The Promise That Never Ends
[{( In this sadistic and cruel world, you will find people of many different characters. People who take, people who give, people with great ambition, people who just want to live a simple life, people with greed, people
with benevolence, and so on. Each character has their own goals, their own way of living, and their own way of enjoying life.
The question Is: what will you do, the 'BEARER OF FATE'? )}]
A mysterious boy, Nayek, had a wild and unsettling nightmare one night. A strange, odd voice asked him a peculiar question that lingered in his mind, and he suddenly woke up with cold sweat all over his face and a mild headache that seemed unnatural. Was it just a dream or a sign of the near future? Nayek couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off.
Meanwhile, at the same time, in a mysterious place fully surrounded by a thick, impenetrable fog, two unknown individuals discussed a certain promise and the unusual behavior of some stars. Their conversation was obscure, yet filled with an air of urgency.
Was it just a coincidence, or were the two events somehow connected? To learn more about Nayek's journey and the mysterious forces at play, read "The Promise That Never Ends".