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Belo Betty Deck

Die Liebe eines Lykaners

ABGESCHLOSSEN! Schnipsel: Vor einem Jahr wurde Raine aus der Nervenheilanstalt entlassen und musste im Waisenhaus leben. Es war nicht der beste Ort. Zumindest nicht für jemanden wie sie. Bis sie eines Abends auf ihn traf. *** Er hielt den Wagen an. Sie klammerte sich fester an die Decke und Raine fragte sich, ob sie etwas falsch gemacht hatte. Sie konnte es spüren, als Torak seine Hand nach ihr ausstreckte. Wird er mich schlagen? Raine schauderte bei diesem Gedanken. Torak zog ihr den Kapuzenpulli vom Kopf und strich ihr sanft das Haar hinter das Ohr. "Tu das nicht." Sagte er fest, "Ich will dich sehen, versteck dich nicht..." ************** "Der Geist des Schutzengels wird dem Menschenkind neues Leben einhauchen. Drei Schutzengel werden wieder in die irdische Welt hineingeboren werden und ihr drei werdet ihre Beschützer sein." "Beschützer!!!?" Jedrek schnaubte. Schließlich blieb er stehen, drehte der Mondgöttin den Rücken zu und blickte sie aus der Ferne an, seine Augen glitzerten rot vor Zorn. Seine Wölfin war wütend. "Warum glaubst du, dass wir dir helfen werden?" fragte Kace und verengte seine obsidianschwarzen Augen, während sein Wolf die Kontrolle über ihn übernahm. Er war der Jüngste der drei und der am wenigsten temperamentvolle unter ihnen. Die drei waren von Selene verflucht worden, weil sie mit ihrer Wildheit die höchste Macht und Autorität anstrebten. Die Mondgöttin segnete sie zur Strafe für ihr grausames Verhalten nicht mit einer Gefährtin und zwang sie, sich an diesem tödlichen Krieg mit den Dämonen zu beteiligen. "Ihr wollt uns zu Sklaven für diese kränklichen Kreaturen machen!?" fragte Torak ungläubig. "Habt ihr keine Angst, dass wir sie in zwei Hälften reißen?" Der Schutzengel war so zerbrechlich und sie als Lykanthropen wussten die Schwächen nicht zu schätzen. "Nein, das werdet ihr nicht." sagte Selene geduldig. "Du wirst nicht ihr Sklave sein und sie nicht verletzen, du wirst sie in jeder Hinsicht wertschätzen." Jedrek lachte bedrohlich, als er das hörte, die Wiederauferstandenen der Bestie waren ihnen egal, sobald sie ihr Territorium betraten, mit oder ohne Schutzengel, würde er ihren Körper in Stücke reißen. "Ich werde der letzte Mensch sein, den sie sehen werden, wenn ich sie finde." Er bezog sich sowohl auf den Schutzengel als auch auf den Dämon. Aber die nächste Stimme von Selene war von Heiterkeit durchzogen, als sie sprach. "Du wirst deiner Gefährtin nicht wehtun." ============================ Sitzung 1 (Kapitel 1 - 394) : Torak Donovan - Raine (abgeschlossen). Sitzung 2 (Kapitel 395 - 628) : Kace Donovan - Hope (abgeschlossen) Sitzung 3 (Kapitel 629 - 1083) : Jedrek Donovan - Lilac (abgeschlossen) Session 4 (Kapitel 1084 - in Arbeit) : Nebengeschichten ============================ Dies ist eine Werwolfgeschichte und natürlich eine Fantasy! Da jeder seine eigene Version des übernatürlichen Lebens hat, versuche ich hier, meine zu schreiben. Wenn du schon andere Werwolfgeschichten gelesen hast, wirst du wissen, dass es Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede gibt. ============================ ***Vorsicht! Englisch ist nicht meine Muttersprache, daher besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Sie grammatikalische Fehler finden (ich habe es nicht absichtlich getan), wenn es Ihnen unangenehm ist, lassen Sie es mich bitte wissen, damit ich es korrigieren kann. *Du bist gewarnt worden ^^ Jede konstruktive Kritik ist sehr willkommen! .......................................................................................... ##Meet me on instragram : jikan_yo_tomare ##Cover by: @Gisel.arts Schau dir meine anderen Geschichten an: **PURPLE DAWN TILL DUSK: am liebsten durch die Zeit **DIE GESCHICHTE DER DÄMMERUNG
jikanyotomare · 177.3K Views

