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Garri Poter

Once Banished

This novel spoke of four rogues of Alpha, all of them so powerful in their homeland, that each had a special ability that made them unique; all of them were betrayed by someone they loved, trusted, and depended upon. Xavier Knoll, the Alpha of the Middle Land, a man bred for war, was betrayed by his trusted beta, Jaiz, and he watched as his mate was killed. With his last breath, he cursed the middle land, saying, "None of them will know peace until he is incarcerated or returned as a wraith." The curse of Xavier Knoll started surfacing when the Pegasus, a giant creature, started terrorizing the Middle Land. Blood was shed, and people lost hope as the curse kept spreading. The second Alpha, Sebastian Stan, becomes the next Alpha after he kills Xavier Knoll, the former Alpha and king of the middle land. Sebastian was an Alpha with great strength and fame. He was feared across the middle land, and no one dared cross his path. He's a brutal man. At first, Sebastian Stan thought the curse of Xavier Knoll was gibberish coming out of a dying man—not until the curse started affecting his family, cousins, and daughters. When he finally decided to avert the curse, it might be too late because Dylan was already terrorizing the middle land. The Third Alpha, Dylan Knoll, a distant relative of Xavier Knoll, heard about the death of his cousin, and he sought nothing but revenge. Dylan Knoll is a man who loves squeezing from the universe whatever it can give. He loves taking rather than giving. He was a man who preferred fighting with blades over claws. Dylan Knoll conquered every territory he came across except for the middle land. And in every territory he conquers, he will ruin and kill every living and non-living thing so that no one will live to resurface the old way. There will be only one person they will be worshiping, and there will be only one way to worship him: his way. Dylan Knoll leaves the Middle Land untouched because it was ruled by his cousin. But when he heard about his death, he sought help from Caliste, an ancient witch, and King Cassius of Mordor to conquer the middle land and defeat Sebastian Stan. The last Alpha was Rey Reed Smith, a hellhound and someone who was possessed by an ancient spirit beast. Alpha Rey Reed Smith, a hellhound, died on earth, killed by a hunter, but opened his eyes in the middle land. It was some days before he discovered that he was possessed by an ancient spirit beast, which teleported his soul to the Middle Land. The ancient spirit beast, Lord Rey, is the god of all night-walking creatures in the Middle Land. When he discovered the curse of Xavier Knoll, the brute rule of Sebastian Stan, and the deadly plan of Dylan Knoll for the middle land, he possessed the hellhound, Rey Reed Smith, and decided to use his body to cleanse the middle land. With the help of two brothers, Garry the night racer, and Gaius the archer, Rey Reed Smith found himself going deeper into the affairs of the middle land. Nonetheless, there is more to saving the middle land than Rey Reed thought.
Memento_01 · 9.1K Views

Mara & Claire

Mara and Claire where immediately switched after their birth by>> Karlo David,Garry's brother.who had grudge on the Dela Rosa's>>Anthonio and Alvira. Years back Alvira and Garry were long time lovers who broke up years back, because of Garry's uncontrollable Anger and how he got himself in drug trafficking just to feed his family,but Garry didn't stand with the idea of breaking up with Alvira, because he loved this woman so much with his heart. Alvira then decided to travel abroad to clear her head and to stay away from Garry.Garry later hearing this he felt rage and devastated. Five years later Alvira came back with a wealthy bastard Anthonio who she later fell in love with and they got married. Garry later seeing the relationship between Alvira and Anthonio he felt jealous and anger then he decided to take revenge on them. He later got a beautiful poor woman pregnant named Susan,she loved Garry with her whole heart but Garry never showed concern for her,he only cared about his child she was carrying in her womb. Then it was time for the wife's to put to bed,on getting to the hospital Garry was shocked to see Anthonio and his wife Alvira.on the other hand Alvira was about to put to conceive. Then suddenly some idea struck his time he thought this was the best chance to take revenge on the Dela Rosa's. After the birth of the children,Garry passed the message to his brother to change the two girls which he did.Before that Alvira told one of the nurses to put a medallion on her baby. So later on Garry was arrested for drug trafficking.only Susan suffered to train her beloved daughter up but Garry never showed concern.seventeen years later he was later released.
Vic_To_Ria · 4.2K Views

Unique universe of fansaty (Battle of the Crown of Diamonds)

