, it’s the ultimate shoujo-manga fantasy brought to life, with her reluctant and hilariously oblivious teacher in the starring role.
Set against the elite backdrop of royal obligations and academic pressures, Princess Disaster is a lighthearted romantic comedy about clashing worlds, unexpected sparks, and the joys (and disasters) of learning, love, and growing up.