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Da Amazing Digital Circus

A Esquisita da Matilha: Um Mistério a Desvendar

No mundo dos lobisomens, bruxas e vampiros, Aadhya, uma humana, sempre se perguntou se realmente pertencia àquele lugar. Não importa quantas vezes ela fizesse a pergunta, a resposta sempre era a mesma... SIM Seus pais foram um dos casais beta mais fortes (segundos no comando) de sua época em todo o continente. Mas, mesmo tendo sangue de beta correndo em suas veias, Aadhya sabia que era diferente de todos os lobisomens que já havia conhecido em sua vida. Ela não possuía os sentidos aguçados dos lobisomens, nem mesmo se transformou em sua loba quando chegou à idade, o que automaticamente a fez a 'esquisita da matilha'. Mesmo sendo tratada como uma pária, intimidada por outras crianças lobo e acordando todos os dias com aquela risada sinistra e com pesadelos que sempre pareciam reais demais para serem apenas pesadelos, ela nunca se permitiu sentir-se fraca. Ela se desafiou ao máximo e treinou-se como todo lobo de sua matilha era treinado. Foi no dia de seu vigésimo aniversário que ela de repente sentiu o 'formigamento do parceiro' com o toque de seu principal algoz, o futuro alfa de sua matilha, Ethan Smith. Ela sabia que nada seria normal desde que sentiu aquele primeiro formigamento, mas ela não sabia que nada em sua vida foi normal desde o momento em que veio ao mundo. Ethan aceitará o dom da ligação dos parceiros e deixará sua namorada, que é detentora de um título, por uma humana? Aadhya conseguirá sobreviver a todas as coisas que estão prestes a acontecer em sua vida? Junte-se a Aadhya na jornada de sua vida, que está cheia de mistério, ação, romance e muitas reviravoltas.. Leia 'A Esquisita da Matilha: Um mistério a desvendar' para testemunhar a montanha-russa de emoções e ver como a vida de uma humana normal 'Aadhya' se desenrola no mundo dos lobisomens. Já amado e apreciado por milhares de leitores em todo o mundo em diferentes plataformas de e-book. A primeira criação assinada da autora Mudita Upreti
Mudita Upreti · 0 Views

Das System des höchsten Harem-Gottes

[Oberstes Haremsgott-System]. Dies war der Betrug, den Nux Leander, der Mann, der in eine Kultivierungswelt übergetreten war, erhalten hatte. In einer Kultivierungswelt konnte Nux mit diesem Betrugssystem den mühsamen Prozess überspringen, der Jahre, Jahrzehnte oder sogar Jahrhunderte dauert. Alles, was Nux brauchte, waren seine schönen Frauen. Je stärker die Frau, desto mehr Vorteile erhält er. "Was? Du bist ein 100-jähriger Großmeister der Kultivierungsstufe? Und du nennst das ein unvergleichliches Talent? Von wegen unvergleichliches Talent! Ich bin 18 Jahre alt und bereits ein Kultivator der Königsstufe, werde besser, Schlampe!" So lächerlich es auch war, Nux' Betrug war damit noch nicht zu Ende. Kultivierungstalente, besondere Körpermerkmale, Blutlinien, sein System konnte sie alle erben! Alles, was er tun musste, war, starke Frauen zu verführen. Begleite Nux auf seiner Reise, wie er sich von einem einfachen Sterblichen zum Lustknaben eines einsamen Adligen und schließlich zum Kaiser des stärksten Reiches der Welt entwickelt! Dabei wird er immer stärker, während er Zeit mit seinen schönen Frauen verbringt. ... Schauen Sie sich auch meinen anderen Roman an, Primordiales Vampir-Gottes-System Wenn Sie Rache, Krieg, Blut, Blutvergießen, Vampire und die Rückkehr des vergessenen Blutimperiums lesen wollen ... KI-generiertes Cover. ... Discord: Wenn der Link aus irgendeinem Grund nicht funktioniert, DM mich: SleepDeprivedSloth
SleepDeprivedSloth · 109.4K Views

Das Gesetz der Anziehung

