The Demons I Face And Her Love That Gives Me Strength
In a futuristic world where humanity thrives despite the ancient threat of demonic portals, monstrous entities continue to emerge, preying on the unsuspecting. To combat this, the Department of Demon Control (DDC) enlists elite warriors known as Kai-Users—humans born with an exceptional life force called Kai. Their existence remains a secret, hidden from the public eye.
Kimura Asahi, a 17-year-old high schooler. Balancing school life and his duty to protect the city, his only solace is Ai, his fiancée and sole confidante. Haunted by his past and his vow to protect his younger sister, Natsumi, Asahi must push beyond his limits as greater threats emerge.
A battle for survival begins. Will his love and determination be enough to face the demons ahead?
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