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Mountain Of Gems

Alphas abgewiesene Gefährtin kehrt als Königin zurück

"Ich, Benson Walton, lehne es ab, dass du, Selma Payne, meine zukünftige Luna und Gefährtin bist. "Wenn du vernünftig bist, wirst du dir einen ruhigen Ort zum Sterben suchen, anstatt den Ruhm unseres Volkes zu beflecken. "Du bist nur eine hässliche Kröte. Bleib ruhig im Schlamm und belästige unser Rudel nicht." An Bensons neunzehntem Geburtstag erfuhr er, dass wir als Gefährten bestimmt waren. Aber ich hatte nicht erwartet, dass er lieber große Schmerzen erleiden würde, als mich zu akzeptieren. Jedes Wort, das er sagte, traf mich mitten ins Herz, und der Schmerz ließ mich unkontrolliert zittern. Ich erfuhr, dass ich nicht das leibliche Kind meiner Eltern war, als ich sechzehn war. Sie hielten mich zwar für einen Engel, den ihnen ein Storch gebracht hatte, aber das änderte nichts an der Tatsache, dass ich ein schwacher, kleiner Mensch war. Ich war nur ein weiches Ei, das bei einem Stoß umfallen würde, ein Versager, der ohne Hilfe des Mondlichts nicht einmal die Straße sehen konnte. Meine Existenz brachte Schande über meine Eltern und über mein Rudel! Vielleicht hätte ich von Anfang an in den Wäldern sterben sollen. Mit diesem Gedanken im Hinterkopf beschloss ich, ihnen heute Nacht ein reines und makelloses Rudel zurückzugeben. Also sprang ich von einer Klippe und dachte, ich würde sterben. Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich gerettet werden würde, und es stellte sich heraus, dass ich in Wahrheit die einzige Tochter des Lykanerkönigs war, die vor achtzehn Jahren verschollen war. Außerdem war ich Thronfolgerin! Das hat mich sehr überrascht. Ich war tatsächlich ein Werwolf? Aber... Warum war ich so schwach? War das alles nur ein Irrtum? Um ein qualifizierter Erbe zu werden, verheimlichte ich meine Identität und ließ mich ausbilden. Aber konnte dieser leichtfertige Ausbilder, der für meine Ausbildung zuständig war, mir wirklich helfen, meinen Wolf zu erwecken, oder wollte er mich nur ausnutzen? Als ich immer stärker wurde und in der Öffentlichkeit auftrat, griffen mich andere an und schmiedeten Intrigen gegen mich. Hatten sie etwas mit denen zu tun, die mich vor all den Jahren entführt hatten? Ich muss sie fangen! Ich werde meine Familie und meine Geliebte beschützen!
Mountain Springs · 166.1K Views

Die Erbin schlägt zurück

Sharon war eine gewöhnliche Person, während ihr Mann, Wallace Harris, ein vielversprechender und gut aussehender Mann war. Seine Familie gehörte zu den angesehensten und reichsten Familien in New York City. Dass sie Wallace heiraten konnte, war ein Zufall. In den drei Jahren ihrer Ehe hatte Wallace nie mit Sharon geschlafen. Auch seine Familie überredete ihn immer wieder, sich von Sharon scheiden zu lassen. Es war die Geburtstagsfeier der alten Matriarchin der Familie Harris, und alle jungen Leute der Familie Harris hatten die teuersten Geschenke gemacht, um die alte Dame glücklich zu machen - alle außer Sharon. Sie bat Madam Harris um Geld für den alten Haushälter, Onkel Smith, da er kein Geld für seine medizinische Behandlung hatte. Aber wie zu erwarten war, wurde sie von der Familie Harris gedemütigt, als sie darum bat. "Die Familie Harris hatte noch nie eine arme Verwandte wie dich. Lass dich nie wieder in meiner Gegenwart blicken! Wallace hätte Crystal heiraten sollen. Sie ist sicherlich eine junge Dame, die es wert ist, in unsere Familie einzuheiraten", sagte Madam Harris. "Bitte weiß, wo du hingehörst und verschwinde von hier. Bleiben Sie nicht mehr in unserem Haus. Wie kann Wallaces Großvater so töricht sein, eine arme, nutzlose Frau wie dich mit meinem Sohn zu verheiraten?", sagte June, Wallaces Mutter. "Es sind nur ein paar Millionen Dollar, aber du bist so arm, dass du dir von unserer Familie etwas leihen musst. Wie kann eine Frau wie du es verdienen, mit Wallace zusammen zu sein? Wenn es Crystal wäre, hätte sie uns bestimmt nicht so blamiert!" An diesem Abend überreichte Wallace Sharon eine Bankkarte, auf der Millionen von Dollar standen. "Die Firma ist in der Entwicklung, deshalb habe ich nicht viel Bargeld. Du kannst das benutzen, um Onkel Smith zu helfen." Angesichts der Feindseligkeit der Familie Harris erklärte Wallace: "Da ich sie geheiratet habe, bin ich für sie verantwortlich. Egal, ob sie reich oder arm ist, Sharon ist meine Frau." Erst als eines Tages ein Fremder Sharon ansprach, wusste sie, dass sie eine Frau war. Erst da wusste Sharon, dass sie die Tochter einer angesehenen Familie war, die Anspruch auf ein Vermögen von mindestens zehn Milliarden hatte. Plötzlich besaß sie das größte Unternehmen in New York und eine Bankkarte, die Hunderte von Millionen an "Taschengeld" enthielt. Im Handumdrehen hatte sich ihre Identität verändert. Sie war nicht mehr die arme Schwiegertochter, die von der Familie Harris nicht bevorzugt wurde. Stattdessen war sie die angesehenste Person in New York geworden!
Mountain Springs · 83.1K Views

