Blueprints of the Hearts
In the bustling city of Jahlag, young architect student Ahmad Rashad leads a life of quiet creativity and introversion. His world transforms when he encounters Aysha Mirad, a cheerful coffee shop waitress, and a profound connection blooms. As their friendship deepens, Aysha's boyfriend, Khaleed Mairon, emerges as an unexpected obstacle.
"Blueprints of the Heart"
weaves a tale of passion, dreams, and love against the backdrop of architectural aspirations. With each blueprint sketched and each heartbeat echoing, Ahmad and Aysha navigate the complexities of their evolving relationship. Will the architecture of their love stand the test of time, or will Khaleed's presence threaten to crumble their dreams?
This novel explores the delicate dance of love and ambition, where the heart's blueprint may lead to a destiny that transcends even the most intricately designed structures.