Demon's Reckoning
In a world where demons and humans coexist, the powerful Sword of Fire, capable of unlocking magical powers and reviving the dead, is the focal point of an epic battle. The Dark Ren, led by the demon king Asmodeus, seek to claim the sword and unleash darkness upon the earth. Meanwhile, the Earth Ren, a group of human warriors, must protect the sword and their world from destruction.
Lubem a 17-year-old boy, is the chosen successor to wield the Sword of Fire. With the guidance of Yohanna, his mentor and guardian, Lubem must navigate the treacherous world of demons and humans to prevent the Dark Ren from obtaining the sword. Alongside a cast of brave warriors, including Msughter, Uli, and Hujaga, Lubem embarks on a perilous quest top save humanity from the brink of destruction.