Amada por un hombre mayor

—El regalo de compromiso es de dos millones de dólares, ni un centavo menos. Jiang Yu ya tiene dieciocho años y puede casarse ahora. Envía el dinero a mi tarjeta, ¡y este asunto está resuelto! —Jiang Yu miraba a su madre, quien no paraba de hablar en la mesa de negociación. Observó cómo su madre ponía un precio mientras vendía a Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu no podía creerlo. Hace dieciocho años, trajeron a casa al bebé equivocado del hospital y Jiang Yu, la verdadera hija de una familia adinerada, terminó en un orfanato hasta hace un año. Jiang Ran, la falsa hija de la familia Jiang, creció con todo lo que el dinero puede proveer. Con recursos superiores desde que era joven, fue más destacada que Jiang Yu en todos los aspectos y se convirtió en el orgullo de la familia Jiang. Jiang Yu, que pasó la mayor parte del tiempo vagando por el mundo exterior, no era más que una paleto que hacía de su madre el hazmerreír del círculo socialité. Sin embargo, Jiang Yu no tenía idea de cuán grande era el odio de su madre hacia ella. El día que cumplió dieciocho años, su madre la 'vendió' con un precio establecido. —Si quieres casar a tu hija con alguien más, debería ser Jiang Ran. Yo soy tu verdadera hija. ¡Tú eres quien trajo a Jiang Ran a casa por error! —dijo Jiang Yu. —Cállate. Ojalá no te hubiera dado a luz. ¡No has traído más que vergüenza sobre mí! —contesto su madre. —Hermana mayor, todo lo que hace mamá es por tu propio bien. No culpes a mamá —dijo Jiang Ran. —¡Estoy convencida de que no es más que una cobradora de deudas que ha venido a cobrar lo suyo! O me das los dos millones de dólares, o te casas obedientemente! —dijo su madre. Jiang Yu se fue de casa desesperada. Por una extraña combinación de factores, terminó casándose accidentalmente con un Sr. CEO. Desde entonces, el hombre de treinta años consentía a su esposa de dieciocho hasta los cielos. —¡Señor, alguien maltrató a tu esposa! —dijo la pequeña. —¿Qué inútil tan ciego se atreve a maltratarte? —preguntó el hombre.
Mountain Springs · 88.7K Views

Sir, wie wäre es mit einer Heirat?

