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Guts Deluxe

The Devil's Favourability System(Dark Bl)

CEO. Tyrant. Supreme Ruler of the Corporate World. Silas Grimshaw had it all—power, wealth, and the unshakable belief that he was the good guy. He was appointed CEO of his father’s company after his sudden death, and his methods were ruthless. If he had to make a few people’s lives a living hell to climb to the top, so be it. After all, it was all for the greater good, right? But, when someone finally decided to take revenge for the countless lives he’d crushed beneath his heel, Silas met a brutal and well-deserved end. And that's when things took a weird turn. Silas wakes up in a new world, only to find himself trapped in a FAVORABILITY SYSTEM. His mission? Make the protagonist of each world like him. The catch? The protagonist always hates his guts. The second catch? If he fails, the protagonist will brutally kill him, and he’ll be flung into an even worse nightmare world. Now, forced into an endless loop of blood, terror, and constantly being hated, Silas must use every underhanded trick in his book to win the favor of each new protagonist—whether it’s manipulation, charm, or sheer intimidation. After all, how hard could it be to make someone adore him? (Answer: Excruciatingly hard.) But Silas is determined to win, no matter the cost. Even if it means smiling through the suffering, hugging his would-be killer, or systematically removing every other love interest, he will reach 100%. Because Silas Grimshaw is a good person. Right?
Kingsjoy · 4.9K Views

Das Kanonenfutter im globalen Apokalypse-Spiel lebt ein gemächliches Leben

#dotingmalelead #Infrastruktur #RPG #OPMc (Achtung! Nicht lesen, während du trinkst. Der Autor ist nicht verantwortlich für einen Erstickungsanfall aufgrund von übermäßigem Glück. XD Ich will nur gute Laune verbreiten. Wenn du deprimiert bist und dich traurig fühlst, lies meinen Roman!) Li Chunhua hätte nie erwartet, dass sie in eine andere Welt versetzt werden würde, nachdem sie ein seltsames Buch gelesen hatte, das sie in der Sektenbibliothek gefunden hatte. Als sie die Augen öffnete, wurden in ihrem Kopf Erinnerungen an ein anderes Mädchen wach, dessen Aussehen und Name dem ihren ähnelte. Sie wurde tatsächlich zum bösartigen Kanonenfutter in dem Angstroman mit männlicher Hauptrolle, den sie gelesen hatte. Angesichts der Aussicht auf einen elenden Tod beschloss Chunhua, sich von den männlichen Haupt- und Nebenfiguren fernzuhalten, und beschloss, unauffällig zu leben. Dank ihres Koi-Körpers war ihr Weg zu einem bequemen Leben ein Kinderspiel. Während andere noch hungern, weil es an Nahrung mangelt, hat Chunhua bereits mit der Landwirtschaft und der Aufzucht von Lebendvieh begonnen. Als andere noch keine richtige Unterkunft hatten, baute sie bereits Straßen. Obwohl sie nur ihre schreckliche Küche aß, war ihr Leben bereits gut! [Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Aufwertung deiner strohgedeckten Hütte zur Blockhütte der Stufe 1.] [Herzlichen Glückwunsch für die Aufwertung deiner Blockhütte der Stufe 1 zu einem Steinhaus der Stufe 2.] [Glückwunsch...] Alles lief gut, bis sie im Wald einen bewusstlosen, mit Schmutz bedeckten Mann auffing. Sie glaubte immer an karmische Konditionierung und kümmerte sich deshalb um ihn, bis er wieder auf den Beinen war. Bis er ihr eines Tages seinen wahren Namen verriet. Li Chunhua war verblüfft. Unglaublich, der Mann, den ich gerettet habe, war tatsächlich der Hauptdarsteller! Ist es zu spät, ihn wieder zurück in den Wald zu werfen? Der Gesichtsausdruck eines gewissen Jemandes verfinsterte sich und er warf sie auf das Bett. "Du wagst es!"
The_Sweet_Dumpling · 16.9K Views

