Kissed by the Reaper
In the year 2035, Tokyo pulsates with life, yet hidden within its vibrant heart lies a secret. Meet Yamikaze Yutaka, a mysterious Being who craves the simplicity of human existence. His path collides with Miyuki Kanako a 21-year-old harboring dreams as bright as the city's neon lights. Little does she know that their fateful encounter will unravel a series of extraordinary events, blurring the lines between the natural and supernatural.
In "Kissed by The Reaper" discover a story that defies conventions and transcends the ordinary. As worlds collide and destinies entwine, prepare to embark on an unpredictable journey filled with enigmatic twists and profound revelations. Beneath the surface of Tokyo's bustling streets and hidden alleyways, a tale of mystery, intrigue, and unexpected connections awaits. Join Yutaka and Miyuki as they navigate the intricate dance of life and death in a city where secrets are as abundant as stars in the night sky.