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Irys Gundam

Gears of Eternity: The Anvil of Souls

Gears of Eternity: The Anvil of Souls A Steam-Punk Odyssey Where Broken Gears Birth New Gods IN THE YEAR OF COGWORK 237, When the Eternal Forge explodes, unleashing ERROR#47 corruption chains across three realms, blacksmith Aiden Anvil discovers his split iris holds more than 24 personalities—it's a cosmic forge where each fractured soul can reshape reality. THE CLOCKWORK APOCALYPSE BEGINS WHEN: Steam City's Blueflame Court orders mass memory purges through dwarf-crafted "Soul Crystals" The Dwarven Kingdom's star-map traps reveal mathematical plagues devouring constellations God's Klein Bottle Defense starts birthing stillborn galaxies in Vivian's stardust-woven womb TO SURVIVE THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL APOCALYPSE, AIDEN MUST: Master weapons that bleed memories: Spring's Sakura Bow (each petal steals a lover's whisper) Winter's Ice Caliper (measures time in dying star tremors) Navigate warped battlefields where: Every gear turn in Steam Court overwrites someone's identity Memory Mines convert thoughts into combustible currency Celestial Forges demand sacrificial equations written in bone Choose between: Purifying Vivian's cosmic pregnancy (triggering Geneva Convention's Anti-Messiah Clause) Letting his 13th personality forge the "Perfect Machine Heart" (erasing human flaws... and humanity) WITNESS THE GRAND MECHANISM CRUMBLE WHEN: Ash Elin's ERROR#47 chains rewrite reality's source code (Ch.35 Airship Inferno) Rusty Maggie auctions the last antidote for mathematical plagues (Ch.180 Black Market Requiem) The final showdown at Corrupted Zodiac Forge demands payment in paradoxes (Ch.200 Eternity's Blueprint) THIS IS NOT A STEAM-AGE REBELLION. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN GOD'S TOOLBOX FALLS INTO BROKEN HANDS. "A masterwork where Blake's 7th forge meets Gibson's neural lace." — SteamPunk Quarterly
Emilia_fisher · 3.1K Views

Seine geniale Ehefrau ist ein Superstar

Eine weltberühmte Hackerin und Tochter der mächtigsten Verbrecherfamilie, die die internationale Unterwelt seit vielen Generationen beherrscht, wird getötet, als ihre Organisation in einer einzigen Nacht ausgelöscht wird. Sie wird im Körper von Iris Long wiedergeboren, einer jugendlichen Popsängerin, einem wilden Partygirl und einer verwöhnten Göre. Für die ehemalige Prinzessin der Unterwelt, die ein überbehütetes und gefesseltes Leben führte, ist dieses neue Leben eine Chance, endlich das Leben in Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit zu leben, das sie sich immer gewünscht hat. Jin Liwei ist der mächtigste Mann in der Geschäftswelt des Landes. Kalt und rücksichtslos ist er jemand, den nur wenige zu beleidigen wagen. Als die berüchtigte Iris Long, die einst seinen jüngeren Bruder verfolgte, aus einem jahrelangen Koma erwacht, bewegt sich sein gefühlloses Herz zum ersten Mal und er verliebt sich in dieses unerwartete geniale Mädchen. Sie will frei fliegen und hoch über dem Himmel schweben. Er will alles von ihr, um sie an sich zu binden und sie nie wieder loszulassen. Dies ist ihre Reise zum Superstar. Dies ist seine Reise, auf der er sie begleitet. Gemeinsam werden sie die Welt rocken, während sie sich vielen Herausforderungen stellen. Aber was wird passieren, wenn sie entdeckt, dass sie niemals aus dem Schatten ihres früheren Lebens entkommen kann? Wird sie noch in der Lage sein, ihr Traumleben von Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit zu leben? Wird er in der Lage sein, sie vor den Gefahren zu schützen? [Warnung: Nicht jugendfreier Inhalt, Vorsicht ist geboten]. ### Instagram: Arria Cross (@arriacross) Discord Server:
ArriaCross · 59.2K Views

Sua Esposa Gênio é uma Superestrela

Uma hacker mundialmente famosa e filha da família criminosa mais poderosa que dominou o submundo internacional por muitas gerações é assassinada quando sua organização é aniquilada em uma única noite. Ela renasce no corpo de Iris Long, uma cantora pop adolescente, garota festeira selvagem e patricinha mimada. Para a antiga princesa do submundo que vivia uma vida superprotegida e acorrentada, essa nova vida é uma chance de finalmente viver a vida de liberdade e independência que ela sempre quis. Jin Liwei é o homem mais poderoso no mundo dos negócios do país. Frio e impiedoso, ele é alguém que poucos se atrevem a ofender. Quando a infame Iris Long, que costumava perseguir seu irmão mais novo, acorda de um coma de um ano, seu coração insensível se move pela primeira vez e ele se apaixona perdidamente por essa menina gênio inesperada. Ela quer voar livremente e alcançar alturas além do céu. Ele quer tudo dela, amarrá-la a si mesmo e nunca deixá-la partir. Esta é a jornada dela para o super estrelato. Esta é a jornada dele acompanhando-a. Juntos, eles vão abalar o mundo enquanto enfrentam muitos desafios. Mas o que acontecerá quando ela descobrir que nunca poderá escapar das sombras de sua vida anterior? Ela ainda será capaz de viver seu sonho de vida de liberdade e independência? Ele será capaz de protegê-la dos perigos? [Aviso: Conteúdo Maduro. Discrição do leitor é aconselhada.] ### Instagram: Arria Cross (@arriacross) Servidor Discord:
ArriaCross · 163.5K Views

When A Filipino got Isekai'd with a Twist ! "only I can summon those!"