Mundo Etéreo: Estrada da Imortalidade do Figurante Vil

Bei YueYue era uma pessoa desinteressada e gentil. Depois, ela transmigrou e se tornou 'Huang Ying Yue', uma figurante malvada que é famosa por sua vileza, crueldade, luxúria, inumanidade e tinha uma personalidade ninfomaníaca no romance imortal que acabara de ler. No romance, a original ‘Huang Ying Yue’ fez incontáveis más ações para ofender muitos dos personagens poderosos presentes. Não apenas a heroína do romance, até todos os homens do harém da heroína foram assediados e abusados física e mentalmente por ‘ela’ de diferentes maneiras. O caminho para a imortalidade é cheio de espinhos, perigos e ameaças imprevisíveis. Os cultivadores do mal, monstros e demônios estão à solta em todo lugar. Enquanto perseguem o caminho da imortalidade, todos os cultivadores têm que se unir para eliminar esses seres do mal. Enquanto tenta alcançar seu objetivo, YueYue tem que enfrentar inimigos poderosos que 'Huang Ying Yue' ofendeu no passado, bem como as dívidas que 'Huang Ying Yue' cometeu. Ao mesmo tempo, ela tem que enfrentar a heroína de beleza glacial, Huang Bai Xing, que está cercada por inúmeros homens belos e fortunas desafiadoras do céu. Com o dedo de ouro e o amor dos céus, Huang Bai Xing recebeu dedos de ouro. Com dedos de ouro, Huang Bai Xing se torna mais forte dia após dia e espera pela melhor oportunidade para matar ‘Huang Ying Yue’. Pessoas poderosas, os homens de Huang Bai Xing, um por um sacam suas armas, com a intenção de matar e ensinar-lhe uma lição horrível porque 'ela' machucou a mulher deles. Felizmente, com o mundo pequeno etéreo desafiador do céu que ela recebeu, ela pode plantar as plantas espirituais, colher os frutos espirituais, cultivar com o abundante poder espiritual e enganar o tempo, tomando banho com a cascata espiritual dentro do espaço, enquanto mantém sua vida 'pacífica' de perseguir o caminho da imortalidade. Com o seu leal exército de bestas, ela embarca no caminho do cultivo para conhecer novas pessoas, amor, amizade, dificuldades, excitação e passado misterioso enquanto muda seu destino e o de todos ao seu redor para um futuro melhor. Subconscientemente, ela nem mesmo percebe que, por causa da sua personalidade, atrai inúmeros pêssegos em flor que mudaram sua vida monótona para sempre. Aviso: Final 1VN, uma mulher acaba com muitos homens. Existem amores proibidos (mas não sem cérebro) Por favor, leia as etiquetas antes de mergulhar no meu mundo. Capa de: Pinterest, Créditos ao legítimo proprietário. Minha conta no Instagram: Littlecarrot006_ Meu nome de usuário do DISCORD: littlecarrot6510 Meu segundo livro: Myth Of Miracle: Reborn To Defy My Fate Esse livro está participando do WSA 2024 (Em progresso) #Portalspace #Reverseharem #Taboo #Darkromance #Femaleleadxianxia #Xianxia #Np #Cultivo #Aventura #Imortalidade #Poligamia #Muitoshomensbonitos #Transmigrou #cannonfodder #Romance #Luta #Besta #Múltiploscontinentes #Passadomisterioso #FLgentilebondosamasnaofraca #Perdoarmasnaoesquecer #FLinteligente
Littlecarrot · 77.8K Views

