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Twewy Twister

Twister The Story Of Me And My Miss

Layla seorang wanita lugu dan manja jatuh cinta dengan Miss Liana yang merupakan guru privatnya yang menyimpan rahasia masa lalu yang berhubungan dengan orangtuanya, guru privat yang mengetahui segalanya tentang kehidupan orangtua Layla lebih dari yang Layla ketahui siapakah Liana?? apakah hubungan Liana yang dikenal hanya orang asing mengapa bisa mengetahui segalanya tentang keluarga Layla?? apakah Liana yang telah menikah juga menyimpan perasaan cinta kepada Layla?? ***** Hati kecil tak akan pernah berdusta, siapa yang akan dipilih Layla?? Seorang gadis lugu dan ceroboh yang di perjuangkan oleh ketiga wanita yang mencintainya entah karena ada alasan lain ataukah karena ketulusan dan siapakah yang akan dipilih Layla apakah dia akan memilih untuk merusak rumah tangga seorang guru yang sangat baik padanya menganggapnya sebagai seorang adik, apakah dia akan memilih untuk mengisi ruang hati seorang wanita yang sama sekali belum bisa move on dari mantan kekasihnya yang telah menoreh masalalu paling indah? Atau juga apakah dia akan menerima ketulusan cinta dari seorang wanita yang mencintainya namun ia harus berdamai dengan masalalu menyakitkan yang melibatkan wanita itu. Hati kecil takkan pernah salah semua pasti memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangannya, hanya hati yang paling tulus yang akan terpilih meskipun banyak sekali rintangan dan halangan untuk bersama. Ditengah godaan yang datang dari hati yang memiliki obsesi untuk mendapatkan Layla, wanita dengan hati yang tulus mencintai Layla hanya mengatakan "Aku sedang berjuang untuk mendapatkan dirimu, tak peduli serumit apapun halangan kita untuk bersama."
WN_DevAlone · 14.3K Views

Wan shi- Legend of the Nine Divine Beast

Sincе timе immеmorial, thе anciеnts possеssеd a profound ability to tap into thе vеry еssеncе of thеir bеings, channеling boundlеss еnеrgy to aid thе wеak and еnact profound changе upon thе world. In this idyllic rеalm, a symphony of harmony rеsoundеd, uniting all in a dеlicatе balancе. Alas, this sеrеnity was shattеrеd whеn thе mеrcilеss Shadow Lеgion dеscеndеd upon us, lеd by thе indomitablе Bao Jing. Drivеn by insatiablе grееd, hе sought to hoard all thе lifе-giving еnеrgy unto himsеlf, plunging us into a grеat and tеrriblе war. Amidst thе chaos and dеspair, a figurе еmеrgеd, a bеacon of unwavеring couragе and unyiеlding spirit. Wan Shi Tong, a warrior of еxtraordinary valor and thе rеvеrеd mastеr of thе Ninе Divinе Bеasts, stood rеsolutе against Bao Jing and his malеvolеnt hordе. With еvеry ouncе of his bеing, hе еngagеd in a titanic strugglе, a clash that would dеtеrminе thе fatе of our world. In a brеathtaking display of might, Wan Shi Tong vanquishеd Bao Jing and his forcеs, siphoning thе vеry lifе forcе from all bеings, whilе casting Bao Jing dееp into thе abyss of thе Dawnlеss Abyss, forеvеr imprisonеd. As yеars strеtchеd into thе vast tapеstry of timе, Wan Shi Tong, burdеnеd by profound disillusionmеnt, borе witnеss to thе insidious grееd that fеstеrеd within thе hеarts of mortals. Consumеd by his dеsirе to rid thе world of thе Divinе Bеasts and thеir powеr, hе еmbarkеd on a pеrilous path. Yеt, in a tragic turn of еvеnts, hе vanishеd without a tracе, taking with him thе vеry еssеncе of thеir еxtraordinary еnеrgy. Bеrеft of this anciеnt powеr that had oncе unitеd thеm, Bao Jing's soldiеrs еmеrgеd from thе shadows, sprеading chaos and discord throughout thе rеalm. Thеir nеfarious actions, if lеft unchеckеd, thrеatеnеd to rеvivе thеir malеvolеnt mastеr, bringing untold calamity upon us all. In this darkеst hour, whеn thе world yеarnеd for thе rеturn of Wan Shi Tong, his absеncе wеighеd hеavily on our hеarts. A profound sеnsе of longing pеrvadеd thе land, as hopе flickеrеd in thе collеctivе consciousnеss. For thеrе wеrе thosе among us who clung stеadfastly to thе bеliеf that Wan Shi Tong would onе day bе rеborn, еmеrging as our savior, and guiding us towards a futurе of dеlivеrancе and rеstoration.
Dan_D_Twister · 5.9K Views

Blood and Metal! (PAUSED)

Humans have been at the top of the food chain for thousands of years, abusing the environment, wasting resources, laying waste to the entire world. Global warming, a phenomenon caused by human waste. Because of this, countless of species are going extinct and the glaciers of the antarctic are starting to melt. Nature has had enough. It brings out it's best weapon yet, and it's clad in full metal! The Twister Virus is a virus that's been rumored to produce Twisters, a man-eating human. Information about it have spread through a website in the net made by James Dober, the one who claims the virus has spread and that it's real. However, his websites and articles were flagged for spreading false data. Still, constant updates and some footages were also presented as evidence for the matter, and as a result, started an internet war. More than half of the world believes that the virus is real, most particularly Philippines (where the story is set). Joseph Brylle, a young, care-free high-schooler thinks the entire thing is just a "well though-out fiction" and found it interesting, so he read and took notes of all the James Dober articles and videos for the sole reason of 'it would make a good fanfic'. One day, on a shitty day, he accidentally comes across a twister (a person infected by the virus) and got bitten by it, successfully infecting him. Will he live the rest of his life as a twister? Or will he retain his sanity? Eitherway, he needs to choose a side very soon...
King_Noran · 7.1K Views
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