Baby Serendipity: Die ganze Welt hat sich in mich verliebt

Die Familie Su, die reichste der Stadt, hat plötzlich ein dreijähriges Küken! Alle dachten, dieses Kleinkind sei die uneheliche Tochter von Su Qi, dem berüchtigten Playboy des Unterhaltungszirkels, nur um festzustellen, dass die sieben Su-Brüder vor ihr knieten und sie Tante nannten! Ganz Nordstadt hat sich totgelacht: Wozu ist dein Tantchen denn sonst gut, als Milch zu trinken? Meine kann wenigstens für mich sticken. Su Qi: Sticken? Mein Tantchen kann Geister, Dämonen und Zombies fangen, Talente, die die Aufmerksamkeit aller auf sich ziehen. Kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su Liu: Mein Tantchen kann Flugzeuge mit einem fliegenden Schwert jagen, kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su Wu: Mein Tantchen kann Krankheiten mit der Dreizehn-Geister-Tor-Akupunktur heilen, kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su Si: Mein Tantchen kann einen Fünffach-Sprung im Eiskunstlauf machen, kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su San: Mein Tantchen kann bei Spielen leicht einen Pentakill erreichen, kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su Er: Mein Tantchen gewinnt Preise in traditioneller chinesischer Malerei, Ölmalerei und Tuschemalerei. Kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su Da: Mein Tantchen hilft meiner Firma, eine Milliarde am Tag zu verdienen, kann dein Tantchen das auch? Später wurde das kleine Tantchen der Familie Su erwachsen und begann im Stillen eine Romanze mit ihrer schönen, geschickten Jugendliebe. Unisono brüllten die sieben Söhne der Su-Familie: Haltet euch von unserem Tantchen fern!
Fox's Charm · 3.8K Views

Eine wilde Nacht

Lucinda Perry, ein sozialer Einsiedler und Workaholic, nimmt sich vor, an ihrem fünfundzwanzigsten Geburtstag so richtig die Sau rauszulassen und sich sogar einen One-Night-Stand zu gönnen, wenn sie auf der Arbeit ihre längst verdiente Beförderung erhält. Wenige Tage vor ihrem fünfundzwanzigsten Geburtstag wird sie nicht nur in eine höhere Position befördert, sondern auch in die Hauptverwaltung in einer anderen Stadt. Da sie ihre Geburtstagsnacht in einer neuen Stadt verbringen muss, geht sie in einen Club, wo sie einen sehr gut aussehenden Fremden, Thomas Hank, kennenlernt, der ihr anbietet, ihr One-Night-Stand zu sein, nachdem er einen Blick auf ihre "Dare-to-Do"-Liste geworfen hat, auf der auch ein One-Night-Stand stand. Thomas Hank, der in der Vergangenheit von mehreren Frauen ausgenutzt wurde, ist fest entschlossen, die Frau seiner Träume zu bekommen, die ihn um seiner selbst willen liebt und nicht wegen seines Reichtums. Als er im Club die süße und naive Lucinda Perry kennenlernt, beschließt er, ihr seine wahre Identität vorzuenthalten und herauszufinden, ob sie es wert ist, ihn zu halten. ***Auszug*** Was gibt es Unterhaltsameres als eine verrückte Nebenfigur? Begrüßen Sie Sonia und Bryan. Sonias Herz hörte für eine Sekunde auf zu schlagen, und dann schossen ihr im selben Moment verschiedene Gedanken durch den Kopf. Bryan Hank? Ihr prominenter Schwarm kniete direkt vor ihr und bat sie, seine Frau zu werden? Hatte er sie mit jemandem verwechselt? War es möglich, dass es sich um einen Sketch handelte, oder vielleicht um einen dieser Prominentenstreiche, bei denen Kameras darauf warteten, sie dabei zu erwischen, wie sie sich zum Narren machte? Oder träumte sie vielleicht? fragte sich Sonia, als sie sich umschaute, aber alles, was sie sah, waren Schaulustige. "Bitte! Werden Sie meine Frau und machen Sie mich zum glücklichsten Mann der Welt", sagte er mit sehr lauter Stimme, die die Aufmerksamkeit aller auf sich zog. Ihr Redakteur, auf den sie seit über einer Stunde wartete, weil er versuchte, einen Vertrag mit einem Filmproduzenten abzuschließen, der sich für eine ihrer Geschichten interessierte, tauchte in diesem Moment auf: "Sonia, Sie kennen Bryan Hank?" fragte ihr Redakteur erstaunt, als er die Szene vor ihm sah. Es schien eine Stunde vergangen zu sein, seit Bryan auf die Knie gegangen war, aber es war nur eine Minute gewesen. Bryan wusste, dass keine Frau so verrückt wäre, einen solch verrückten Vorschlag anzunehmen, und selbst wenn, wäre es ein Leichtes, sie zu bezahlen und die ganze Sache abzublasen, denn alles, was er wollte, war der Skandal, der daraus entstehen konnte. Die Schlagzeilen würden entweder von seinem abgelehnten Heiratsantrag oder von seiner angeblichen Verlobung handeln, was ausreichen würde, um Sophia vom Haken zu lassen. "Ja!" sagte Sonia, während sie aufgeregt mit dem Kopf wippte und ihm den Finger reichte, damit er ihr den Ring anstecken konnte. "Ja?" fragte Bryan verwirrt, als er ihre Antwort hörte. "Ja! Ich werde deine Frau sein und dich zum glücklichsten Mann der Welt machen!" sagte Sonia kichernd und wackelte mit ihren Fingern, bis Bryan den Ring auf ihren Finger schob. Überraschenderweise hatte der Ring genau ihre Größe, und er saß an ihrem Finger, als wäre er nur für sie gemacht worden. Um sie herum ertönte Applaus, als Sonia mit einem breiten Lächeln im Gesicht aufstand und Bryan umarmte, bevor sie ihn direkt auf die Lippen küsste. Bryan war von ihrer Dreistigkeit etwas überrascht, erholte sich aber schnell wieder, denn dies war sein Spiel, und er musste mitspielen. Schließlich war er derjenige, der sie zuerst angesprochen hatte. Als sie also versuchte, den Kuss zu unterbrechen, hielt er ihr Kinn und knabberte langsam an ihrer Unterlippe, bevor er ihre Lippen mit seiner Zunge teilte und neckisch daran saugte, was Sonia ein Stöhnen entlockte. Sonia fühlte sich schwindelig. Das war zu schön, um wahr zu sein. Es musste einfach ein Traum sein. Wie sonst sollte sie sich erklären, dass sie in einem Moment in der Lobby eines Hotels saß und auf ihren Redakteur wartete, und im nächsten Moment mit ihrem prominenten Schwarm verlobt war und ihn hier auf offener Straße küsste? (PS: Das Foto stammt von mir, das Bild von @imagineTishaD)
Miss_Behaviour · 129.8K Views