Uma Noite Selvagem

Lucinda Perry, uma reclusa social e workaholic, faz uma promessa a si mesma de se soltar no seu vigésimo quinto aniversário e até mesmo conseguir uma noite de amor casual se ela conseguir a tão esperada promoção no trabalho. Poucos dias antes do seu vigésimo quinto aniversário, ela é promovida para uma posição superior e para a sede em outra cidade. Tendo que passar a noite do seu aniversário em uma nova cidade, ela vai à boate onde conhece um belo desconhecido, Thomas Hank, que se oferece para ser seu caso de uma noite depois de ver sua lista de desafios a cumprir, que incluía ter uma noite de amor casual. Thomas Hank, depois de ter sido usado por várias mulheres no passado, está determinado a conquistar a mulher dos seus sonhos que o amaria por ele mesmo e não por sua riqueza. Então, quando ele conhece a fofa e ingênua Lucinda Perry na boate, ele decide esconder sua verdadeira identidade dela e descobrir se ela valia a pena. ***Trecho*** O que é mais divertido do que um personagem secundário louco? Diga olá à Sonia e ao Bryan. O coração de Sonia parou de bater por um segundo e, em seguida, diferentes pensamentos começaram a voar em sua cabeça naquele mesmo momento. Bryan Hank? O seu crush celebridade estava ajoelhado bem na frente dela e pedindo-a em casamento? Ele a estava confundindo com outra pessoa? Seria possível que isso fosse uma encenação, ou talvez fosse uma daquelas pegadinhas de celebridades, e havia câmeras por perto esperando para capturar sua reação? Ou talvez ela estivesse sonhando? Sonia se perguntava enquanto olhava ao redor, mas tudo o que via eram espectadores curiosos. "Por favor! Seja minha esposa e me torne o homem mais feliz da Terra", disse ele em voz alta, chamando a atenção de todos. Seu editor, para quem ela tinha esperado por mais de uma hora porque estava tentando fechar um acordo com um produtor de cinema interessado em uma de suas histórias, apareceu naquele momento, "Sonia, você conhece o Bryan Hank?" Seu editor perguntou em genuína surpresa ao ver a cena diante dele. Parecia ter passado uma hora desde que Bryan se ajoelhou, mas só tinha passado um minuto. Bryan sabia que nenhuma mulher seria louca o suficiente para aceitar uma proposta tão maluca e, mesmo que alguma fosse, seria fácil pagar-lhe e cancelar toda a situação, já que tudo o que ele queria era um escândalo que pudesse vir disso. As manchetes seriam sobre sua proposta de casamento rejeitada ou seu suposto noivado, o que seria suficiente para tirar Sophia do gancho. "Sim!" Sonia respondeu, balançando a cabeça empolgadamente e estendendo o dedo para que ele colocasse o anel. "Sim?" Bryan perguntou confuso ao ouvir sua resposta. "Sim! Eu serei sua esposa e farei de você o homem mais feliz do mundo!" Sonia disse rindo e mexendo os dedos até que Bryan deslizou o anel neles. Surpreendentemente, o anel era de seu tamanho exato e cabia perfeitamente em seu dedo, como se tivesse sido feito especialmente para ela. O som de aplausos irrompeu ao redor deles enquanto Sonia se levantava com um grande sorriso no rosto e abraçava Bryan antes de beijá-lo nos lábios. Bryan ficou um pouco surpreso com a audácia dela, mas rapidamente se recuperou já que este era o seu jogo, e ele tinha que participar. Afinal, ele tinha sido quem a procurou primeiro. Então, quando ela tentou interromper o beijo, ele segurou o queixo dela e lentamente mordeu seu lábio inferior antes de separar seus lábios com a língua e sugar de maneira provocante, arrancando um gemido de Sonia. Sonia se sentia tonta. Isso era bom demais para ser verdade. Só podia ser um sonho. Como mais ela poderia explicar que um momento estava sentada no saguão de um hotel esperando seu editor, e no seguinte estava noiva de seu crush celebridade e o beijava bem ali, em público?
Miss_Behaviour · 599K Views