Alles begann mit einem gestohlenen Kuss bei ihrer ersten Begegnung. [Warnung: Reifer Inhalt *keine Vergewaltigung und KEIN größeres Missverständnis] Status: ABGESCHLOSSEN ****** "Miss Lana Huang... Erwarten Sie bald eine Anzeige wegen Belästigung an Ihrer Tür..." Das hatte Lana davon, wenn sie einen Fremden küsste, um sich vor einer ungewollten arrangierten Ehe zu retten. "Soweit ich mich erinnere, hast du meinen Kuss heftig erwidert und sogar den ganzen Kuss dominiert. Du hast den Moment mit mir eindeutig genossen, also bitte lass es nicht so klingen, als hätte ich dich über Gebühr ausgenutzt! Und ich habe dir gesagt, ich bin bereit, dich zu entschädigen!" "Und wie willst du das anstellen, hm?" Liam trat näher und versuchte, die stolze Frau einzuschüchtern, die unter seinem erstickenden Druck nicht einmal mit der Wimper zuckte. Lana trat ein paar Schritte zurück, hob die Hand und knurrte: "Bleib stehen, Rechtsanwalt Sy, wenn du nicht den Schmerz eines Trittes auf die Eier spüren willst, nachdem du geküsst wurdest!" ***** Darf ich vorstellen: Lana Huang, eine stolze Frau, die die Erfolgsleiter ihrer Karriere erklommen hat. Eine Anwältin und eine mutige Frau, die so schön ist, dass Männer von ihr träumen und ihr nachtrauern. Liebe war das Letzte, was auf ihrem Plan stand, denn sie war eine Männerhasserin... Doch das Schicksal wollte ihr einen Streich spielen, als sie ungewollt Liam Sy küsste, einen wohlhabenden, mächtigen und arroganten Mann. Von Beruf Anwalt, folgten ihm Ruhm und Erfolg auf Schritt und Tritt. Ein verbissener Anwalt, der jeden Fall gewann, den er in die Hand nahm. Stolz lag ihm im Blut und Liebe stand nicht auf seiner Tagesordnung, denn er war ein Frauenhasser... Was würde passieren, wenn diese beiden... gut aussehend und schön, stolz und stur, Frauenhasser und Männerhasser... zusammenkommen und sich auf eine Ehe einlassen? Willkommen zu einem Wirbelsturm der Romantik zwischen diesen beiden - eine Achterbahnfahrt der Liebe, die sich mit Stolz, Eifersucht, Sturheit und Hass vermischt... Ohrfeigen? Warum nicht! Sicherlich würdest du es lieben, ihre Reise zu verfolgen, auf der beide das Risiko eingehen, sich zu verlieben... Eine Reise des Hasses, der sich in Liebe verwandelt... ================ Anmerkung des Autors: Ich hoffe, ihr habt Spaß beim Lesen dieses ORIGINAL-Romans von mir. Dies ist absolut ein Happy End. Vielen Dank im Voraus für eure Unterstützung. Mit ganz viel Liebe, EUSTOMA_reyna Andere Bücher: Der CEO, der mich hasst (abgeschlossen) Der General, der mich hasst (abgeschlossen) Der Arzt, der mich liebt (abgeschlossen) Küss mich nicht (in Arbeit) Die Ungezähmten: Das Spiel der Herzen The Crown's Entrapment kontaktieren Sie mich unter: Discord Link: Twitter: @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram: eustoma_reyna Facebook-Seite: @eustoma.reyna Das Buchcover ist von mir... Cover Art von ava_arts38 (instagram)
Eustoma_Reyna · 48.4K Views

Das glückliche Bauernmädchen

Nach ihrem unerwarteten Tod wurde sie als zehnjähriges Mädchen in einer alten Bauernfamilie wiedergeboren, mit nur wenigen Zimmern in ihrem Haus und noch weniger Hektar Land, ganz zu schweigen von einem Haushalt mit alten, schwachen, kranken und behinderten Menschen. Glücklicherweise waren die Ältesten in der Familie freundlich und ehrlich, ihre Brüder liebevoll und gutmütig, und die Nachbarn harmonisch und freundlich. Für Yang Mengchen, die seit ihrer Jugend unter den Qualen ihrer Verwandten gelitten und alle Arten von Spott und Schimpfworten ertragen hatte, war dies wahrlich ein Segen des Himmels. Um die Familie, die sie liebte, zu unterstützen, nahm sie entschlossen die schwere Verantwortung auf sich, für sie zu sorgen. Wenn sie, eine moderne Konzernchefin, die einst die Geschäftswelt dominiert hatte, keine Familie ernähren konnte, wer dann? Sie entwickelte pharmazeutische Rezepte, baute Gewächshäuser, eröffnete Läden... Nicht nur ihre Familie begann, ein komfortables und wohlhabendes Leben zu führen, sondern sie führte auch die umliegenden Dörfer dazu, eine herrliche pastorale Szene zu schaffen! Als sie mit Geld und Ruhm aufwuchs, beschloss Yang Mengchen, dass es an der Zeit war, sich einen Ehemann zu suchen, und so begannen junge Talente aus der ganzen Welt zu ihr zu strömen. Wer hätte gedacht, dass ein grimmig dreinblickender Todesgott den Eingang zum Haus der Familie Yang versperren würde? "Du bist zu groß, du bist zu klein, du bist zu dick, du bist zu dünn, du bist zu dunkel, du bist zu blass, du bist ungebildet, du bist hinterlistig und verschlagen... Alle eliminiert!" Im Nu war der Eingang leer, und Yang Mengchen war sofort wütend: "Prinz, Sie haben alle vertrieben. Wie soll ich mir jetzt einen Ehemann aussuchen?" "Ich würde gerne sehen, wer es wagt, dich zu heiraten. Ich hätte nichts dagegen, ihn als Bräutigam in die Unterwelt zu schicken!" Yang Mengchen... Ein gewisser Prinz zählte seine Verdienste an den Fingern ab: "Ich habe Macht, Ansehen und Vermögen, keine Konkubinen, keine heimlichen Liebesaffären, kein Flirten - ich verkörpere die Standards der drei Gehorsamkeiten und vier Tugenden eines Ehemannes ... Kurzum, nur ich, dieser unvergleichlich gute Mann, bin Eurer würdig!" Die Wachen: Oh weiser und tapferer Prinz, ist es wirklich gut, dass Ihr Eurer Rolle als Ehemann so wenig gerecht werdet?
