Survival System in Apocalypse
In a world where civilization was struck by an unstoppable virus, humanity faces its worst nightmare. The outbreak turns 90% of the population into mindless, ravenous zombies, while the remaining animals are mutated into monstrous, terrifying creatures. The world falls into chaos, with entire cities collapsing under the weight of the pandemic.
Jake, an ordinary man, finds himself among the rare 10% of humans who remain unaffected by the virus. When the apocalypse begins, Jake wakes up to an unimaginable world—desolate, dangerous, and full of death. However, on the day the virus ravages the planet, Jake is bestowed with an extraordinary gift: a **Survival System**. This system rewards him with points for every monster and zombie he kills, which can be spent in a unique shop that offers food, weapons, clothing, and even powers to aid in his survival.
But survival is not the only thing Jake desires. With his new system, he starts to build his own kingdom in this chaotic new world—a harem of women who will stand by his side, protect him, and share their deepest desires. From the beautiful teacher who lost her family to a lonely officer struggling to keep order, Jake will navigate the ruins of the old world while forging strong bonds and cultivating relationships that go far beyond survival.
As he battles through hordes of zombies, mutated beasts, and rival factions, Jake's charm and strength will allow him to gather powerful allies and women who are equally determined to survive and thrive. Along the way, he will unlock incredible powers, uncover the origins of the virus, and confront the dark forces that seek to control the new world.