Aukhemya - Gods and Alchemy

God(s). Angels. Demons. Monsters. They can be more real than you’d like… And more humane too… Maybe way too much… ... … In a world with supernatural races secretly living among humans, this is the story of Lúcio Arabrantes, a lad from Minas Gerais, Brazil. If you expected an unlucky, jobless protagonist… NOT HERE, FOLKS! Owner of a jewelry shop in one of the best shopping centers of Belo Horizonte, he certainly is a successful lad! Regarding his luck… WEEEEEELL… To start, our lad has a weird syndrome and a frail body (oh dear, someone could mistake his condition as a curse…), without mentioning the disappearance of his parents after an accident. Yeah, very original and nothing strange… But this isn't everything. The shop is nothing more than a facade for Lúcio's real business: the store Buriti de Ouro, specialized in artifacts, magical scrolls and talismans, seals, magic forge, formations, matrices and other magical miscellaneous; located in the Brazil Street, Latin America Zone, Heavenly Commercial District. Yes, our jeweler works in Heaven. Literally. But what is Lúcio’s cheat power? Is he the descendant of some god, dragon, spirit or devil? No, he is just a normal human with a… Not that normal job… Skills above everyone else? Despite being a magical inscriptionist and artificer, to surpass the gods and other races is complicated… Could it be the learnings of a past life? Well, Lúcio studied a lot, he works hard, but he never had an ancient great Grandmaster of a supreme sect or a primordial creation god to teach him secret techniques. For now… However, for the ruin of his peaceful lifestyle (if that's even possible in such a world) and rejoice of our readers, his “normal” life changes when a random box appears on his doorstep. Inside the box lies the first and last help left by his parents (spoiler: it won't be the last one). An artifact, the Aurum Nucleus, that could supposedly cure his weird body condition. But the artifact has a special bonus: it hosts the spirit of a… Certain woman… … … You already know that a lot of shit is gonna happen, right? Mercenaries and mobsters appearing to screw the party? Yes. Two dudes on a motorcycle trying to rob him? We are in Brazil, what did you expected? Old bully from school trying to make a fuss in the shop? Check. Aztec sect kidnap and try to offer him to a fallen Aztec god? Yep- Uhhh... The girlfriend is also kidnapped, but by a group of giants with colorful hairs and eyes living on a lost island in the Atlantic Ocean? Certainly- Hold up… Trouble with the island’s church from which the first angels (aka Celestials) and demons (Abyssals btw) come from? Of course- Wait, wait… The lost past of forgotten primordial gods, involving secrets about the origin of everything, schemes and plans of ancient entities, prophecies about the Apocalypse, wars between pantheons, clans and even different dimensions, machinations that could change the world order… Uhhhh… I think you folks got the idea… Fortunately, Lúcio has family and friends to support him in these troubles. From the cheese broas teached by his grandmother, the cheats, tricks and quirks of his family, a little help from adventurer friends, the love of his yander- cahem- protective girlfriend, and the strength of… Golden allies… This is an ordinary and chaotic story, unique and common, boring and funny, unexpected and predictable, pleasant and *censored*, and many other adjectives. So expect lots of jokes and memes (good or not, idc, my humor sense is wild), lovely or bland moments, references and mysteries, obvious or not. And as the novel’s name says, this is a story about gods and alchemy, with a certain island in the middle of the chaos… Discord server link:
WillSM268 · 124K Views


Four months ago, I made a significant investment of $109,000 on a trading platform called ProCapital. The platform appeared professional, the support team was responsive, and I could monitor my profits, which were steadily growing. I felt confident I had made a smart decision and even started envisioning the financial freedom this investment would bring. However, when I attempted to withdraw my earnings, everything changed. I was suddenly locked out of my account, with no explanation. I tried reaching out to the platform multiple times but received no response. It became painfully clear that I had been scammed. ProCapital had disappeared without a trace, taking my entire investment with them. The emotional impact of this realization was devastating. It wasn’t just the financial loss it was the betrayal of trust and the feeling of helplessness. I didn’t know where to turn for help but was determined to take action. After extensive research online, I came across a company called Digital Tech Guard Recovery.  contact with  WhatsApp: +1 (443) 859 - 2886 Email @  Telegram:   website link :: https : //  They claimed to specialize in recovering funds from crypto scams and had testimonials from people who had successfully recovered their investments. I was skeptical at first. Having already been deceived, I was cautious about trusting anyone again. However, Digital Tech Guard Recovery’s professional and transparent approach gave me a glimmer of hope. I decided to contact them, and from the very first interaction, their team reassured me. They explained the recovery process in detail, addressing all my concerns and providing a realistic timeline for results.To my amazement, within just three working days, Digital Tech Guard Recovery successfully helped me recover my Bitcoin and the funds I had lost. The process was seamless, and their team kept me informed every step of the way. Their expertise and dedication were evident, and it felt like a massive weight had been lifted off my shoulders.Since then, I’ve shared my experience with friends who had also fallen victim to scams, and they too have successfully recovered their funds with Digital Tech Guard Recovery’s help. If you’ve been scammed and feel like there’s no hope, I strongly recommend reaching out to them. They are a credible, professional team that can turn your situation around. Recovery is possible, and you don’t have to face this alone. Stay vigilant, but know that help is available. 
Betty_moerker · 198 Views

