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Asmr Agressive

The Last Gunslinger

ps: the cover is not mine because of the war in devil and agressive monsters, the human begin using swords, years after years of figthing , some of the talented individuals has learned the art of magic, that the only the devil knew of before, the study of the 6 element for magic the fire, earth,water, nature,darkness,and ligth, gave the human the ability to create many type of weapon and artifact because of that, the hopeless battle of the humans to the devil could be reverse, the humanity has seen hope, the human that only thought of survival before have there wants increase, the lust for power and authority, has given birth to clans , that the primary goal was to be the strongest than the other as war continues between human and devil, the human clan also started war to other human clan for power and one of this clans are the gunslingers, killing enemies from far away, shocking stalking ability, and fearsome accuracy, even one of this gunslinger can go against hundred's of enemy alone a gun was made using there secret art of fire forging, but after some time it begin to spread thoughout the moniyan continent but even so, how can other clan be compare to the gun mastery of the gunslingers, 300 years after the rise of the gunslingers they manage to end the longest war between human and the devil kinds,that lasted for 2000 years instead of swallowing the other clan to rule humanity, gunslingers didnt participate to the powerstruggle instead they supported the royal family to unify the whole Monian continent ,giving the royal families tremendous amount of power and authority, instead of being greatful ,the royal family slowly plotted the downfall of the gunslingers in fear that there position will be threatened the gunslingers are slowly declining , until the day the monian empire thought they there no gunslinger left in the monian continent that they stop there act, but they didnt know the last remaining descendant of the strongest clan escape there plan ps: the picture on the cover is not mine
dogoverflowers · 24.8K Views

Tingling Asmr Gaming Parody - MYSTORY Nr18

Tingling Asmr Gaming Parody - MYSTORY Nr18 Gaming Asmr Video But Funny And Weird Hello World, Hello Viewers! The Asmr cult has gotten another worthy member. I decided to record a video to give you the best electric tingles that you can imagine. #asmr, #gaming, #video #parody, #online, #tingles, #clips #new, #audio _______________ Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response _______________ I Can Not Have Tingles So I Give You Some 0:00 - ASMR Hello World! Because I have to cringe I cannot have tingles when getting exposed to serious doses of Asmr. This destiny brought me to the conclusion that I only have one chance! I must Asmr you my viewers, please stay subscribed… 1:00 - TRIGGERS I wanted to play some games but it was night so I wanted to do something that I wanted to do since last week. I whistled in my microphone with the expectation of triggering the best premium tingles that someone can have. 10:00 - TINGLES The best outcome for this post would be if someone who is susceptible to Asmr gets their tingles and if everyone else if fairly entertained by my non-existing competence. I hope you get relaxed if possible. 20:00 - GAMES In the end I tried to combine the free online game Destiny2, CounterstrikeGo and some Doom2016 gameplay for the perfect mix. I need more attention. 25:00 - VIDEO I also used my classic tinfoil hat to protect myself from the mind control rays that are sent to us from the Vega galaxy. This is Sparta! 30:00 - NEW This is a new video and blog post so keep asmr and be cool! Or not if you want. Yours Sincerely, ATMODEPTH X - About Section This is a compact list of my links and other stuff! All My Stuff: Featured Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) All My Merch: Exclusive Unique Merch (give me more of your money) Signature: ATMODEPTH gaming, fun, creative
ATMODEPTH · 5.8K Views

Chemins Infinis: Le Phénix Enragé

``` Il a vécu une vie de médiocrité, rongé par les regrets. Au lieu de poursuivre son rêve de devenir boxeur professionnel, il a écouté les autres et est devenu un esclave de l'entreprise. Accusé à tort lorsque de l'argent a disparu des comptes de la société, il a tout perdu : son emploi, ses amis et même sa famille lui a tourné le dos. Il finit par devenir sans-abri. Le même jour, il fut témoin d'une agression d'une femme sans-abri dans une sombre ruelle pendant que tout le monde ignorait ses appels à l'aide. Malgré ses propres difficultés, il ne pouvait pas ignorer sa détresse. Il décida d'intervenir pour la protéger. Mais cela ne causa que sa perte. Il fut poignardé à mort... Pourtant, le destin n'en avait pas fini avec lui, et il eut la chance de renaître dans un monde aux Chemins Infinis... (Le Chemin Humain fut débloqué) (Vous avez acquis la compétence du Langage.) Son histoire était un douloureux rappel des conséquences de se contenter d'une vie ordinaire et des remords qui l'accompagnent. Sa mort a mis en lumière la dure réalité de comment ses choix et circonstances l'ont conduit à cette fin tragique. Elle servait de message puissant pour lui de viser plus haut, de ne jamais perdre de vue ses rêves, et d'offrir une main secourable à ceux qui en ont besoin, même dans nos moments les plus sombres. Cette fois-ci, il vivra sa vie sans regrets... Notre serveur discord : ```
ExSoldierLv99 · 68.5K Views

Ada Sosok Berdiri Di Bawah Kakimu!