Karneval: Vom gestörten Alpha-Prinz beansprucht [BL]

Von der Flucht um deine Sicherheit und der Einschreibung in eine Schule voller Psychopathen ... bis zur Inanspruchnahme durch einen geistesgestörten Alpha-Prinz? Ja, du bist tot besser dran. - . - Jules' Leben war perfekt, bis seine gesamte Familie plötzlich ermordet wurde und er der einzige Überlebende war. Ein Retter sprang ein, weil er immer noch in großer Gefahr schwebte, und das führte dazu, dass Jules eine neue Identität annahm und über Nacht zu einem völlig anderen Menschen wurde - und sich bei Carnivals einschrieb, einer angesehenen Schule für übernatürliche Wesen, die nur aus Jungen besteht. Auf Carnivals lauern Monster in den dunklen Gängen, und die Starken machen Jagd auf die Schwachen. Entweder wird man zum Raubtier oder zur Beute... und ein Blick auf Jules - ein Junge, der zu hübsch ist, um gut zu sein, mit einem schlanken und zierlichen Körperbau - machte klar, dass er von den Raubtieren bei lebendigem Leib gefressen werden würde. Hier kommt Blaze, ein Wolf, der jedem Raubtier in der Schule einen Schauer über den Rücken jagt, ein wahnsinnig heißer Alpha, der genauso gefährlich und gestört ist, wie es die Gerüchte behaupten. Er warf einen Blick auf Jules und entschied auf der Stelle, dass Jules zu ihm gehörte. *** Ich wich einen Schritt zurück und meine Augen weiteten sich noch mehr, als mein Blick auf das Grinsen fiel, das seine Lippen umspielte. Blaze lächelte nie, und wenn er es tat, bedeutete es nie etwas Gutes. Mein Herzschlag beschleunigte sich, als ich noch mehr nach hinten kletterte und mein Atem stockte, als er begann, den Abstand zwischen uns zu verringern. Im Handumdrehen war ich mit dem Rücken an die kalte Wand gepresst, und da wurde mir klar, dass ich in die Enge getrieben und gefangen war, wie eine echte Beute... von keinem Geringeren als Blaze, als ich dachte, dass mein Leben nicht mehr schlimmer werden konnte. Er überragte mich mühelos und strahlte so viel Dominanz aus, dass ich meinen Kopf nach hinten neigen musste, um in seine dunklen Augen sehen zu können, und mein Atem stockte, als sich unsere Blicke trafen. Er beugte sich vor, und ich schloss sofort die Augen, während ich den Atem anhielt und darauf wartete, dass er zuschlug. Ich hatte all die schrecklichen, endlosen Gerüchte über ihn gehört. Er war ein Alpha-Prinz, in dessen Gegenwart sich jemand wie ich niemals aufhalten sollte. Als ich spürte, wie seine kalte Nasenspitze über meine Kehle glitt, öffnete sich mein Mund und ich stieß ein erschrockenes Keuchen aus. Er holte einen langen, hörbaren Atemzug, und ich spürte, wie mir ein Schauer über den Rücken lief, während ich noch steifer wurde und die Verwirrung meinen Verstand vernebelte. Was geschah hier? Warum tat er das aus heiterem Himmel? Oh mein Gott... er war wirklich ein gestörter Alpha, wie alle sagen! *** DIESES BUCH IST AB 18 JAHREN FREIGEGEBEN! Es enthält ausgereifte Inhalte wie: - Mobbing. - Drogenkonsum. - Schweinereien [eine ganze Menge davon]. - Gewalt. - Harem [nicht zwischen den Hauptfiguren]. Also... mit Vorsicht vorgehen, ihr wurdet gewarnt! *Ich besitze nicht die Rechte an dem Cover!
Bree_Airee · 67.9K Views