Lan Shao · 11.4K Views

Manor da Garota do Campo

``` [Agricultura]+[Espaço]+[Comovente]+[Prosperidade]+[Derrotando Escória] Mo Yan, reduzida a cinzas por uma explosão, renasceu nos tempos antigos, tornando-se uma pequena garota fazendeira fugindo da fome! Acima dela, um pai Erudito gentil e bonito - nada mal! Abaixo dela, um par de irmãos mais novos animados e adoráveis - muito bom! Mas sério, ela se sentia como se estivesse morrendo de novo, sabe? Fugir, ficar sem comida, bebida ou abrigo era uma coisa, mas estar sempre em guarda contra caras maus que poderiam capturá-la para encher suas barrigas era outra! Por sorte, seu Espaço atualizável da vida anterior a seguiu, mas que diabos - aquele incrível Espaço com montanhas, água e carne para comer havia sido formatado! Diante de uma situação desesperadora, Mo Yan reacendeu seu espírito de luta: E daí se está formatado, ainda assim farei fortuna e construirei minha riqueza bem ao pé da Cidade Imperial! Esculpir montanhas, plantar pomares, comprar lojas, construir casas... nem um a menos! Mas... há tantos encrenqueiros de olhos verdes! Sua fazenda é sua? Aqui, eu te prenderei até a morte sem discussão! Quer ser minha madrasta? Tudo bem, eu te mando um bando de viúvos! Mãe procurando por você? Aqui, pegue os papéis do divórcio, fique com eles, não me agradeça! ... O quê? Um homem bonito está pedindo em casamento? Uh, isso... deveria me jogar nele? PS: 1. Insista na agricultura sem vacilar + atrito doméstico atípico + sem intrigas palacianas 2. O estilo de escrita é bastante sério e os valores são normais (não excluindo o ocasional capricho do autor) Links para obras completas: [Garota Abandonada da Fazenda: Uma Bela Zona Rural] Link: [A Legítima Filha do General Não Deve Ser Provocada] Link: ```
Chilly Twilight · 15.1K Views

Apaixonando-se pelo Rei das Feras

[COMPLETO] Reth avançou em direção a ela, queixo baixo, fazendo com que a sombra projetada por sua mandíbula rígida cortasse a espessa gola de pele de seu colete. Seus cabelos haviam caído sobre seus olhos durante o confronto, então ele a espreitava por entre eles como um leão na grama. A cada passo, seu andar gracioso e ondulante a fazia lembrar de um predador perseguindo sua presa. Apesar do chão da floresta estar coberto de galhos e folhas, ele não fazia nenhum som. “Qu-quem é você?” Elia gaguejou, recuando, com as mãos para cima. Ele acompanhou cada passo dela até que ela bateu forte contra a árvore atrás dela — e não parou até que ele pairasse sobre ela, tão largo que seus ombros e peito formavam uma parede à sua frente. Ela podia sentir o calor emanando de sua pele no ar fresco da noite. “Eu sou o Rei Leonino.” Sua voz era um cascalho escuro e rouco. Atrás dele um coro de sibilos, uivos e chilreios de concordância se levantou do povo que observava. “E você é?” “Elia,” ela respirou. “Elia,” ele rosnou, inclinando-se mais perto, trazendo consigo o aroma de pinho e chuva e o almíscar de algo distintamente masculino. “Eu sou Reth.” Ele disse o nome com um estranho rolar gutural na garganta. “Eu sou o Rei das Feras. Eu sou o Líder do Clã, e eu sou Alfa de WildWood.” Vários rosnados se ergueram das multidões atrás dele, mas ele os ignorou. Elia engoliu enquanto ele se inclinava até que o cavanhaque em sua mandíbula roçasse sua bochecha. “Eu sou o Rei,” ele disse, “E você será minha parceira.” A floresta atrás dele irrompeu. ****** Elia é uma estudante universitária pobre até a noite em que é levada ao mundo dos Anima — governado por humanos cujos corações antigos pulsam com o sangue dos animais. Lá ela é forçada a um combate até a