Sindbad: The Wandering Trader

... “ You're going to ignore the warning!” Nasser cried in utter horror. “ We will die all in here then!” “ I would rather we all die than survive by throwing a child into the sea, if that even worked!” The captain countered, voice booming over the storm. “ It will! Our ship will survive the Great One's wrath!” The sailors split into two groups, those who believed in Nasser’s words, and those who thought it absurd to just sacrifice a kid to the sea. Arguments began to break here and there. A pair of blue eyes squinted at them all with such intensity that they seemed to have swallowed their own tongues. The man then turned on the older one. “ You’re turning in circles, old Nasser!” The captain placed a hand firmly on his shoulder. “ You go back inside, I’ll make sure you stay alive. But I'm not as heartless as to sacrifice a kid for a storm. Take him back in, Sin-” The captain broke off as he turned around, eyes flicking in search of a certain pair of golden eyes among the ones staring at him. He found none. “ Sindbad? Where is he?” The sailors looked around the deck, but still no shadow of the boy. Sindbad had vanished from the upper deck… ----------------------------------------------- [A WPC entry!] [Side story of Zarqa] The sea is vast and the world on the other side is even bigger! With that in mind, Sindbad decided to leave the safety of his homeland, Baghdad, and set on a journey to see the world and the wonders it was hiding. But no one said his journey would be easy. No one said he would be guaranteed to go back home. The world doesn't only bear wonders, but perils as well. " You're on a long and unbearable path, boy. You will come to regret eventually." Predicted a self-proclaimed seer. Sindbad is about to see what the world is really like outside of Baghdad. [ Opening Theme: Lapis Lazuli by Eir Aoi] Sindbad's Opening:
M0M0KA · 12.6K Views

Legends: War Among Dimensions

Jason Reed, a 21-year-old felt lost in life as he couldn’t seem to hold down a job or find purpose in life. After being fired from his ninth job in three months; this time for ruining a bakery batch by mixing salt instead of sugar, he returned to his crumbling trailer home, the only thing his parents left behind before mysteriously disappearing years ago. Exhausted and frustrated, Jason skipped dinner and collapsed into bed, only to be pulled into a terrifying nightmare. In the dream, Jason found himself in a strange forest where the sky mirrored the ground, with upside-down trees stretching endlessly above. The forest seemed alive, constantly shifting and changing its shape and colors with weird sounds echoing all around, making him anxious to escape. As Jason finally reached a clearing, he discovered that he was at the edge of a cliff overlooking a battlefield littered with the bodies of monstrous creatures. Turning back in fear, he found himself facing the entrance of a massive cave that wasn’t there moments before. Now trapped between the cliff and the ominous cave, Jason has nowhere to run. A chilling tension fills the air as in the next moment a massive red dragon emerges from the cave. It had bright red, with odd rectangular scales and glowing yellow eyes that gave it a strange, digital appearance, like the final boss of an old arcade game. The dragon growled, releasing thick and massive amounts of smoke from its nostrils as it locked its gaze on Jason. Jason froze, hoping the dragon would leave him alone, but his slightest movement triggered the dragon to attack. Chomp! In a single horrifying moment, the dragon devoured Jason whole, jolting him awake in a cold sweat. Shaken, Jason tried to dismiss the nightmare and get on with his day. But his morning was about to take a bizarre turn when he found a small, red metal case on his bathroom sink. It had an intricate design around its border with a blank center that made it look like the design was incomplete. Inside, he found a deck of some type of cards. However, the moment Jason touched the deck, it glowed with a soft red light followed by a piercing ringing filling his ears. He clutched his head in pain, unable to make it stop. When the ringing finally subsided, Jason slowly picked himself back up only to look up at the mirror and freeze. Staring back at him was the same dragon from his nightmare, its terrifying eyes locking onto his once again. Jason’s life was about to change forever as he uncovered the truth about a dangerous experiment, the chaos it threatened to unleash on the world, and his own role in stopping it. Jason's life was about to change forever as he discovered the truth about a dangerous experiment, the chaos it was about to bring to his world, and his role in stopping something that should never have been created.
KingU · 1.1K Views

The King Beyond The Screen

Jamie Wentworth is brilliant, isolated, and tired of living as the forgotten son in a powerful family that sees him only as a tool. He’s a genius who’s saved his father’s empire more times than anyone will admit, yet his intelligence has become his curse, chaining him to a loveless home and a relentless life. When he learns of a phenomenon known as The Simulation—a place where people disappear into an alternate reality of powers, danger, and epic quests—he’s drawn to it like a moth to flame. But the Simulation isn’t what Jamie expected. He enters as “Ghost,” a critically injured figure with no memories, no allies, and a fractured past. Equipped with a mysterious “Deck of Cards” skill, he’s able to toggle between roles—Extra, Villain, and the greyed out Protagonist. Each card grants him a persona with unique powers and risks, but swapping between them exacts a heavy toll on his body and mind. Forced to start as the weakest player in a ruthless prison world, Jamie must use his wits and courage to survive against those who’d see him fail. In this new world, he’ll uncover secrets, make dangerous allies, and unlock powers that will take him far beyond anything he’s known. To survive, Jamie will need to outplay scheming npcs, merciless factions, and his own dark legacy as he unravels the mystery of “Ghost”—and the truth of his own soul. But in the Simulation, there’s one rule above all: If you die here, you die in real life. The deeper he dives, the more he realizes this is his only chance at freedom… and his greatest gamble yet.
Cameo_Andrew · 3.9K Views