Beansprucht und markiert von ihrem Stiefbruder Kumpels

"Lassen Sie mich mal sehen." Der gut aussehende Professor mit seinen breiten Schultern und kräftigen Muskeln hob mich mühelos hoch und setzte mich auf den Schreibtisch. Seine kräftigen Hände senkten sanft den Gurt meiner Uniform, um den blauen Fleck vom Training zu untersuchen. "Helanie! Warum tust du dir am Ende immer weh?" Seine Stimme wurde heiser und jagte mir einen Schauer über den Rücken, während ich um Atem rang. Ich musste mich daran erinnern, dass er mein Professor ist... und mein Stiefbruder. Ich sollte mich nicht von seiner Berührung verführen lassen. "Wenn dich noch einmal jemand schikaniert, komm in mein Büro, und ich kümmere mich um ihn", murmelte er, und seine schönen Augen fixierten meine. Obwohl ich wusste, dass er verboten ist, konnte ich nicht anders, als mich zu fragen - sollte ich ihm von der Verbindung erzählen, die ich in der Nacht, als er betrunken war, gespürt hatte? .. Als ihre Eltern sich gegenseitig verstießen, wurde Helanie vom Engel ihres Vaters zu einem vernachlässigten und vergessenen Kind. Aber an ihrem achtzehnten Geburtstag nahmen die Dinge eine dunkle Wendung. Als ihr Körper läufig wurde, zog sie eine Gruppe von Alphas an. Anstatt sie zu retten, rannte ihr heimlicher Alpha-Freund davon. Diese Nacht veränderte Helanies Leben für immer. Da sie beschuldigt wurde, dem Angriff zugestimmt zu haben, wurde sie von ihrem eigenen Rudel zur Hinrichtung verurteilt. Verzweifelt floh sie, fest entschlossen, ihre Mutter zu finden. Was sie nicht erwartet hatte, war, dass ihre Mutter sich darauf vorbereitete, einen schurkischen König mit vier gefährlich gut aussehenden und bestialischen Söhnen zu heiraten. Die Dinge werden noch düsterer, als sie sich mit ihren tyrannischen Stiefbrüdern anfreundet. Wird sie ihren Klauen entkommen können, oder wird ihre Verführung ihr Leben bis zum nächsten Extrem ruinieren? .. Facebook - Alexis Dee
AlexisDee · 29.2K Views

The outcast's mate

When Elyse Salvatore’s pack turns on her, accusing her of murdering their beloved warrior leader, she’s left with nothing but rage and a death sentence. Sold to a rogue auction, she’s snatched up by Alpha Kael—a mysterious and feared alpha with a reputation as cold as his piercing gaze. But Kael isn’t just buying a prisoner. He’s chasing a prophecy, and Elyse is tangled in its threads. Now trapped in Kael’s world of glittering mansions and deadly secrets, Elyse has to survive hostile glares from his icy fiancée, Selena, suspicion from his powerful mother, and the gut-wrenching betrayal of her childhood friend, Chloe, who’s sold her soul to the rogue king, Alpha Peter. Worse, Peter’s claws are everywhere. He’s taken over her old pack, slaughtered their leaders, and wants Elyse dead—or worse, under his control. As sparks fly between Elyse and Kael, they uncover a web of lies: Scott’s death was no accident, Peter’s plan runs deeper than bloodshed, and an ancient prophecy claims one of them must die to save their world. But Elyse is done playing by fate’s rules. When Kael is captured, she risks everything to free him, even as visions warn she’ll betray him—and her own brother, fighting for Peter, stands in her way. **A story of fire, fury, and forbidden bonds**, *The Outcast’s Mate* throws you into a world where love is a weapon, trust is fragile, and every choice could end in ruin. Can a betrayed beta and a hardened alpha rewrite destiny—or will the shadows of the past destroy them first?
Gabriel_Smart_4686 · 109 Views