morte. Mas quando Elia sobrevive, e se recusa a matar seu último oponente, o Rei deve ou matar Elia ele mesmo, ou tomá-la como sua parceira. Reth, o brutal Rei das Feras com o sangue de leões, surpreende a todos quando escolhe a fraca humana Elia para se tornar sua Rainha. Ele promete a ela todo o conforto de sua riqueza e posição — mas deixa claro: Ela não aquecerá sua cama. Ele a escolheu para derrotar aqueles que tentavam pressioná-lo a mesclar sua linhagem Leonina com os Lobos. Elia precisa da ajuda dos Anima para se tornar mais forte e governá-los bem. Mas os Lobos vingativos veem apenas uma humana fraca que lhes trouxe vergonha. Conforme Elia e Reth se aproximam, os lobos estão determinados a destruí-la. Reth e Elia admitirão seus sentimentos um pelo outro a tempo de lutar pelo Reino — e por suas vidas — contra a traiçoeira tribo de lobos? Ou os lobos matarão Elia e roubarão o trono? [Conteúdo maduro - sem violência sexual] Arte da capa usada com permissão de direitos autorais pagos. Ilustrada por Aenaluck — veja mais arte incrível e apoie-os em
AimeeLynn · 87.8K Views


When I first discovered that my ETH had been stolen from a mining pool, I was devastated. It felt like everything I had worked for was gone in an instant. In my desperation, I sought help everywhere I could. I even went to church and asked for prayers, hoping that divine intervention would help me recover my funds. The congregation prayed for me, and while it gave me some comfort, nothing changed. My stolen ETH remained out of reach, and I felt more helpless than ever.Then, by chance, I came across a post online from someone who had experienced a similar situation. They shared how Digital Hack Recovery had helped them successfully recover their stolen cryptocurrency. Their story caught my attention, and I decided to reach out to the team at Digital Hack Recovery, hoping that they could help me too. I was still skeptical, but I knew I had to try something.From the moment I contacted Digital Hack Recovery, I was impressed by their professionalism and expertise. They quickly got to work on my case and assured me that they had the skills and tools needed to track down my stolen ETH. Within just a few days, I was astonished to learn that they had successfully recovered all of my stolen funds, something I never thought would be possible.The entire process was smooth, and I was kept updated every step of the way. Their team used a combination of advanced recovery techniques and a deep understanding of blockchain security to recover my ETH. I couldn’t believe how efficient and effective they were. In just one week, I had all my stolen ETH back in my wallet.I’m incredibly grateful to Digital Hack Recovery for their help. What started as a desperate situation turned into a success story, and I couldn’t have done it without their expertise. If you’ve been scammed or had your cryptocurrency stolen, I highly recommend reaching out to Digital Hack Recovery. They helped me recover all my ETH, and I’m confident they can help anyone else in a similar situation. Contact Digital Hack Recovery for help via⁚ WhatsApp +19152151930 Website; Email;
Andrew_Finnegan_4463 · 40 Views


Reach Out To Rapid Digital: What sapp Info: +1 41 4 80 7 14 85 Email INFO: rap iddi gita lrecov ery @ exe cs. com Hello, my name is Jayson, and I’m 35 years old from the United Kingdom. My family and I recently endured an incredibly challenging experience that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. We became victims of a cryptocurrency investment fraud scheme that saw us lose a staggering $807,000 in USDT and Bitcoins. The fraudsters had created a convincing facade, and we were lured into investing, only to discover later that the platform was a complete scam. We were left devastated, not just financially, but emotionally, as we had trusted these people and believed in the legitimacy of the investment. After the initial shock wore off, we desperately searched for ways to recover the lost funds. It seemed like an impossible task, and we felt as though there was no hope. That’s when, by sheer luck, we stumbled across a post about Rapid Digital Recovery, a cryptocurrency and