Auf dem Höhepunkt ihrer Karriere verkündete die A-Schauspielerin Song Ning ihren Rückzug aus der Unterhaltungsbranche aus Liebe und schockierte damit die Nation. Alle dachten, dass sie ihr ideales Zuhause gefunden haben musste. Deshalb war sie auch so entschlossen. Das dachte Song Ning anfangs auch. Für den Rest ihres Lebens würde sie keine Berühmtheit mehr sein. Sie würde nur eine tugendhafte und tugendhafte Frau sein, die sich zu Hause um ihren Mann und ihre Kinder kümmern würde. Doch in der Nacht vor ihrer Hochzeit fand sie heraus, dass ihr Verlobter eine Affäre mit ihrer besten Freundin hatte. Wütend suchte Song Ning einen beliebigen Mann auf, um ihre Ehe am Eingang des Amtes für zivile Angelegenheiten zu registrieren. Ursprünglich wollte sie sich an ihrem dreckigen Verlobten rächen, aber sie hatte nicht damit gerechnet, dass der Mann, der seine Ehe mit ihr registrierte, der Erbe des größten Finanzkonzerns des Landes, Mu Chen, war. Nachdem sie geheiratet hatten, kümmerte sich Mu Chen rührend um Song Ning und beschützte sie auf jede erdenkliche Weise. Er erlaubte niemandem, sie zu schikanieren. Song Ning dachte immer, dass sie für den Rest ihres Lebens glücklich sein und das beste Leben führen würde, das sie wollte. Das ist richtig, sie hat es bekommen. Es war nur ein wenig anders, als sie es sich ursprünglich vorgestellt hatte. Die Person, die ihr alles gab, war jemand anderes. Viele Jahre später... Song Ning sah Mu Chen liebevoll an. "Ich habe wirklich Glück. Gott sei Dank bin ich dir begegnet und du hast mich aus der Hölle gerettet." Mu Chen lächelte schwach. "Ja, Gott sei Dank." Doch Song Ning würde es nie erfahren. Mu Chen sprach nicht davon, Gott dafür zu danken, dass er Song Ning treffen durfte. Er dankte Gott, dass er zuließ, dass Song Nings Verlobter sie betrog, damit er eine Chance bekam. So etwas wie eine zufällige Begegnung gab es nicht. Es war einfach eine vorsätzliche Verfolgung. An diesem Tag wartete er zehn Stunden lang vor dem Büro für zivile Angelegenheiten auf Song Ning...
Mountain Springs · 44.4K Views

After Transmigrating, the Fat Wife Made a Comeback!

Qiao Mei transmigrated into a novel as a supporting character with the same name as her who lacked presence. This supporting character was a country bumpkin who couldn’t get married due to her obesity. According to the original script, this country girl Qiao Mei was a fatty spoiled by her grandfather. However, their relatives were all vicious and cruel people. Her grandfather had poor health, so once he died, the relatives would divide and swallow up his assets. Hence, her grandfather’s greatest wish was to marry Qiao Mei off. For this, even sacrificed and betrayed his good friend’s grandson, Xia Zhe. Grandpa got Xia Zhe drunk and had Qiao Mei forcibly take the strong and handsome Xia Zhe with her body which weighed more than two hundred pounds. Then, grandpa would catch them the next day and force Xia Zhe to marry Qiao Mei. However, that eventually caused the start of Qiao Mei’s unfortunate life. Also, in the original story, Qiao Mei took possession of Xia Zhe’s mysterious jade. But due to Qiao Mei’s stupidity, her cousin's sister had tricked Qiao Mei into giving her the jade, which resulted in the cousin’s family becoming rich. When Qiao Mei transmigrated here, it was during the awkward moment when she was making love to the man after making him drunk. She woke up groggily the next day and grandpa’s team had already appeared at the door. Qiao Mei was frightened. She didn’t want to proceed on the original path and marry a man who didn’t love her. And so, she lied and chased grandpa away. She also pushed the man out before forcing herself to look at her tanned and chubby reflection in the mirror! Alas, she cried at her ugly appearance… Like a sumo wrestler in large cloth underwear, even the plus-sized apparel shops didn’t have clothes in her size. And her face was the size of a pizza, a scorched pizza! Qiao Mei decided to reform her life! The first step, lose weight! The second step, clean up her room! She used to be particular about cleanliness, and although her current house had a huge courtyard, she could only describe it as messy! The third step was to hold onto the jade tightly so her greedy cousin wouldn’t stand a chance! Only, wasn’t the tall and handsome Xia Zhe supposed to hate her according to the original story? Why was he being nicer and nicer to her?
Mountain Springs · 5.4M Views

Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]

