The Game Of Deceptions
This story revolves around Ram Raghav, an introverted and average boy with a mysterious past, who gets enrolled in world's most prestigious «Clivara International Elite High School» in India through a scholarship where many international students come to study here. After some time, he joined the High school and he realizes the true intentions of Clivara beneath its external facade. In Clivara, where they promised 100% students would be admitted to Elite colleges or High salary paid jobs. But the tables turned, when he realized only superior classes like A, B, C and D received higher quality treatment than class E where Ram Raghav got admitted for a peculiar reason.
This school only rates its students based solely on their academic, extracurricular and sport excellence... It's a school filled with hidden violence, deception, mind games and politics. The true goal of each student was directed to — Golden Chair Of Greatest Student in History, in which a student would get the prize money of 1 billion USD in their hands.
So the psychological Warfare between students begins when Ram Raghav shows his darkside…