Apocalypse: I Have A Multiplier System

The apocalypse arrived and the humans slowly adapted to the extreme environment. After the apocalypse, Su Jiyai’s life becomes more miserable at her foster parent’s house. Her foster mother kept finding ways to sell her, her cousins wanted to kill her to reduce the burden, and her foster dad tried to take advantage of her. However, it was the moment when her foster parents pushed her to get admitted to the Army instead of their biological daughter, that she left the home and severed her ties with them. When she was admitted into the Army, she fought with zombies with her bare hands as she had no superpowers. Just when Su Jiayi was fighting with the zombies near a mysterious place and was sure she would die, she accidentally triggered a system and became the owner of that mysterious place. Not only did she have a safe place to stay, but she also had a super amazing system that allowed her to multiply the things she obtained from Deminsion Hunting. [Ding! Vending Machine Detected! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Vending Machine X ∞! The Host can start buying Vending Machines for 200 Federal Coins] [Ding! A Deluxe Room Detected! Congratulations to the host for obtaining Deluxe Room X ∞! The Host can start buying Deluxe Room for 10000 Federal Coins] She opened her own residential area and grocery store. Her grocery store and the rental house soon became an instant hit and people from different places came to please her. As her business was growing, her foster parents came begging her but she just kicked them out. Oh! And wasn’t that the captain of Willow Army whom she had a crush on? Why is he looking at her as a lost treasure when he doesn’t even know her real identity… The story will be fast-paced for the first 19 chapters. The main plot will start after 20 chapters.
LittleRabbit1111 · 1.3M Views

The Dragon Queen and her mates.

Mature content: ‘You are not my craving my dear, you are my obsession.’ “ She was our light and we were her darkness—- and just like every opposites we were obsessed with the idea of having her.” The Evil Empress, the one whose life was filled with debauchery and betrayal to her mates was supposed to die tonight. Being the Empress of the Dragniere Empire and the mother to all dragons, she was supposed to live a life where she lived for her people and the country, her exquisite powers were alone enough to make her the ruler of the entire continent and with her face that was as beautiful as a shining pearl in the moonlight, with hair as fine as Pima, and her curves so luscious that any man would have died of desire with just one glimpse. With powers that were beyond humans, shrouded with the air of aristocracy and with a personality that was as cruel as Medusa, The Evil Empress continued to rule over the people of her Empire with her tyranny. Brianna Cage, nicknamed ‘ Bree, The hellion’ for the convenience of her acquaintances was a rowdy young woman. She had a fierce sense of justice, she was dependable and despite not being the most beautiful woman in her department, she was sought out by a lot of men because of her alluring nature, she rejected them all because in truth she was in love with —— all the Daddies in the comic books she has read. Behind her aloof and dependable persona resided a Weeb who was always cheering on the characters of her favourite books. One day she came upon the book ‘ The Maid’s route of survival of the fittest’ and decided to read it just for the heck of it since the Empress shared the same name as her. But soon Bree found out that the Empress was the Villainess, she even betrayed her mates one by one and what was even more gut-wrenching she was killed by her mates! All for the sake of the maid who reincarnated into the book with a system to help her. Bree though angry decided to throw the book at the back of her head but oddly enough the book vanished and Bree found herself waking up in the room of the Evil Empress just three weeks before she was executed by her mates! Startled but not having the time to freak out, Bree started to take care of everything that the Evil Empress has done wrong. She thought that she would be able to live a peaceful life away from her bloodthirsty mates who didn’t seem too fond of her. But unfortunately, things didn’t go as she planned as five sets of eyes fell on her despite all the precautions she has taken against them. And once those eyes locked on her, they refused to let go of their possessiveness. The Evil Empress was theirs, to begin with who dares take her away?
fairytail72 · 1M Views

New World with Four Husbands

Coco Coison, now known as Coco Hughes, found herself thrown into another world, possessing that world's Coco. Not only has she found out that she is married with four husbands, but she also found out that those four men hate her guts. "I'll help you guys build this house, earn money to get us divorced then I'll leave you alone!" Coco swore with her life, but as the time passed by, she noticed that the attitude of her husbands changed with the season. "Where are you going? Stay for the night." The first husband who doesn't like her presence around the house had started to let her stay. "Coco, what the f*ck are you doing? I told you to not lift a hand after going back from the mountains!" The second husband who likes slaving her, cusses her out from trying to make herself a cup of ground coffee. "Who told you to go and clean your room? Don't do that. I'll handle that instead, out now." The third husband who doesn't like lifting a hand when she's around had pushed her aside when she was about to clean her own room. "Shut up, the librarian told me that you went to the main city to get me books again. Stop doing it and putting yourself at risk." The fourth husband who loves books than anything else had scolded her for doing her weekly errand told by him. "Just.. Just what's happening to them?!" Coco only wanted to live her life peacefully and not cause any ruckus before her divorce, but it seems that the sudden changes in her husbands' personalities had confused her. "It seems that a lot of men want to have you around, huh? How about we get ourselves busy and have some kids run inside this mansion?" Would she ever get her self-proclaimed happy ending?! Oh, how much she wishes to have it!
Coffaero · 1.5K Views

Ein letzter Ritter. Eine Reihe von Kurzgeschichten.