Aku baru saja sampai di kampung. Segarnya air sungai dan manisnya tegukan biji buah kelapa sudah melambai di depan mata. Aku tak sabar ingin segera menemui simbah. Kedua tas kugendong, sambil bernyanyi cublak2 suweng. Sekedar info aja lagu cublak2 suweng adalah lagu kesukaan aku waktu kecil. Sesampainya di rumah simbah, aku terkejut sampai nyaris pingsan. Simbah sudah meninggal dunia. Sedha kalau orang jawa bilang. Kain putih-sarung berlomba lomba menutupi kain penutup jenazah Simbah. Tanah kuburan mbah kakung belum juga kering. Kini mbah putri pergi menyusul. Anehnya, para pelayat berbondong-bondong menjauh dari jasad Simbah. Ada apa dan Mengapa mereka begitu tega kepada dua simbahku. Aku yang baru saja sampai seperti dihantam listrik bertegangan tinggi. Nggak menyangka bahwa Simbah putri bakal pulang secepat ini. Satu persatu pelayat mendekati. Anehnya Tak satupun dari mereka yang memeluk diriku. Bahkan mengucapkan bela sungkawa padaku atas meninggalnya simbahku. Dari raut wajah mereka menyiratkan bahwa hal ganjil sudah pernah terjadi. mereka cemas seperti diperhatikan oleh sesuatu. Mendadak mereka berteriak-teriak dalam teriakan mereka menyebut sebuah nama : kerdil... Kerdil... Kerdil Kerdil? Siapakah kerdil? Tanya Tono dalam hati. Sungguh sebuah pengalaman yang sangat mistis yang pernah Tono alami saat itu. Waktu itu untuk urusan komunikasi masih menggunakan telepon umum. Belum ada WhatsApp seperti sekarang. Tono akhirnya mengusir mereka dari rumah Simbah. Tapi mereka sama-sama menunjuk di belakang Tono. Tonopun awalnya tenang namun diam-diam sosok yang ditunjuk akhirnya muncul. Bukan kepalang kegetnya. Ternyata yang ditu njuk oleh Para tetangga adalah Kesih, anak bungsu Simbah yang kebetulan muncul sebab sudah tiga puluh tahun menghilang secara misterius. Siapakah sosok kesih? Dan mengapa mereka menunjuk ke sosok kesih? Bagaimana pula dengan Tono, Bisakah dia menyelesaikan masalah gaib di desa ya?
ASMR_pambudhi · 5.7K Views

Wide Garden

Mutya is one of the most shy girl type in their school, some of her schoolmates bully her because she always cover her face with her hair. Mutya is very loving daughter of Adana and Mesha. Their neighbor is spreading rumors about this family because of their lifestyle. They taught that they are witch thats why Mutya is bullied. Dean loves fishing, he grow with luck of care by his parents so he always spend his time fishing or going somewhere up in the mountain. One day Dean go to mountain to search for falls or river to catch fish.. When Dean arrived with that Area one woman stop him to go in the mountain because the mountain has a lot of deadly animals and theres a family that are witch.. But Dean refuses and continue hiking.. As he got there He noticed the Falls small step away from him so Dean is really Happy and excited. He put his bag on the ground and take his shirt of and splash on the water. Its very cleared and cool so relaxing. Dean really enjoyed swimming he swim and swim until he saw a girl down there swimming but the girl swim faster. He get out from the water and looking outside. Hes looking for that girl. Hello??? Is anyone there?? Dean shout but no one responsed. But in the other side Mutya is hiding behind the big rock shes so afraid that someone will hurt her but the Dog is coming. Barking into Dean so Dean is very Alarming because the Dog is very agressive toward him. Dean get his arnis stick to defend from that dog. And when Dean starting to hurt the dog whos very agressively act biting him Mutya shout to him. Nooooooo!!! Stop!! Your hurting him!!!! And Dean see Mutya the girl he saw recently under Water her face is so angelic shes so beautiful and very femine.
