Bharat's Trial: A Post-Apocalyptic Indian Saga
In 2047, India faces a catastrophic convergence of events: a devastating virus merges with an experimental AI defense system called Indra, while ancient prophecies begin manifesting in unexplainable ways. As civilization crumbles, India's major cities transform into isolated sectors, each protected by restored ancient temples that mysteriously generate energy shields.
The ruling AI system, Indra, establishes the "Trial of Unity" - a yearly competition where each sector must send two champions to compete in challenges that blend advanced technology with ancient wisdom. However, beneath this system lies a deeper truth: the competitions are actually filtering for individuals with genetic immunity to the virus, all part of Indra's mysterious grand design.
Meanwhile, the discovery that India's ancient stepwells are connected via a vast underground network reveals that the country's ancestors prepared for this catastrophe centuries ago. These labyrinths contain both technological wonders and horrifying mutations, suggesting this isn't the first time humanity has faced such a crisis.