Eine Sammlung wilder, seltsamer und wundersamer Geschichten, die sich mit der Zeit miteinander verflechten werden! Die Welt von Enverdolmal steht am Rande eines Krieges, als dunkle und bedrohliche Mächte beginnen, aus den Schatten hervorzutreten und das Gleichgewicht des Äthers – der magischen Energie, die alles Existierende antreibt – langsam zu ihren Gunsten zu verschieben. Dämonen testen ihre Gefängnissiegel ... Hexen versammeln sich auf der Suche nach Chaos und Anarchie ... Monster sind unter seltsamen und unbekannten Bannern auf dem Vormarsch ... Die lange verschollenen Elementardrachen werden zurückkehren ... Unsere Geschichte wird aus der Sicht von ca. 20 Charakteren erzählt, beginnend mit einem Ritter namens Bastion Ridder, der sich mittendrin wiederfindet. Garth Verlore – die berühmte und weitläufige Schule, an der er unterrichten sollte – wird von Mächten belagert, die niemand kommen sah, und er muss alles tun, was er kann (während er Seite an Seite mit Personal und Schülern kämpft), um sicherzustellen, dass er nicht der letzte Ritter wird … Mit Kursen wie „Drachentöten 101“ und „Kampftaktiken für Kobolde“ wusste Bastion, dass dies keine leichte Aufgabe sein würde … Alles begann so gut, aber irgendwann verliebt sich jeder … Sei es in der Liebe oder im Krieg. Oder sogar im Klassenzimmer! Ritter & Magier. Drachen & Kobolde. Geister & Dämonen & Hexen Und so viel mehr erwartet Sie in dieser Geschichte von Triumph, Chaos, Liebe, Krieg, Verrat und Verlust. Sind Sie bereit, eine letzte Seite umzublättern? Eine letzte Geschichte zu lesen? einen letzten Ritter zu verlieren?
BlackGuyInnaBowtie · 9.9K Views

The Immortals: Odyssey

In the dawn of time, a family of ordinary sailors and fishermen unknowingly stumbles upon a fate that would forever alter their destiny. A goddess, angered by their alleged act of theft against her, cursed them to sail the seas eternally, plundering treasures and pillaging wealth. And they came to be known as the first pirates to ever exist. This curse, however, came with an unexpected twist; immortality. For centuries, the family navigated the treacherous waters, exploiting their newfound gift, to amass power and riches. They became the stuff of legend, feared and revered by all who crossed their path. Their dreaded name, "The Damned Ones," struck terror into the hearts of both men and gods. Years passed, and the goddess, seemingly capricious, lifted the curse, allowing the family to set foot on land once again. But this freedom came with a catch; their immortality remained, a double-edged sword that rendered them invincible and more formidable. And as the ages went by, the family's exploits became the tales told in myths and legends, but they themselves, lived among the humans. They built civilizations, sowed chaos, and reveled in their unparalleled power. Even the powerful rulers and other immortal factions trembled at the mention of their name. They were an overpowered, unkillable set of monstrosities that wanted nothing more than to have fun. After years of separation, the family reunites, only to discover that one of them had gone missing. But that was only just the beginning. A new enemy had emerged from the darkness, one who had in his possession a mysterious and terrifying power, one capable of killing even the unkillable family. The family, driven by a mix of concern and self-preservation, put aside their differences and join forces to vanquish the threat. Allied once again as one, their unyielding resolve and unmatched power would be tested like never before, but one thing was certain– they would not go quietly into the night. They had lived for tens of centuries and have gotten unaccustomed to death. The battle for their existence had begun, and the fate of the world hung in the balance. They fought against both old and new foes, in a world where the supernatural was nothing more than a fairy tale, living up to their mythical title as the... IMMORTALS Sneak peak! The sun dipped into the horizon, casting a bloody orange glow over the battle-scarred shore. The air reeked of saltwater, smoke and piles of dead bodies littered the battleground, their limbs twisted in unnatural poses. Amidst the carnage, a burly man stood tall, victorious over a defeated foe, he remained still, taking in the aftermath of the war. His side had emerged victorious, their enemies laid low. A sense of pride and satisfaction swelled within him, but it was short-lived. But his triumph was short-lived. A sudden sharp pricking sensation in his back prompted him to turn around, where he faced a young warrior, shaking with fear, clutching the hilt of a longsword whose blade had pierced through the man's back and was protruding from his gut. The man scoffed and with a swift motion, he reached around and grasped the hilt, pulling the sword from his body. The warrior's eyes widened in horror as the man withdrew the blade, the metal sliding out of his flesh with a sickening squelch. As the sword cleared his body, the man's wounds began to heal at an alarming rate. The gash in his back closed, the skin knitting together with an unnatural speed. The warrior stumbled backward, his eyes fixed on the healing flesh. "You... you're a monster!" The man's gaze locked onto the warrior, his eyes burning with inner fire. "You're right, i am a monster. Stab me a hundred times, decapitate me, entomb me, cut me up into a million pieces and incinerate the parts... I won't stay dead, I'm 'the' immortal, I can't be killed!" And with a swift, deadly motion, the man jabbed the sword into the warrior's throat, ending his life with a single, brutal stroke
Red_Hood69 · 2.2K Views

