From Bully To Beloved: The Heir
In a world where wealth and power dictate fate, Ashley finds herself trapped in a marriage of convenience with Alex, a billionaire who once tormented her in high school. Forced into this union by her father, Ashley initially sees it as a chance for revenge. But as she navigates the dangerous and complicated family dynamics, she discovers that Alex is not the man she thought he was.
With his inheritance on the line, Alex must marry and produce an heir, or lose everything to his scheming stepbrother, Aiden. As Ashley and Alex’s lives become increasingly intertwined, they face betrayal, kidnapping, and a fight for survival. Amidst the chaos, a spark of genuine affection begins to grow between them.
When Ashley becomes pregnant, the stakes are higher than ever. Aiden’s relentless efforts to destroy Alex lead to a dramatic showdown that will change their lives forever. Can Ashley and Alex overcome their past and build a future together, or will Aiden’s plots tear them apart?
Filled with unexpected twists, emotional depth, and a powerful love story, this tale of redemption and resilience will keep you captivated until the very last page.