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Die Mietfrau des Milliardärs ist ein heißer Feger

"Ich lasse dich von heute Abend an oben sein, bitte lass dich nicht scheiden, Liebling!" ----- Evelyns märchenhaftes Leben gerät ins Wanken, als ein Fremder hereinkommt und behauptet, die echte Tochter der Familie Wright zu sein. Ihre beneidenswerten Privilegien? Weggefegt. Ihr makelloser Ruf? Beschmutzt. Ihre vierjährige Verlobung? Abrupt annulliert. Aber der schlimmste Verrat kam von ihrem einst so geliebten Vater, der sie verheiraten wollte, um eine geschäftliche Rechnung zu begleichen - mit einem Mann, der doppelt so alt war wie sie! Alle im Kreis waren bei dieser skandalösen Hochzeit dabei und wollten den Untergang der vermeintlichen Scheinerbin miterleben. Doch der Höhepunkt war nicht das, was selbst Evelyn erwartet hatte! Zevian Reign, der reichste Tycoon der Nation, bekannt dafür, der Traum jeder Frau und der Albtraum aller seiner Rivalen zu sein, hatte einen dramatischen Auftritt. Seine Ankunft verblüffte die Gäste, aber sein unverschämter Wunsch war noch verblüffender! Er forderte lässig, den Bräutigam zu ersetzen und die schöne Braut zu heiraten. Niemand wagte es, ihn herauszufordern, und niemand hatte den Mut, ihm nicht zu gehorchen. Es blieb ihnen nichts anderes übrig, als die Hochzeit zu beobachten. Und es war Evelyns Zeit, zu lächeln, denn sie war jetzt die Frau des Teufels. Und alle, die sie ruiniert hatten, würden es ihr zehnfach heimzahlen! ++++ [Auszug] "Warum sollte ich meinen Mann für einen Versager sitzen lassen?" Evelyn gluckste und verschränkte trotzig die Arme. "Er ist in allen Belangen besser als er." Ihr Blick wanderte zu ihrem Ex-Verlobten in der Nähe, und sie fuhr schmunzelnd fort: "Im Bett sogar viel besser." Als Annabelles Gesicht vor Verachtung errötete, klopfte Evelyn ihr auf den Rücken und beugte sich vor, um ihr eine weitere Ohrfeige zu geben. "Also, viel Glück beim Lecken meiner Reste, liebe Stiefschwester. Er ist eine perfekte Partie für dich."
Zelra · 17.8K Views

Das Syndrom des mittleren Kindes

_ _ _ _ MXFXF-Beziehung. Bitte lesen Sie den Hinweis. Bitte fügen Sie es dann der Sammlung hinzu und unterstützen Sie mich. Alle Rückmeldungen werden geschätzt Sie war nicht die Erbin, nicht die Älteste und auch nicht die Jüngste. Sie existierte einfach in der Familie, hielt den Kopf unten und ließ sich wegspülen, bis sie gehen konnte. "Ich habe versucht, mich abzugrenzen, ruhig zu bleiben und sogar meine Gedanken zu äußern. Aber ganz gleich, was ich tue, ich werde nie beachtet. Ist meine Existenz überhaupt von Bedeutung? Es ist ja nicht so, dass mich irgendjemand in dieser Familie überhaupt mag." Rika Goodwill war die Schande ihrer Familie. Als mittleres "Beta"-Kind eines prominenten Alpha-Omega-Paares geboren, war es nur natürlich, dass sie im Vergleich zu ihrem perfekten Alpha-Bruder und ihrer süßen Omega-Schwester vernachlässigt wurde. Ihre Situation außerhalb ihrer Familie war nicht besser. Die Leute mieden sie wegen ihrer Mafia-Familie und beurteilten ihre Art ohne zu zögern. Ihre einzigen Freunde waren das "Lieblingspaar des Jahrhunderts". Aber Rika war irgendwie zum dritten Rad am Wagen geworden, weil sie sich zankten und häufig trennten. Im Laufe ihres 17-jährigen Lebens hatte Rika gelernt, ihr Schicksal zu akzeptieren und weiterzumachen. Schließlich würde kein noch so großes Gejammer etwas daran ändern, dass sie das dritte Rad am Wagen war. Das Collage sollte ihr großer Durchbruch werden. Es sollte die Zeit sein, die Rika für sich selbst hatte, in der sie sich wie sie selbst fühlen konnte, also bewarb sie sich an einem Ort, an dem sie niemand kannte. Das sollte ihr Glücksfall sein! Rika sollte von ihrem sich verschlechternden Leben wegkommen. Aber weder ihre Familie noch ihre "Freunde" waren bereit, sie gehen zu lassen, und es dauerte nicht lange, bis ihr friedliches Leben ins Wanken geriet. ____________ Diese Geschichte wird sowohl ein heterosexuelles Pairing als auch Yuri haben und ist auch ein Omegaverse. Weibliche Alphas sind Futas. Wenn das nicht dein Ding ist, dann geh, bevor du eintrittst. Hinterlassen Sie viel Feedback für mich
Holy_mackrel · 11K Views

Ich habe meinen behinderten Ehemann in der Hochzeitsnacht aufgeweckt!