Rowan sees beauty in death. The Order he has sworn to obey only sees defilement. As the reviled Caretaker of the Order, Rowan has accepted his role as a dutiful outcast because he believes it is the only way to prove his worth to the man who holds his sisters’ souls as collateral. With his magic and his voice, Rowan can absorb death and transform it, but only in ways the Order deems acceptable to maintain the stability of the reality it claims to protect Order must subdue Disorder. Reality must triumph over illusion. He is tainted and always will be. Rowan has never questioned those lessons, but that changes the night he harvests a crimson soul that is more than human and chooses to keep it a secret. When Rowan’s song transforms that soul into a beautiful and mysterious man he names Wren, he is forced to accept that sometimes duty is a lie and illusion is the only thing you can trust. As the fabric of the Order begins to unwind and a new kind of Disorder takes hold, Rowan will need to choose again, stand with the Order that held him down, or forge a new path with Wren at his side. He may be the only one who can restore balance to the worlds, but only if he can find balance within himself first. ************************************* Updates 3-4 times per week. Note: This story focuses on relationships. I promise an epic romance, lots of swoon-worthy moments, and a healthy amount of fluff. When it does get steamy…you might get burned. Fair warning for explicit content. I don’t shy away from my spice. There are lots of side characters and couples to fall in love with, in addition to the main couple. If you love the idea of found family, you will be happy. This book is set in a non-heteronormative world, so you will see various gender identities/expressions and types of love. ************************************* Excerpt (if you want the full steamy version, you will have to read the book!): Still reeling from the new magic that coursed under his skin and unsure of how to react to the desire that threatened to take control of him, Rowan froze. Wren's hot breath against his mouth sent a jolt of pleasure through his body, and he choked back a groan. A different kind of panic flared in Rowan's chest, burning him as if he were the one on fire. This was what he wanted, what he'd thought about every night since Wren left. But wanting more was one thing. Acting on it was another. He'd spent so much of his life hiding, he didn't know how to do anything else. One corner of Wren's mouth twitched as Rowan pulled away. When he attempted to free himself from Wren's grasp, Wren just hauled him closer. Rowan liked that he didn't have to think about what to do next. His bare chest thudded against Wren's torso, and the heat from Wren's body merged with Rowan's skin, melting him from the inside out. "What did you just do to me?" Wren's deep voice vibrated against Rowan's chest. "The Disorder of your illusion was holding you captive. I…I absorbed it." "Oh? Where did you learn to do that? Have I been gone that long?" Wren's grip loosened slightly on Rowan's wrists as if he was satisfied now that Rowan was practically sitting on top him. Rowan stared at Wren's lips. He opened his mouth to protest, but immediately closed it again. "I know you aren't going to say that I shouldn't touch you." Wren's free hand splayed over the small of Rowan's back. "Not when you started it." Rowan's breath hitched. "No. I'm not going to say that anymore. Not to you." "I thought you were afraid to be touched." Wren's fingers traced a circle over the curve of Rowan's spine as if testing for a reaction. "I know that I'm not afraid of you." Rowan waited for the panic to set in, but all he felt was desire. "With you, I want…" "You want what?" "I want more." Triumph flared in Wren's gaze before he narrowed his eyes. "Really? Then why are you still trying to get away from me?"
LivChanin · 1M Views

My rebirth secret wife is a rare gem

Present life Lily Rylan's life is turned into a nightmare when her stepmom, Viviana, calls her on phone on her wedding day, speaking with a hint of malice in her voice, tells her not to enter the wedding venue, instead instructing her to return home immediately. "Don't come to the wedding hall," her stepmother Viviana says, her words dripping with venom. This shocking command is just the beginning of a day filled with betrayal and heartbreak. As Lily arrives at the family manor, she pays the taxi driver, who immediately congratulates her, wishing "Lily a happy marriage." This makes Lily feel weird, and she quickly steps out of the taxi, raising her beautiful wedding gown. "Thank you," she says, smiling brightly, despite already feeling nervous. Walking from the gate, Lily's stunning wedding gown is on full display. The beautiful, big manor looms before her, complete with a fountain of water at its center. As she enters the manor's parlour, she's met with an elegant yet tense atmosphere. Her mother's picture is discarded in the least viewed spot - a secluded spot which is hardly seen in the parlour wall, while her stepmother's pictures are all over the walls, featuring her father intimately standing, holding her, and her stepsister, Liliana, by her side, smiling brightly. Lily still feels disgusted by them and immediately looks away, taking out her handkerchief and cleaning her eyes, as if she's seen something dirty. She's pulled from her thoughts by her stepmother walking down the staircase, followed by her father. "You called me home, stepmother Viviana? Is it anything serious?" Lily asks, her voice laced with concern. "How many times should I tell you to call her mother, but never mind for now," her father says, his voice firm but laced with a hint of annoyance. Her stepmother Viviana continues, beaming happily, "Your fiancé was drunk during your engagement after you left, saying you had something important to attend to. Now, we thought about it and finally want to tell you they were drugged and slept together. You don’t want your stepsister to be sad or give birth outside marriage, we won’t allow it. You have to allow her to marry him. No one knows how you currently look like now, so allow your sister to marry her husband."her father stated and continued his statement "He's the father of her unborn child, you have to understand," her stepmother immediately smiled brightly smirking at her happily. A sad smile is etched across Lily's face because they're only telling her this so she won't embarrass them by going to the wedding hall, which would be made impossible. Her father's eyes narrow, his voice cold. "You will do as we say, Lily. You will step aside and allow Liliana to marry Zayn." Lily's eyes flash with anger. "What if she has been with him for a long time, or even if he's not the father of the baby?" she spits, her voice venomous. Her stepsister, Liliana, smirks, and Lily retorts, "Her slutty mom gave birth to a slut like herself." This makes everyone gasp, and even the maids quickly escape from the family quarrel, not wanting to hear what would lead to their death. Lily's father immediately delivers a hard slap on her face, making his five fingers appear on her face. "You ungrateful wench," he growls angrily. Lily wipes the blood off, raises her head, and looks at her father scornfully. "You're just trying to cover up your own mistakes," she says, her voice cold. "You did the same thing, that's why you feel it's normal, right?" She says mockingly. Her father is about to hit her again when Liliana steps forward, saying, "Dad, no, don’t hit her again. I can understand how hurt she feels." lily and her husband moments shush I don’t want others to hear this sweet sound from you my white rose do you know how surprised I am you are finally mine lily this made lily shudder not with fear but in a sweet way coz his look said it all
Miravixen · 558 Views

