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Darbar Sahib Rehras

Ölü soy

(baş karakter Shu Rain ) Basit bir köyde doğmuştur bulunduğu köy kıtada bulunan yüzlerce Krallığın binlerce Klan'ın gözüne giremeyecek kadar önemsiz olmasına rağmen olan olur ve köyleri bilinmeyen insanlar tarafından katledilir ailesi oğullarını korumak için onu bir sepete koyup nehre bırakırlar tek istekleri oğullarının kurtulması (kurak topraklarda en üstün iblislerin bulunduğu en zeki cinlerin en güzel elflerin olduğu Gölge Krallığı arazisinde yaşayan iblis doğum sırasında çocuğunu kaybeder ve yolculuğa çıkar yolculuğunda nehirde yüzen bir sepet görür başta aldırmaz fakat bebek ağlamasını duyduğunda hemen sepeti alır ve çocuğa bakar işte o zaman bu çocuğu büyütmek ister fakat bir sorun vardır çocuğu Gölge Krallığında büyütemez kendisi de bu Krallıkda uzun süre yaşayamaz o sıra gözlerine ölen oğlu gelir ve bir karara varır ÖLÜ SOYU KULLANACAĞIM BU ÇOCUĞU NE PAHASINA OLURSA OLSUN BUYUTECEĞİM ONU BU DÜNYADAN OLMAYAN BİR CANLIYA ÇEVİRMEM GEREKSE BİLE YAŞATACAĞIM) Ölü Soy açıklaması (bu soy kadim iblislerin binlerce iblisin kanını emip bir canlıyı iblise donusturmesine yarar fakat o canlı sıradan bir iblis olmaz o canlı bir iblis tanrısı olur bu soyu bilen iblislerin hepsi eski çağlarda idam edilmiştir öleki milyonlarca ölü Soy sahibi iblisten sadece 3 tane kalmıştır bu iblislerin en yaşlısı fan huroa yani kadim kraliçe lanet yüzünden bir varis aramaktadır ) Bunun yüzünden milyarlarca canlı insan, iblis kayırmaksızın herkesi kabul etmektedir burdaki iblisimiz fan huroa haricindeki kadim soy sahibi olan kohu zahiri olmaktadır son kadim soy sahibiyse kocası kohu sahuba dır bu ikisi iblis topraklarında sözü geçen 10 büyük Klanın en büyüğü olan kızıl göz kanının yöneticileridir
qlasala2929 · 18.1K Views

Day,s Gone Never Come

We have a saying that if I take revenge, I will fulfill it. So I'm a doctor by profession! But let me tell you a story. In the 19th century, our grandfather's grandfather, my great-grandfather, you might say the same thing. My great-grandfather, whose name was Zaman, used to say that he was very hardworking. They used to make ends meet. Suddenly one day late at night Tilak returned home where they were living with everyone. The color blew. Fear is on his face. All the comrades who returned trembling were very upset to see them. After much insistence, when my heart was somewhat relieved, he said, "Wherever I go to work nowadays, I will not go there after today, no matter what happens. I will return to the village and work there." When my great-grandfather's friends who lived with him asked a lot of questions, he told his story. A house was under construction near a cemetery some distance from the city. One day a man came to me. And he said that I am currently looking for a mechanic for housework, but after searching a lot of places, I did not find any qualified mechanic. Zaman Sahib, who had been looking for work for a long time, said, "All right." After finishing all the talks, Zaman Sahib went to this place. There was a strange horror when I (Zaman) reached the old cemetery far from the city. It was cold weather and they were grinding in it too. I said, Mr. Sheikh Sahib, you thought of building a house far away. In fact, my wife likes solitude, so the thought of living miles away from the city is a bit far from the city. Another complete silence was needed. Inspected the house and found out. The house was surrounded by a wall and a room was built inside, the roof of which was made of mud.
AR_World_Cinema · 4.8K Views

A Strange women

it is a story of a white woman that bear every difficulty in her life... In childhood, she heard different stories to his Baba(father). but later her life become a strange story. Her marriage was a arrange marriage but it's become a like a love marriage life. She was woman that unable to cooking nothing.. in Child life,she learnt nothing to cook. After marriage there were many interesting stories in her life. But in some years she became a unlucky women in marriage life because there is no baby born. After this she went to every darbar(special of god)............ At last after 18 year,She born a girl that is soo also she born a new baby girl. unfortunately her first baby was dead after two year. She named her pretty baby was Jamine. when jasmine was four year old.She was aggange to a her cousin Arman. But After 18 year..... His cousin Arman gave her divorce. After this..I am unable to describe their life of two year.......When I heard. I become cried. Because I was grand son of strange white women. After this incident, husband of strange women also divorced him. After Jasmine marriaged a Black man.that was also gave a divorce of a woman. After marriage.....there were three baby born.. one girl and two boys. After some years, Black man arrested in a woman case. When her husband arrested....... Jasmine started a business of animals. Their family lived a very poor life... but with time,Jasmine changed life of her family.. When her husband came to house then their life was changed. When Jasmine daughter became 18 year old,,she marriaged to Hatim. After 8 year,She was also divorced from his husband. she was born 2 daughters. Arzo and Dua. I am also grand son of strange white woman...And also son of Jasmine. I wrote this story in short form....when I wrote this story briefly no one stop his drops. this was not a story..... this was a real life of grandmother. She is alive.
Hasnat_Ahmad · 1.4K Views
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