Foresight: What Is; What Will Be.
I know everything.
Every secret. Every lie. Every thought anyone’s ever had. I can see the past like I lived it. The future? That’s even easier.
Sounds like a gift, right? Well, I'm not sure about that.
It’s more like a curse, a loud, never-ending flood of knowledge I never asked for. I know things I shouldn’t. Things no one should. And no matter how hard I try to block it out, the visions keep coming. I’ve used my power to survive, to take what I need, but knowing everything doesn’t mean I can fix anything. Until her.
The night I saw her face, bruised, broken, terrified, I knew I couldn’t just walk away. But saving her means stepping into a world of violence I’ve only ever seen from the outside. And if I keep going, they’ll start to see me too.
People with power always want more of it. And someone like me?
I’m the ultimate prize.
I should run. I’ve always run.
But what if, for once, I stayed?
Will it be worth it?