The story begins with the British Queen Rubina, who was then Empress of Cilicia, and had two daughters, Alina and Starnia. The story features several characters such as Thomas who is the general of the Cilicia kingdom, Alan who is Alina's childhood friend, Robert who works in the kingdom's food business, Rusi who is a friend of Alina's younger sister Starnia, Rosie who is in the castle dance etc.A story is very interesting, full of adventure. Entertainment, friendship, love, deceit, action, war, everything happens in this story. this story is about two sister's. starnia wants to kill her sister Alina..... And Become the princess of Cilicia. She tries to kill Alina with the help of Rusi. but she can't kill alina. In this story, the Queen's diamond crown lying in a glass box is stolen, the flood comes, Alina's memory is lost, the King of Kabul falls in love with Alina, the dragon tattoo on her hand.Alina's enemy comes to take revenge on her, whose name is Garry,he is a terrible monster. This story is of the empire, but even at that time there were hospitals, doctors, and colleges, Alan is the only person in this story who has a bright and shining car. After Alina, comes her son, from whose birth, the power of the whole world is shaken, he is not an ordinary person, by his own good deeds and hard work, he becomes the emperor of the world and world conqueror. Like, as you go on reading the story, your fun will be doubled, you will enjoy reading more chapters, so you must read this story once and this story is different.
Vashnti_Mevada · 19K Views

Songs of Cannabis

Pep-Talk You guys have no clue the kind of fun book you are about to experience. Welcome to a new era of entertainment lifestyle books. "Plus" the write-up is chocked with crazy stuffs like; An Inbuilt dictionary @ least 6 ghosts A radio station 1 Sodom or Gomorrah Serial killer Support Dance challenge Chronic Spirituality 3 blockbuster movies Horror break-time One parlour dog More than 2 mystical creatures Sketch Comics One Spiritual "Dada" Game "boyz" Minimum of 5 cities An underwater hospital + 1 hospital of death Drunk demons & the ones caged in glasses Captions Illusion pranks Cracks In-book addresses Puzzle clues Diverts Hashtags Read-Rewind & finally a strange Art gallery worth 100 pages PROMO BASTARD + GALLERY SHOWOFF! Art synopsis: Do you know, our gallery has two independent "18's"? ( hint: Obvious Number ni) Punch: Even politicians tried using fork to smoke garri in the book. Its funny how in this same gallery, "Magixx" & "Crayon" kept hiding in plain sight ( Hint: Art preview) Fantasy Gossip: A "9ja" dude even had a savage WhatsApp chat with Abraham Lincoln. (Hint: last chapter) Horror Puzzle: Find the toddler used for "Gbomo-Gbomo" (Money ritual) ( Hint: Art 6) Flower Quiz: In Art one, which flower was given to Author Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche? (a. Ordinaka Flower b. Purple hibiscus c. Mmasi flower d. Buhari flower) Horror Vibe: Except you're a die hard fan of horrors and thrillers, don't read about the demonic creature call Evionn. ( trust me! you don't want steady "Bad dreams") Which of this movies in the book were humans able to quench their Sun? (a. Serial killer support b. Seatopia c. Evionn d. Jeyosiz) Speckvino also has an art work in the book that refuses to go blur or increase in size after Zooming. (Hint: closing Art) Lamba: Reading the Art gallery in "Dark mode" makes it look like one is reading a movie in book cinemas. One can as well find the king of suicide squad in chapter 5 There's this strange underwater city in the book in which humans who gets in, never gets out! (Hint: Art 19) Art nineteen also host a fantasy creature that knows exactly when it will die. Don't forget to run your own "Tik-Tok" challenge of the books dance Puzzle: Find the books drummer girl ( Hint: Celebrity Chapter) Our book parlour dog called zowie has a kid caged in Zoom glasses Art gallery "be" giving birth to an arrogant flower & one ordinaka flower that refuse to die after growing old. Fake Horror: Do you know, a brain Zipper was found in Super saver mall Ago? (Hint: Art 18) "Waec Question": Which City in the book has a ministry and underwater hospital? (a. Purple City b. Atlantis c. Seatopia d Pendulum City) "ICAN": Our Rugged finance also has one "Accountant Jegede" and "Monopoly Abstract". With the help of Mr. Photoshop, we were able to unlock more conducive prison cells for prisoners caged in paper sketch. ( hint: Gate Pass) Thought Puzzle: For the long term goal, let's see if a "---Dash--- Man" can love reading books. Mr. Dictionary: The 9ja slang word "Facin" means; to confront your fears one on 1. Reverse psycho: "pidgin; I take God beg una!" if you're not an "OG" in corruption, avoid the subtitle " Sodom or Gomorrah". (pidgin: "eee get why!")

