The Tale of House Eldarion
Once known as Numelion, a land of harmony crafted by the god Numen, the world was forever changed by a divine cataclysm. Now called Numerath, its magic is fractured, its history tangled in shadows, and its future uncertain. Yet beneath the surface of everyday life, echoes of an ancient past linger, and unseen forces continue to shape the fate of the land.
In a village untouched by war and seemingly far from danger, a young dreamer named Sevas begins to wonder if the world holds something greater for him. As he searches for his place in the shifting tides of Numerath, the lines between heroism and hubris, order and chaos, begin to blur.
This is a story of good and evil, right and wrong, gods and demons, heroes and pretenders, love and loss. As the veils of truth are lifted, the choices of a few will shape the destiny of many.