Carsa(The Black Stone)
The story revolves around "Carsa," a kingdom burdened by poverty and its worship of a sacred black stone called "Aspera." Believed to be a divine blessing, the stone has only brought suffering and sacrifice to the kingdom’s people, including Alfero, the protagonist. Alfero, raised in extreme poverty, loses his father, a guard protecting the stone, and his mother to starvation. His sister, Althea, also falls victim to the kingdom’s misplaced devotion to the stone.
Alfero sees the stone not as a symbol of divinity but as a curse that has robbed him of everything. He plans to steal Aspera, enlisting the help of his sister Althea and his friend Ragna. They devise an intricate scheme to create an illusion of divine movement during a religious ceremony, leveraging the kingdom’s blind faith in the stone. The plan succeeds temporarily, but complications arise, leading to Althea’s capture and execution by a divine emissary, Rix. Her sacrifice enables Alfero and Ragna to escape with the stone.
At the border, a conflict ensues between Alfero and Ragna over selling the stone. Alfero, consumed by grief and rage, kills Ragna, realizing the stone’s immense but meaningless weight as a symbol of sacrifice and suffering. Alone, he reflects on the devastating cost of his quest, ultimately confronting the futility of the stone’s so-called divine significance.
The story ends with Alfero back in his home, holding the stone that has destroyed his life. In a symbolic act, he acknowledges its worthlessness, yet he remains shackled by the weight of its legacy. The stone, embodying a meaningless blessing, stands as a tragic reminder of a world that venerates emptiness at the cost of human life and dignity.