Descendant of the Morning Star
In the 21st century, humanity faces extinction as colossal monsters rise to dominate the Earth. The Christian God has grown silent, abandoning the cries of the faithful. As society teeters on collapse, a miraculous phenomenon emerges: ordinary people around the globe awaken to extraordinary powers, becoming humanity's last line of defense against the monstrous invaders.
Noah, an unassuming young man, is one of these “gifted” individuals. However, his powers seem laughably weak — granting him the strength of a regular adult at best. Mocked and overlooked by the powerful, Noah tries to find meaning in a life of mediocrity. But when an enigmatic system awakens within him, declaring him the descendant of Lucifer, the fallen Morning Star, everything changes.
With his newfound lineage comes unfathomable power, hidden truths about humanity's plight, and a dark revelation: the silence of the Christian God may not be a withdrawal, but a deliberate choice. As Noah embraces his heritage, he must decide if he will become the villain humanity fears or the savior it desperately needs.
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