The Wandering Spellblade
In a world where magic is the foundation of life, Vastia, a young girl born without any magical powers, lives a peaceful life in the quiet village of Mystveil, nestled beneath the mysterious Montagna Arcanis. Despite lacking magic, Vastia dedicates herself to tending the village’s gardens, bringing color and vitality to every corner of her home.
However, her peaceful life shatters when an ancient, colossal creature, Grimroot, is awakened and attacks the village. Despite the villagers’ united effort to fight back, the battle comes at a devastating cost. A forbidden magic is unintentionally unleashed, claiming the lives of everyone Vastia holds dear. Among them is her beloved grandfather, Eldros, who raised her with unwavering love. Before fading away, Eldros entrusts Vastia with two enchanted swords of mysterious power and leaves her with a final message: “Find Nol. She will guide you.”