My Rich Crazy ex boyfriend

“Anna is mine” Theo barked, “get out of her life for good”. He was staring directly at my boobs, what a man! And did he say Anna is mine? If only he knows how much of his dirty secret I have found out already? I can’t believe I dated a monster. “I don’t belong to you, you are crazy” I yelled. The anger Welled up in my throat forcing me to tighten my grip around Hassan’s wrist. “She’s not even capable of loving anyone else asides me” Theo continued lashing at Hassan totally ignoring me. “Well she loves me” Hassan smirked in his usual composed manner. “Get out of my house Theo , right now!” I said pointing towards the door. “You heard her right, now leave , don’t force me to throw you out” Hassan whispered in a mocking tone. After several years of breaking up, Anna’s crazy ex refused to move on placing himself in her life like he was meant to be there forever . Shortly after Anna fell in love with a successful business man that treated her like a princess , Theo showed up in her life again causing a lot of damages to her love affair. Theo didn’t stop as he resulted to stalking and harassing Anna. Betty Traynor , Theo’s lover joined forces with Anna after Theo dumped her and exposed their sex tapes online. She did everything she could go gain Anna and Hassan’s trust but it took them a while to trust her. After finding out about her ex’s darkest and dirtiest secret , Anna vowed to do everything within her power to bring Theo down because she could not just let him get away with it. But at what expense? Will she be able to stand the pressure that was being put on her life and relationship with Hassan or will she eventually let go of getting justice for herself and for Betty ? Find out in this jaw dropping and eye opening romance story.
Ellathewriter · 16K Views

The Siren’s Hoard: Tale of the lost shipwreck

Calypso paused as his eyes got clouded with memory. "But it was a trap. One by one, the men started throwing themselves into the water, thinking they were going to find riches. But instead, they were dragged under, never to be seen again. I watched as the sea turned red with blood. I hid below deck, terrified. When I finally came out, there was no one left but me. They had taken everything—the crew, the ship, and nearly my life." Anya narrowed her eyes. "And you expect me to believe that? Sounds like the kind of story old men tell kids to scare them." Calypso’s gaze hardened. "Believe what you want. But I survived. I saw them with my own eyes. Maybe you think it’s all nonsense, but you didn’t live through what I did. And if you go looking for them, you’ll end up like the rest—dead." Anya scoffed. "That’s just a story." Calypso chuckled darkly. "Is it, now? Let me guess—you’re Larkspur’s kid, aren’t you?" Anya blinked, taken aback. "Yes, I am. How do you know?" "Figures," Calypso muttered under his breath. "Larkspur was another captain that ventured in search of the siren’s hoard and never came back. He and his crew. No wonder you came here." He paused, staring at her with a mix of pity and amusement. "You don’t believe me? Fine. Go out to sea, find them for yourself. But no one’s going to join your crew. Not for something as dangerous as this. And definitely not for a woman." He spat the last word with disdain. Anya’s hands clenched into fists. "I don’t need anyone’s help." "Maybe you don’t," Calypso said with a shrug, "but it won’t matter. The sea doesn’t care if you’re brave or foolish. It takes what it wants." ——————— Anya Larkspur had lost her father to the same magical creatures she had refused to believe in. Determined to uncover the truth behind his disappearance, Anya defied the wishes of her friend Jack Swade and set sail alone following the map of the treasure guarded by “mermaids” that her father and his his crew set to find- The Siren’s hoard, braving the treacherous Seven Seas to find her father's lost shipwreck. Her lonely quest takes a startling turn when her fishing net ensnares something impossible—an injured merman. With this strange and dangerous ally soon turned lover, Anya’s journey deepens into a mystery far darker than she imagined, testing her beliefs, survival, and unraveling more secrets of the sea and answers to her missing father’s lost shipwreck
monellawrites · 5.2K Views
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