The Billionaire's Rental Wife Is A Hot Shot

“I will let you be on top from tonight, please don’t divorce me, darling!” ----- Evelyn’s fairytale life shattered when a stranger stormed in, claiming to be the real daughter of the Wright family with proof. Her enviable privileges? Stripped away. Her spotless reputation? Tarnished. Her four-year engagement? Abruptly annulled. But the worst betrayal came from her once-loving father, all set to marry her off to settle a business score—with a man twice her age! Everyone in the circle attended this scandalous wedding, eager to witness the downfall of the supposed fake heiress. Yet, the climax was not what even Evelyn had anticipated! Zevian Reign, the nation’s richest tycoon, known for being every woman’s fantasy and the nightmare of all his rivals, made a dramatic entrance. His arrival stunned the guests, but his brazen wish was even more startling! He casually demanded to replace the groom and marry the beautiful bride. No one dared to challenge, nor did anyone have the guts to disobey him. They were left with no choice but to watch the wedding unfold. And it was Evelyn’s time to smirk, for she was now the devil’s wife. And all those who had ruined her, they would pay back in tenfold! ++++ [Excerpt] "Why would I ditch my husband for a loser?" Evelyn chuckled, crossing her arms defiantly. "He is better than him in all the aspects." Her gaze drifted to her ex-fiancé nearby, and she continued with a smirk, "Actually, a lot better in bed." As Annabelle’s face flushed with disdain, Evelyn patted her back and leaned in to deliver another slap. "So, good luck with licking my leftovers, dear step-sister. He's a perfect match for you."
Zelra · 1M Views

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Daoistre4waZ · 129 Views

The Don and His Diva

Maril Santoro is a petty thief with dreams of becoming a notorious gangster. Her targets are always the corrupt and the lawless, driven by her quirky sense of justice. When her best friend is heartbroken after being cheated on by her boyfriend, Maril devises a plan to teach him a lesson he won't forget. However, in a hilarious twist of fate, she ends up kidnapping the wrong man—Rhysand Moretti, a powerful mafia lord. What begins as a comical blunder spirals into a series of misadventures as Maril's life collides with Rhysand’s dangerous world. Despite her initial fear, Maril’s bold and unpredictable nature captures Rhysand’s interest, leading to an unexpected and tumultuous relationship. Join The Don and his Diva to find out how their story proceeds. ---------------------------- Maril: Great, Maril. Just great. How could you be blind and not realize who you were kidnapping? It was supposed to be that scumbag, not a mafia lord. Rhysand: Excuse me! Did you just call me a scumbag? Maril: Nope. Never. I swear! Rhysand: I have to say you’ve got guts. People usually avoid me, not abduct me. This is a first. Maril: Listen, Mr. Wrong Guy, it was a mistake. A big, ridiculous, terrible mistake. How about we pretend this never happened? I untie you and you go back to your dangerous mafia life while I return to… well whatever it is I do. Rhysand: And what if I’m not interested in forgetting this ever happened? Maril: Why do you want to remember something so embarrassing? Shouldn’t you be trying to forget this pathetic incident? Rhysand: I don’t think it’s pathetic. I’d word it intriguing. After all, it’s not every day I come across someone as daring as you. Maril: Look, Mr. Mafia Lord…. Rhysand: Rhysand Moretti. Maril: Right, Mr. Moretti, this was all an accident, a confusion. I apologize for my mistake. I mean no harm, you mean no harm. Can’t we forget everything and end this amicably? Rhysand: We can. Maril: Thank …. Rhysand: But we won’t. Maril: What’s that supposed to mean? Rhysand: It means you’ve piqued my interest, lady. And in my world, it’s not something that happens often. Maril: Oh great, just what I needed in my life – another complication.
prada_murthy · 3.3K Views