When a Filipino Brings a Gundam to a Sword Fight > "Oh great, another summoner. Just what we need—more useless adventurers." > > *Famous last words from Sir Knight-Who-Got-His-Butt-Kicked* Look, getting isekai'd is already weird enough, but being a Filipino summoner in a fantasy world? That's like bringing *balut* to a fancy French dinner party – completely unexpected and guaranteed to raise some eyebrows. Picture this: There I was, contemplating whether to have *sisig* or *adobo* for dinner, when suddenly – **POOF!** – I got yeet'd into Medieval Times™ faster than my mom could throw her legendary tsinelas. And what did the universe decide to gift me with? The supposedly "weakest" class: *a summoner*. But here's where it gets *interesting*. These fantasy folks thought I'd be pulling rabbits out of hats or summoning cute forest creatures. **Boy, were they in for a surprise!** Because while they were expecting wooden sticks and basic swords, I was busy figuring out if I could summon: * My mom's battle-tested tsinelas (with +20 critical hit, mind you) * A fully-loaded M16 *Armor you say? " How about a mask raider suit! Or iron man armor!(credit to marvel ) * And oh yeah, *casual flex*, **AN ENTIRE FREAKING GUNDAM** Let me tell you something funny about being the "weak" summoner – when you can call forth weapons that would make Michael Bay weep tears of explosive joy, suddenly nobody's laughing at your class choice anymore. Welcome to my story of how a Pinoy turned the summoner class from zero to hero, one ridiculous weapon at a time.
WrathBuh69 · 6.4K Views


Sebuah retakan misterius muncul dan mengubah seluruh sistem tatanan dunia. Para peneliti mencoba memastikan tentang sesuatu yang mereka sebut retakan dimensi. sebab retakan misterius yang disebut retakan dimensi mengeluarkan energi aneh. Sebuah energi yang tidak diketahui oleh para peneliti manusia di bumi karena baru pertama kali melihatnya. "Monster Dimensi" Itulah teriakan yang sering terdengar ketika manusia melihat monster keluar dari retakan dimensi. Fenomena kemunculan monster dimensi masih menjadi perdebatan para peneliti. Namun fenomena itu tidak hanya membuat kekacauan, tapi juga memakan banyak korban. Sampai akhirnya sosok manusia yang disebut etranger muncul dan membunuh monster dimensi. "Etranger yang bisa mengalahkan monster dimensi adalah kunci utama untuk keselamatan umat manusia." Begitulah argumen Presiden Amerika ketika melakukan pertemuan darurat tentang kemunculan monster dimensi. Dunia telah menganggap keberadaan etranger merupakan kondisi istimewa yang menguntungkan manusia. Namun tidak semua kekuatan mendatangkan kebaikan, sebab tidak semua orang bisa menjadi etranger. "Kami kaum elit yang telah berkuasa jauh lebih pantas mendapatkan kekuatan itu dari pada rakyat jelata...!" Rasa iri terus menghiasi orang-orang yang tidak mendapat kekuatan untuk menjadi seorang etranger. Tingkat kejahatan di sebuah negara yang tidak bisa mengatur etranger pun meningkat dengan pesat. Indonesia juga termasuk negara yang pernah mengalami krisis akibat ulah para etranger. Pembunuhan, pemerkosaan, pencurian, dan banyak kejahatan lainnya yang melibatkan para etranger. Rigma Sanja Dawala, anak dari seorang peneliti dan Jenderal Besar Militer Indonesia yang tidak menyukai etranger. Di tengah kekacauan dunia, rigma lebih memilih menjadi seorang peneliti. Rigma mencoba mencari pengetahuan tentang sumber kekuatan etranger. Segala macam jenis pengetahuan tentang etranger terus dipelajari olehnya. Semua itu dilakukan karena sosok terpenting baginya terkena penyakit kontaminasi jiwa akibat serangan monster dimensi. Sampai akhirnya muncul kondisi dimana rigma hampir mati karena serangan monster dimensi peringkat SS+. Di saat kritis rigma masih memikirkan keselamatan temannya, hingga sebuah suara terdengar. "Terimalah kontrak ini untuk membuat kami bertiga menjadi milikmu." Tiga jiwa pengelana menawarkan kontrak saat rigma hampir mati untuk membuatnya menjadi etranger. Rigma pun terpaksa menjadi etranger untuk menolong teman sekelasnya di universitas. "Kami, sosok yang sering disebut Raja terkuat akan membantumu menemukan jawabannya."
KannaSayu · 269.7K Views