wating for you

Capitolo 1: Il Viaggio imprevisto Il professor Antoine Dupont, un rispettato docente francese di informatica, si stava dirigendo ad Helsinki, in Finlandia, per partecipare a una conferenza internazionale nel campo della programmazione. Dopo essere salito a bordo del volo Air France, si sistemò comodamente nel suo sedile, pronto per un tranquillo viaggio di lavoro. Tuttavia, mentre il velivolo si librava sopra le nuvole, un imprevisto avvenne. A causa di un errore nella prenotazione del biglietto, l'aereo non atterrò ad Helsinki, ma invece si diresse verso una destinazione completamente diversa: una città sconosciuta in Arabia. Confuso e sorpreso, il professore Dupont cercò di capire cosa stava succedendo. Non conoscendo la lingua araba e non avendo fatto ricerche sulle città dell'Arabia, si trovava completamente spaesato. Un senso di incertezza si impadronì di lui mentre l'aereo atterrava sulla pista dell'aeroporto. Capitolo 2: L'incontro inaspettato Sceso dall'aereo in un'atmosfera calda e sconosciuta, il professor Dupont si sentiva come un pesce fuor d'acqua. Ogni scritta e ogni annuncio era in arabo, e lui non riusciva a comprendere nemmeno una parola. Sentendosi disorientato e sperduto, decise di cercare aiuto in un albergo vicino. All'hotel, Antoine Dupont ricevette una calorosa accoglienza da parte del personale che, pur avendo difficoltà a comunicare, cercò di aiutarlo nel modo migliore possibile. In quel momento, la fortuna sorrideva al professore, poiché la giovane receptionist, di nome Leila, parlava un buon inglese. Capitolo 3: Un'amicizia che nasce La comunicazione dapprima impacciata tra Antoine e Leila si trasformò presto in una conversazione fluida e interessante. La giovane donna era entusiasta di poter aiutare il professore a orientarsi nella città e decise di fargli da guida per il periodo in cui sarebbe stato lì. Durante le lunghe passeggiate per le strade affollate della città, Antoine iniziò a notare la bellezza della cultura araba, la varietà di cibi piccanti e gli affascinanti mercati locali. Leila lo introduceva alle tradizioni e alle usanze del suo Paese, facendogli scoprire un mondo del tutto nuovo. Capitolo 4: L'amore sbocciato Man mano che il tempo passava, Antoine e Leila si scoprivano sempre di più. Le loro conversazioni erano sempre più intime e i loro interessi cominciavano a intrecciarsi. La passione di Antoine per l'informatica e la ricerca scientifica trovava un punto di tangenza con la curiosità di Leila per le nuove tecnologie. Mentre esploravano la città insieme, i due si avvicinarono sempre di più. Tra le mura di un antico bazar, con i colori vivaci degli abiti tradizionali che li circondavano, Antoine capì che il suo legame con Leila era diventato qualcosa di più di una semplice amicizia. Era innamorato. Capitolo 5: Il dilemma dell'amore e dell'appartenenza Tuttavia, Antoine si trovava a dover affrontare una difficile decisione. Mentre il suo cuore batteva forte per Leila e l'Arabia, il suo dovere professionale richiamava dalla Francia. Doveva tornare a casa e affrontare le sue responsabilità accademiche. Sentì una profonda tristezza al pensiero di doversi separare da Leila, ma capì che la vita avrebbe ancora in serbo molte avventure e di certo sarebbe tornato in Arabia per rivedere quella terra meravigliosa e, soprattutto, la persona speciale che aveva incontrato. Con il cuore pieno di amore e con la promessa di tenersi in contatto, Antoine lasciò l'Arabia, portando con sé ricordi indelebili e un nuovo orizzonte di esperienze che avevano ampliato la sua visione del mondo. Fine
DaoistcgQX7C · 2.9K Views
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