funds recovery organization with a proven track record in cybersecurity and fraud recovery. We decided to reach out to them, and from the first interaction, we were impressed with their professionalism and transparency. They explained the recovery process in detail and reassured us that they had the skills and expertise to track down the perpetrators and recover our funds. This gave us a renewed sense of hope, something we hadn’t felt in months. What truly stood out during our experience with Rapid Digital Recovery was their dedication to the recovery process. The team went above and beyond, using sophisticated tracking tools and cyber forensics to gather critical information. Within a matter of weeks, they had successfully located the funds and traced the scam back to the fraudsters responsible. They worked with the authorities to ensure the criminals were held accountable for their actions. To our relief, the team at Rapid Digital Recovery was able to recover every single penny we had lost. The funds were returned in full, and the sense of closure we felt was invaluable. We couldn’t have imagined such a positive outcome in the early stages of our recovery journey, and we are deeply grateful for the work they did. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, I highly recommend contacting Rapid Digital Recovery. Their expertise, transparency, and dedication to their clients make them the go-to choice for anyone seeking to recover lost cryptocurrency or funds. They truly gave us back our financial future.
Jayson_Wilfred · 37 Views


As a journalist, I’ve recently come across numerous reports about Digital Tech Guard Recovery, an organization recognized for its expertise in helping victims of cryptocurrency fraud recover their stolen funds. Cryptocurrency scams have become increasingly prevalent, with fraudulent platforms and unregistered dealers luring unsuspecting investors with promises of high returns, only to vanish with their money. Many victims believed their funds were lost forever, but Digital Tech Guard Recovery has provided hope for those who thought there was no way to reclaim their assets. Operating internationally, Digital Tech Guard Recovery has earned a strong reputation for tracing and recovering lost digital assets. By using advanced digital forensics and leveraging their expertise in blockchain technology, they have successfully assisted victims in recovering significant amounts of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Testimonials highlight the team’s professionalism, persistence, and effectiveness in navigating the complexities of cryptocurrency fraud. One particularly compelling story involved a victim who lost over CAD $200,000 in Bitcoin to a fake investment platform. After being referred to Digital Tech Guard Recovery, the victim reached out in desperation. To their surprise and relief, the team managed to trace the stolen funds and recover the full amount within a matter of weeks. This recovery was not only a financial lifeline but also a crucial step toward rebuilding trust after such a devastating experience. The positive feedback surrounding Digital Tech Guard Recovery is noteworthy. Victims consistently praise their transparency, diligence, and commitment to achieving results. They’ve become a trusted name in asset recovery, providing much-needed support to individuals who have fallen prey to sophisticated scams. As cryptocurrency fraud continues to rise globally, organizations like Digital Tech Guard Recovery play an essential role in holding scammers accountable and helping victims rebuild their lives. Although they are not based in Canada, their services extend to clients worldwide, ensuring that geographical boundaries don’t hinder their ability to assist. If you or someone you know has been targeted by a cryptocurrency scam, reaching out to a reputable organization like Digital Tech Guard Recovery could be the first step toward reclaiming your lost funds and finding justice. WhatsApp: +1 (443) 859 - 2886 Email @ Telegram: website link::
Gretchen_Blackwell · 43 Views