As a lifelong Manchester United fan, I’ve always appreciated the thrill of sports betting, especially when it involves backing my team. Like many fans, I enjoy the rush of predicting the outcome of a match, and I’ve had my fair share of wins. Recently, I took a risk by betting on a few of United’s key fixtures, and to my surprise, I ended up winning a substantial sum. With my winnings, I decided to make a more significant investment, hoping to turn my luck into even greater financial rewards. Unfortunately, that decision led me down a path I never anticipated.I came across an online platform through a broker on LinkedIn, who promised lucrative returns on digital asset investments. Initially, everything seemed legitimate, and I felt confident in my decision, using the money I’d won from my bets as my starting capital. The broker seemed professional, and the platform itself appeared well-designed. After depositing my funds, the early stages of my investment went smoothly, and I was optimistic about the potential growth of my assets.However, things quickly took a turn for the worse when I tried to withdraw my funds. The platform began requesting additional "settlement" payments before I could access my earnings. These demands grew increasingly unreasonable, and the customer support team, which had initially seemed responsive, became unhelpful and evasive. Despite repeated efforts to resolve the issue, I was given the runaround, and my funds remained locked.It was at this point that I began to realize I had fallen victim to a scam. I was frustrated and worried that my winnings, which I had worked hard for and was so excited to grow, had been taken from me. As a Manchester United fan, I know how to appreciate a hard-fought victory, but this felt like the exact opposite – a gut punch, similar to one of those dreadful last-minute goals we’ve all endured as fans.A colleague of mine, sensing my frustration, suggested I reach out to Digital Hack Recovery, having heard about their successful track record in asset recovery. Initially, I was skeptical, but given my desperate situation, I decided to give it a try. From the moment I contacted them, I felt reassured by the professionalism and transparency of their team. They immediately began working on my case, and I was kept updated throughout the entire process.To my amazement, Digital Hack Recovery was able to trace my Solana assets and recover the funds I had lost. What was even more impressive was how quickly they were able to do it, restoring not just my assets but also my confidence in digital investments. The entire experience was a real game-changer for me, and I’m incredibly grateful to Digital Hack Recovery for their hard work and dedication.As a fan of Manchester United, I know what it feels like to experience a comeback after a setback, and thanks to Digital Hack Recovery, I got to experience just that with my investments. I’m now back on track and more cautious than ever, but I’ll always be thankful for the support and professionalism I received in recovering what was rightfully mine. contact Digital Hack Recovery via⁚ WhatsApp +19152151930 Website; Email;
Wyatt_Jackson_6089 · 173 Views


Ongoing~~ Thunder struck loudly admist the harsh rain, as Raven's killer slowly lifted his hood off his face. "Ryles?" Raven's voice held a note of surprise, as he looked up at the man in front of him, with a shock filled face. "Tell me, what are you doing here in Mythoria?" Ryles bent to his level to hear him speak, but Raven didn't attempt to Open his mouth. His vibrant green eyes, glowing in the dark, and reflecting the sillhouette of Ryles. Tension hung in the air, both dreading what was to come next. The occasional flash of lightning did nothing but enhance the menacing look of Ryles as he loomed over Raven. Raven was smart enough not to struggle, he instead remained as still as wood 'They wouldn't kill me right? , they still need me ' Raven thought to himself but even he realized how stupid that sounded. "why? " was all he breathed out, despite having so much to say. He was smart enough to understand that, Ryles showing up like this meant he was ordered to kill him. He just couldn't understand why... " Ask master himself" was Ryles' response as he drove a dagger into Raven's chest. His scream was accompanied by a loud thunder, and suddenly it was as if his strength had returned. He pushed Ryles' off with so much force that something like light blasted out of his hands and sent Ryles' flying to hit a tree. Blood spurted out of his mouth immediately as he curled in pain for a split second, his pupils dilated. Raven was beyond shocked as he didn't understand how he had come to posses such powers. It was like something deep within him was unlocked. Immediately getting up on his feet, he began sprinting with insane speed, despite the overwhelming pain coming from his chest. He didn't dare pull out the dagger as he was well accustomed with these type of poisoned weapons. Ryles' had also sprinted after Raven immediately, this time drawing out his sword as he didn't know what other dangerous trick the boy would pull again. Ryles couldn't deny that he was surprised, as he never knew Raven could be this powerful. The kid had hidden himself quite well. Maybe that was why master wanted him dead. The heavy rainfall made it hard to see or keep track of the boy, but Ryles' was well trained to use his other senses and he spotted Raven above, sprinting stealthily but slowly from tree to tree. " smart, aren't you?" Ryles smirked at the boy's intelligence. That was why it had been hard to track him, He leapt off the ground, flicking poisoned blades which accurately hit and cut him deeply across the shoulder Another pained cry filled the forest as Raven lost balance and fall with a thud, Ryles without wasting time descended on him and drove his sword into his gut. Thunder struck loudly, as a moment of silence passed with them holding each other's gaze. Blood slowly gushed out and flowed to the edge, dropping down into the deep waters below, reminding them both that they were at the edge of a cliff. " I'm sorry but you have to die" Was the last thing he heard......
Stowpha_Naomi24 · 11.1K Views
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