Vampire & Fairy: Moonlit Mischief
In a world where ancient rules govern magical realms, a royal vampire and a runaway fairy find their lives hilariously intertwined. Valen, a vampire prince exiled for his laziness, stumbles into the enchanted forest of Liora, a fairy princess who fled her royal duties to escape responsibility. Bound by a magical rule, Valen can’t enter the fairy’s domain without permission, while Liora, wielding the power to enforce order, must contend with an uninvited guest.
As both are terrified of each other’s potential for danger, their initial encounter is fraught with comical misunderstandings and fears. Forced to coexist despite their apprehensions, Valen and Liora navigate their new, uneasy partnership with a mix of humor and heart. Their journey unfolds as they attempt to live together, each convinced the other could be their downfall, in a tale where magic, mischief, and unexpected alliances collide.