Jessica_Blancaver · 1.9K Views

Main charectors : korean drama You lighten me

This drama express that real love never fails ...... Actually Mr Bang Mr Cha are business pattners as well as bestfriends so they decided from thier children 's childhood that their child will marry each other . After bhensi hu's birth 3 months Mrs cha died ( Mr cha 's first wife ) Mr cha was not able to handle the shock....... And was also..not ready for remarriage but to save his business nd for his son he has to .do 2nd marriage ..............., Mr cha new wife took care of bhensi nd then latter had a child name kenje hin he was very adoreble , attractive , cute Appearance ....... In other side Mr Bang Mrs Bang has two child daugther nd son ...... Daugther - le hunsi nd Son - lu si Mr cha nd Mr bang both are in save business but Mr cha is main director head so he is little rich than Mr bang ... NOW Its About : - le hunsi bang she is a polite super sweet kind girl nd childish very preety nd gorgeous... she has many friends her bestie Sun wei henji nd benji hun jwoki were couple hung hue like le hunsi nd zuan ju is most interesting boy . lumi wo cutest girl she has pets cat si chaie nd puppy bokeo NOW Its About : - bhensi hu cha . He is tottaly differnt from le hunsi she is childish nd stupid but he is agressive grave full of attitude his bestfriend - bakin je liok nd more friends park kimsi nd bong si hun ( bong si hun likes lumi wo ) park kimsi like le hunsi nd ...... si jun he likes bhensi hu from childhood from primary school nd she is also same as bhensi hu cold agressive
adwitiya_Pattnaik · 2.5K Views


Dans le roman "Dreamland", le protagoniste est victime de harcèlement dans son ancienne école, sans jamais trouver de solution. Ces agresseur semble intouchable, même aux yeux des autorités. Pour trouver un refuge, il se réfugie dans ses rêves, où il a créé une île dans la quelle il prend plaisir à torturer ses agresseur et leur soumettre à des jeux mortels pour se venger. Après avoir réussi à convaincre ses parents de le changer d'école pour Corrone d'Or, il espère que tout sera différent, mais il ne s'attendait pas à ce que son passé le suive. Il se lie d'amitié avec Rosa, mais tout bascule lorsque ses anciens cauchemars refont surface, mettant sa santé mentale en péril. Après une agression violente par un camarade, des souvenirs douloureux ressurgissent, le poussant à prononcer des mots fatidiques : "Bande de bâtards, allez tous pourrir à Dreamland". Dès lors, ses camarades sont envoyés sur cette mystérieuse île, où leur volonté, leur esprit et bien plus encore seront mis à rude épreuve. Suivez Derek dans cette aventure épique sur Dreamland, où sous le poids de la culpabilité il devra sauver ses camarades, naviguer sur l'île dangereuse tout en gardant le secret sur sa véritable implication. Entre tromperies, romance, mensonges, drames et actions épiques, Derek devra se méfier non seulement de l'île qu'il a créée, mais aussi du danger potentiel que représentent ses camarades s'ils découvrent qu'il est derrière tout leur souffrance.