His Genius Wife is a Superstar

A world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal family who ruled the international underworld for many generations is killed when their organization is annihilated in a single night. She is reborn into the body of Iris Long, a teenage pop singer, wild party girl, and spoiled brat. For the former princess of the underworld who lived an overprotected and shackled life, this new life is a chance to finally live the life of freedom and independence that she always wanted. Jin Liwei is the most powerful man in the country's business world. Cold and ruthless, he is someone only a few dare offend. When the infamous Iris Long, who used to chase his younger brother, wakes up from a year-long coma, his unfeeling heart moves for the first time and he falls hard for this unexpected genius girl. She wants to fly freely and soar high beyond the sky. He wants her everything, to tie her to himself and to never let her go. This is her journey to super stardom. This is his journey in accompanying her. Together, they will rock the world while facing many challenges. But what will happen when she discovers that she can never escape from the shadows of her previous life? Will she still be able to live her dream life of freedom and independence? Will he be able to protect her from the dangers? [Warning: Mature Content. Reader discretion is advised.] ### Instagram: Arria Cross (@arriacross) Discord Server:
ArriaCross · 43.4M Views

El Alfa: Reclamando a la Hija de su Enemigo

## CONTENIDO MADURO! ## —¿Por qué tienes cicatrices? —De repente, Iris cambió de tema, mientras miraba a Cane directo a los ojos. Seguía aferrándose a sus mangas. —Tu padre me las hizo —respondió Cane. Pensó que Iris no recordaría esta conversación cuando despertara. —Debe ser muy doloroso. —Lo es. —¿Las cicatrices sanarán? —No lo creo. La noche de verdad te hacía vulnerable y te permitía decir cosas que nunca admitirías cuando estaba claro. La oscuridad ablandaba tu corazón. —Qué pena. Tienes una alma cálida. —Iris frunció ligeramente el ceño. —Ya no tengo alma. Había vendido su alma por la libertad de su pueblo. No quedaba nada de él en este momento. —Sí la tienes, pero estás sufriendo mucho. —Iris parpadeó. —Tu bestia está sufriendo. Tienes tantas cicatrices. —Las únicas cicatrices que tengo están en mi cara. —Iris negó con la cabeza débilmente. —No hablo de tu cara. Hablo de tu alma. Qué lástima, estás sufriendo tanto… lo que mi padre y hermano te hicieron debe ser doloroso… Y después de eso, Iris cerró los ojos y se durmió. ====================== Ella es la hija de un alfa que mató a su familia, arrasó con su manada y también convirtió a su pueblo en esclavos. Ahora, ha logrado vengarse después de diez años de ser tratado como esclavo y vivir una vida que nadie podría imaginar jamás. Vida similar al infierno. Y diez años después, el Alfa Cane logra tomar el control y matar al alfa que empeoró la vida de su pueblo más allá de la muerte. Era hora de que hiciera pagar a los hijos del alfa por lo que su padre había hecho. Solo que... Iris era un renacuajo y era muy diferente a su padre.
i_want_to_sleep · 3.5M Views

Beloved Imposter

Love is a game. Do you want to play? 12 CONTESTANTS. 5 WEEKS OF ROMANCE AND DECEPTION. FIND THE IMPOSTERS. STAND A CHANCE TO WIN $1,000,000! How well do know your heart? In this unprecedented dating show, test the boundaries of human trust and desire as 12 contestants battle it out to find the couple and the exes hidden among them. How much do you trust your lover or ex? Will the two of you successfully fool your hunters, or will your feeble rapport lead to elimination? How far will you go to stay undercover? Sign up for "Beloved Imposter" today! *** Iris Tate is in a rut—she's tired of her job, has no social life, and her dreams are out of reach. She will do anything for a change… If she can afford it. During these monotonous times, Iris sees an ad for "Beloved Imposter", an unconventional dating show which promises romance, spontaneity, and most importantly—a fat paycheque. In a bid to double her earnings, she signs up as a team with her estranged ex-boyfriend, Skyler Valentine, who has reasons of his own for joining. Iris’s plan is simple: Deceive the other contestants, lie her way to the finals, and walk away a millionaire. After that, she and Skyler will forget each other once and for all. However, plans are made to be broken. The more time Iris and Skyler spend together, the more they realise how much the other has changed since their breakup. Over the course of five weeks, they’re forced to confront the mistakes of their youth and the scars they bury deep within. As the competition heats up, tensions arise and secrets unfold, blurring the lines between desire and loyalty. Some contestants will do anything to win, and mutual trust is but a façade. Iris will soon learn that she may be able to fool others, but she won't be able fool her own heart. Can she overcome the obstacles in her way? Or will she lose both her second chance at love as well as the grand prize? Watch "Beloved Imposter" to find out! *** P.S Cover art is sourced from Pinterest, credits to the original artist.
Blue_Pizza · 21.6K Views
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