Curse of Feminine: Great Power Great Responsibility
In the vast expanse of the Godverse, a young god named Ark has emerged with a bold ambition: to become the Lord of the Godverse. With his exceptional abilities and unwavering determination, Ark sets out on a perilous journey to achieve his goal.
As he navigates the complex web of alliances and rivalries between gods, Ark must contend with hidden threats and unexpected challenges. Powerful forces, both within and outside the Godverse, seek to undermine his ambitions and claim the throne for themselves.
Joined by a group of powerful companions, each with their own unique abilities and motivations, Ark must use his cunning, strength, and strategic thinking to overcome the obstacles in his path. Together, they will face formidable foes, unexpected betrayals, and surprising revelations as they strive to achieve Ark's ultimate goal.
With the fate of the Godverse hanging in the balance, Ark's journey will take him to the very limits of his power and his resolve. Will he be able to overcome the hidden threats and achieve his ambition, or will the forces of opposition prove too strong to overcome? The path to becoming the Lord of the Godverse is fraught with danger, but Ark is determined to succeed, no matter the cost.
Whatever it is, it is now the time for the judgement...