flowingMagic · 10K Views

The Psyche of a Gangster in Love (BL)

BL: The Psyche of a Gangster in Love follows twenty-two-year-old Nolan Atwood, an anonymous ASMR artist ("ASMRtist") with an online presence of over seven million followers, as he partakes in a therapeutic and sinful hobby that places him directly in the path of Rei Mathers, a crazy, caveman gangster with sociopathic tendencies. At first glance, their relationship appears nothing more than strangers. However, as their encounters increase over time, what lurks beneath the surface is a tragic, unsettling childhood that serves as a catalyst for a love that transcends over many, many lifetimes. ~ "I will burn down one café every hour you choose not to give me your number." "Slow your roll there, you crazy bastard. Why do you always resort to violen- Hey! Put that away!" Nolan snatched the gift card-sized block of C4 that Rei pulled out from nowhere and shoved it into his own pocket with a scowl. "Nolan, I'm serious." "I know that, you psycho," he said, exasperated. He was suddenly staring at Rei’s outstretched palm. Nolan stared at it as if it would grow another alien life form at any second. With a huge sigh, he dropped his phone into the man’s hand, arching an eyebrow at the gigantic grin he received in return. "Can't you just tell your scary men in suits to do illegal online things to acquire my information?" he asked. "I wanted you to give it to me voluntarily," Rei hummed as he typed in his own number and hit the 'call' button. His eyes lit up as brightly as his own phone screen when an unknown number popped up. "And threatening me like that is considered voluntary in your book, huh?" Nolan knew better than to expect an answer. "When did you lose all of your marbles anyway?" Rei’s typing fingers paused, and any humor he experienced in that moment drained from his soul, leaving behind a thick sheet of homicidal rage. It happened so suddenly that it took Nolan less than a blink of an eye to notice how the man in the suit had seemingly turned into someone else. "When you left me."
HJ_Blossom · 4.9K Views

a mobster son and a cannibal serial killer love story

•Allen is you tuber podcasts and a cooking channel who is secretly a cannibal and a serial killer. he can also use voodoo to help him with killing his victims (food). he have 2 best friend there the alcoholic magician Hugh and the cleaning freak Niffy they help Al with killing and cleaning evidence and even included in his video too for assistance. but if he on cannibal mode he will drag his victims to a far away place or manipulation his victims so he can kill them whit no interruption. °Anthon is a you tuber of every kind like art/drawing, make up, cooking, asmr/mukbang, and gaming channel but he also secretly the son of a dangerous mafia/mobster and he have 2 siblings one is his twin sister Mary who he adored she always help him with everything you can always see her in his video helping him and there's also his older brother Aaron who always protect Anthon from dangers he sometime also been seen on his video but not that much like his sister.but I the go on mafia mode he will torture his victims first to get information for the mafia. now.... what if this two people met? and become friends? or...¯\_(ツ)_/¯ᵐᵃʸᵇᵉ something more? author note : also Anthon do have a best friend there 4 of them 2 girls name Charley and Vanya (they dating ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᵇᵗʷ) and a girl name Carrie and a boy who name is Payton. (another note : I forgot to mention Allen and Anthon still have there's parents... well one of the Allen have his mom(she a really sweet woman and Al love her very much she also the one who teach Al how to use voodoo) his dad(an overprotective dad obviously but terrible at showing it and Anthon have mixed feelings about his dead) just never come back and Anthon have his dad and his mom just died from sickness)
Chihiro_Yu · 2.5K Views

I became male lead stepmother

[ AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH] When i opened my eyes i became a Beautiful girl, which was scary. I saw many unknown people calling me their daughter. Is this real??? Why they wearing so weird kind of dressing just like in some historical novel. Wait!!! Is that mean i reincarnated inside the novel. The novel i was reading " i became stepmother of male lead" Because i made a wish to reincarnate inside the novel and it true. But this is scary, i didn't thought it will ever get true. So how will I deal with this? I am 20 years old, Elliot. I got hit by truck while trying to cross the road TvT ofcourse it was my bad luck dying so young. My dream of becoming rich and independent women become all dream at last. But how just how did i reincarnate in the novel, a crazy novel. It has no hope and even that i became a character who die fast. I became lady Marina de Lucas From baron Koreche de Lucas, who is my father. Who was very poor TvT he used his all money and now he was in debt so just because of him i needed to marry some rich guy but all i could find was old man's, gross!!. But one day when i was secretly gone to bar i met very strange person. He is said he'll give me money so that I can pay debt. He was no one else but male leads father, the Duke. So i believed that i was going to dommed. I had no other reason but to accept his offer. At least i can get rich, and he is kinda hot. I can get away from this strange family members. Everything going as i read till now. But i can't die by the hands of an evil male lead. No wonder that kid doesn't even know that he going to havs a stepmother. But he turns out to be dangerous for supporting character, me. So i need to impress him TvT. But i am great at it because i used to babysit kids in my past life, hah thank God it will help me. So i need to live happily ever after without dying from hands of agressive male lead. I hope i don't die TvT
Asheeta_Suba · 8.6K Views
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