In the not-too-distant future, world war 3 has happened, Earth faces an impending disaster. Humanity's days are numbered and as the planet rapidly deteriorates beyond repair, the people are split into two factions, the resource - rich GLOBAL UNION or GU - consisting of most of the USA and its allies - and the lesser-resourced INTERSTELLAR MOVEMENT or IMT - consisting of all the countries that did not side with the GU during the war.
Following the GU's rapid colonisation of most of the solar system, including the terraforming of Mars, the ISF is compelled to quickly send out a few of their under-resourced numbers outside the solar system in search of potential habitable planets that they could also terraform and move to inorder to survive their impending extinction. The first exoplanet they send their very first, and only, group to is Proxima Centauri b.
The responsibility of making this planet their new home falls upon the shoulders of the crewmembers of the starship Stardust, a colossal vessel built for interstellar travel that is under the command of Jardon, a middle-aged spaceship captain and self-proclaimed master of witty comebacks, and his AI assistant, Judy.
However, fate soon shifts from their side as sometime after they near their destination, a catastrophic event cripples their ship and causes it to crash Land on the planet.
At first, Proxima b appears surprisingly idyllic, with lush landscapes and vibrant colors. But then, this experience quickly turns sour when the crew of Stardust discover that they, much to their horror, are not alone on the planet.