Reborn as a Mountain: I Defy the Heavens with a Smile

When a mountain comes to life, awakening its consciousness, it takes on another form—a Mountain Spirit. And that’s me reborn with extraordinary Divine powers. Want to know what these divine powers are? Well, one of them allows me to accelerate herb growth—up to one hundred times faster! Impressive, right? But wait, there’s more! I also possess a ‘golden finger’—which is ‘Space-Time’ system that lets me fish for lost techniques, weapons, pill formulas, and other treasures from the rivers of time and space. With these at my disposal, I’m sure to become stronger, at least stronger than the beautiful sect master who claims my mountain as her personal retreat and constantly drag me into her matters. It’s not an easy life, but no need to worry! I’m not just any spirit—I’m a human spirit born from a mountain, which means I have an extraordinary talent for cultivation. To top it off, my system was generous enough to grant me a divine cultivation technique right from the start. There’s just one tiny problem: it’s a dual cultivation technique, and I need a partner to cultivate it. So, I had no choice but to convince the sect master’s stunning disciple to help me out. I mean, it’s not like I’m after her gorgeous long legs, her curvaceous thighs, or her… well, you get the point. I’m just a humble cultivator trying to grow stronger by any means necessary. If only she’d run into some trouble, so I could swoop in and save the day. That would make things a lot easier for me… but alas, life is never that simple. Still, I’ll find a way. With my Space-Time system, my mountain’s power, and a little charm, I’ll outgrow this mountain and surpass everyone—even the sect master. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll enjoy the beauties along the way. *** No NTR, No Yuri, No Yaoi *** LinkTree- Discord-
Around_The_Moon · 96.1K Views

Legacy of Eldric: A Tale of Ruler

Warning! Really heavy on the slice of life. Enjoy! ================================== The Blackwood Barony, a lush paradise on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Naloria, is the home of the Balmore Household. Led by the skilled and powerful Sir Garret Balmore, the Forest's Warden, this group of formidable knights safeguards the kingdom's frontier. Living and training in the heart of the forest within the Blackwood Keep, a massive fortress, they have honed their combat skills to perfection, their might rivaling even the Barons' forces. The eldest son of Sir Garret is called Eldric and he was once one of the stronger knights in the household an even had the honor of saving the crown princes life. He basked in that glory, but that all turned awry as he was framed for staling the second prince's horse. He was to be sentenced to death, but luckily for him the crown prince came up for him. He was excused from death due to his military service at the border and him saving the crown prince's life Even though he was excused of a death sentence, his core was broken an he was exiled. Left with nowhere to go he travelled west. When he came a undiscovered area rich in life and sustenance he decided to build himself a home. When he was finished building his house a sound resounded in his mind. * Ding * Congratulations for building your Keep and awakened the Knight Household system. Thats right. Eldric has awaited 20 years for his golden finger without much hope and on this very day he has found his salvation. Join Eldric as he starts his journey and building his own kingdom. ------------- I created a discord server for those wanting to enjoy it in more detail?
Warrior_Blade · 739.3K Views
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