Four months ago, I made a significant investment of $109,000 on a trading platform called ProCapital. The platform appeared professional, the support team was responsive, and I could monitor my profits, which were steadily growing. I felt confident I had made a smart decision and even started envisioning the financial freedom this investment would bring. However, when I attempted to withdraw my earnings, everything changed. I was suddenly locked out of my account, with no explanation. I tried reaching out to the platform multiple times but received no response. It became painfully clear that I had been scammed. ProCapital had disappeared without a trace, taking my entire investment with them. The emotional impact of this realization was devastating. It wasn’t just the financial loss it was the betrayal of trust and the feeling of helplessness. I didn’t know where to turn for help but was determined to take action. After extensive research online, I came across a company called Digital Tech Guard Recovery.  contact with  WhatsApp: +1 (443) 859 - 2886 Email @  Telegram:   website link :: https : //  They claimed to specialize in recovering funds from crypto scams and had testimonials from people who had successfully recovered their investments. I was skeptical at first. Having already been deceived, I was cautious about trusting anyone again. However, Digital Tech Guard Recovery’s professional and transparent approach gave me a glimmer of hope. I decided to contact them, and from the very first interaction, their team reassured me. They explained the recovery process in detail, addressing all my concerns and providing a realistic timeline for results.To my amazement, within just three working days, Digital Tech Guard Recovery successfully helped me recover my Bitcoin and the funds I had lost. The process was seamless, and their team kept me informed every step of the way. Their expertise and dedication were evident, and it felt like a massive weight had been lifted off my shoulders.Since then, I’ve shared my experience with friends who had also fallen victim to scams, and they too have successfully recovered their funds with Digital Tech Guard Recovery’s help. If you’ve been scammed and feel like there’s no hope, I strongly recommend reaching out to them. They are a credible, professional team that can turn your situation around. Recovery is possible, and you don’t have to face this alone. Stay vigilant, but know that help is available. 
Betty_moerker · 140 Views

Aetheria: Rise Of The Digital Empire

In the year 2099, the world stands on the brink of a technological revolution. Maxwell Harrison Carter, a brilliant yet enigmatic tech prodigy, unveils Aetheria—a boundless virtual world powered by cutting-edge VR technology and neural interface systems. But Aetheria is more than just a game; it’s a new reality, a digital empire where power, wealth, and influence transcend borders. Backed by the mysterious Business Domination System (BDS), Maxwell isn't just playing to win—he’s playing to dominate. With missions guiding his path, rewards fueling his empire, and an unshakable vision driving him forward, he begins building a legacy that blurs the line between reality and the virtual realm. As governments, corporations, and shadowy factions move to seize control of Aetheria, Maxwell must navigate corporate espionage, cyber warfare, and political manipulation. With his loyal team by his side—Adrian, Mia, Isabella, Dr. Lin Mei, and Ethan—he pushes the limits of technology, strategy, and ambition. But power comes with a price, and not everyone wants to see Maxwell succeed. With billions of lives, trillions of dollars, and the future of two worlds hanging in the balance, Maxwell must make ruthless decisions to protect his vision and outmaneuver every rival. The question remains: Can one man truly build an empire that bridges the real and the virtual? Aetheria: Rise of the Digital Empire is an epic tale of ambition, technology, and the relentless pursuit of power in a world where the line between game and reality no longer exists. "This isn't just a game. It's the future. And I will control it." — Maxwell Harrison Carter
Donna_Clifton_2007 · 2.3K Views
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