The novel follows Max, a long-time player of a virtual reality game called Nero, which is a fantasy RPG that was discontinued in 2044. Max receives a mysterious letter from the game company, offering a free gaming set as an apology for the game's neglect. After following strange instructions in the letter, Max is transported into the world of the game, now real, where he finds himself inhabiting his in-game avatar, Rudra Khaoticos Maximus Erebryx Barathrum, a celestial demon and ruler of the Arcanum tower.
In this new reality, Rudra must navigate the confusion of his transformation and the 20-year gap in the game world, where his subordinates, including humanoid androids and monstrous beings, still await his leadership. His return is met with reverence, but he struggles with the question of loyalty and his identity as both a former human and now a powerful demon.