Time Trap
Brief Plot Summary: The protagonist is trapped in the same day. Every 24 hours, time resets, and he lives through this day again and again. However, with each new cycle, he gains the ability to make different choices and see how those changes affect his life. Gradually, the protagonist realizes that he’s not the only one stuck in this time loop — all of his versions are just fragments of one vast consciousness, where countless paths and decisions merge into one. With each choice, he gets closer to understanding that his true goal isn’t just to find an escape, but to unite all of his "selves" and break free from the endless cycle. But will he find a solution that leads him to the long-awaited freedom?
Genre: Science Fiction, Drama, Philosophy
Estimated Reading Time: Approximately 5-7 hours.
This is not just a story about repeating time. It’s a reflection on what it means to be alive in a world where no clear path exists, and everything is possible at once.