# 1V1 # FONDNESSOVERTIME Shi Qians Stiefmutter stellte ihr eine Falle und zwang sie, einen vegetativen Mann zu heiraten. Es gab drei gute Dinge an ihm. Er war reich, gut aussehend ... und er konnte nicht aufwachen! Fu Sinian, der mehr als drei Jahre lang im Koma gelegen hatte, wachte auf und stellte fest, dass er plötzlich eine Frau hatte. Seine zierliche Frau war blond, schön und hatte lange Beine. "Wenn du mich nicht liebst, brauche ich dich nicht!" sagte Fu Sinian und warf kalt die Scheidungspapiere weg.***Nicht lange danach wurde der berühmte Shi Qian auf einem Foto in dem luxuriösen Auto des Großindustriellen Fu Sinian erwischt. Fu Sinian stellte dies öffentlich klar und sagte: "Fräulein Shi und ich sind miteinander bekannt": "Seid ihr nur Bekannte? Sie werden beide im selben Auto herumgefahren! Wir warten darauf, dass du uns mit deinen Worten ins Gesicht schlägst, junger Meister Fu! Neun Millionen Fans schauen zu und warten!" Wenig später wurde der in den Kreisen beliebte Shi Qian wieder einmal dabei fotografiert, wie er zur gleichen Zeit wie Fu Sinian das Hotel betrat und erst nach drei Tagen wieder herauskam. Fu Sinian stellte erneut klar: "Fräulein Shi und ich sind nicht in einer solchen Beziehung. Wir sind nicht zusammen. "Netizens: "Herr Fu muss bei seinen Bemühungen versagt haben! Wenn es ein Mädchen gibt, mit dem der junge Meister Fu in dieser Welt nicht umgehen kann, dann ist es seine Göttin Shi Qian!"Dreißig Millionen Fans aßen weiter Popcorn und sahen sich das Drama an! Später wurde Shi Qian, die zweihundert Millionen Fans hat, bei der Preisverleihung für die beste Schauspielerin krank! Fu Sinian betrat langsam die Bühne, umarmte Shi Qians Taille und sagte: "Vielen Dank für die Anteilnahme aller. Frau Fu ist schwanger mit unserem zweiten Kind!"Alle zweihundert Millionen Fans waren verwirrt. Die schöne Shi Qian war mit ihrem zweiten Kind schwanger? Sie verfolgten die ganze Zeit, wie sich das Drama entwickelte! Wann haben sie denn nicht mehr mitgemacht?
Wisps of blue smoke · 36.4K Views

Briefe an Romeo.

[Reifer Inhalt, keine Vergewaltigung] Alles, was es brauchte, war, eine Regel zu brechen, die sie nicht hätte tun sollen. Er war der böse Junge mit den Tattoos. Sie war das brave Mädchen mit der Brille, und sie gehörte ihm. - Als Julianne Winters beschließt, in das Studentenwohnheim der renommierten Universität zu ziehen, hat sie alles geplant, um ihren Abschluss zu machen und den Ort zu verlassen. Doch ihr Plan gerät schnell ins Wanken, als der Blick von Roman Moltenore aus der Abschlussklasse auf ihr landet. Und seine Erscheinung schreit nichts anderes als TROUBLE. "Welche Regeln?" fragte Julianne stirnrunzelnd, als sie die Seite durchlas. Sie war sich sicher, dass sie auf der Website keine Regeln für den Campus gefunden hatte. # 4. Keine Handys benutzen. # 12. Studenten sollten sich nach elf Uhr nachts nicht mehr außerhalb des Campus aufhalten. Je weiter sie las, desto bizarrer wurde es. Ihre Freundin blätterte um und zeigte dann auf die letzte Regel Nr. 29. Höre auf Roman Moltenore. "Das ist erfunden. Schau, die letzte ist sogar mit Bleistift geschrieben." Julianne konnte nicht glauben, dass ihre Freundin aus dem Nachbarschlafsaal dachte, sie würde darauf hereinfallen. "Und kein Telefon?" "Es ist wichtig, dass du dich an alle Regeln hältst. Vor allem Nummer neunundzwanzig", sagte das Mädchen in einem ernsten Ton. "Denk daran, dich nicht mit Roman einzulassen. Solltest du ihn zufällig sehen, laufe in die andere Richtung. Es gibt einen Grund, warum das hier aufgeschrieben ist." Angesichts der Regeln auf dem Campus greift sie darauf zurück, ihrem Onkel handgeschriebene Briefe zu schicken. Aber wer hätte gedacht, dass sie in den Händen eines anderen landen würden!
ash_knight17 · 44.7K Views

Geschieden von meinem Abschaum-Ehemann, geheiratet seinen bösen Bruder

[Chloe Carlson, 35, war eine verheiratete Frau, die mit ihrem betrügerischen Ehemann Vincent Gray und ihrer Tochter Mackenzie zusammenlebte. Ihre gescheiterte Ehe veranlasste sie, nach 10 Jahren die Scheidung einzureichen, aber ihr Mann weigerte sich, sie zu unterschreiben. "Ich weiß, was du willst, Chloe, du willst mein Geld, nachdem wir uns haben scheiden lassen. Du willst mir alles wegnehmen und das werde ich nicht zulassen!" warf Vincent vor. "Ich brauche dein Geld nicht, Vincent! Ich will nur Mackenzie mitnehmen und weggehen!" Endlich verließ sie ihren Bastard-Ehemann, ohne einen Cent von ihm zu nehmen. Sie wollte ihren eigenen Lebensweg einschlagen und ihrer Tochter das Beste auf der Welt bieten. Doch mit einer alleinerziehenden Mutter wie Chloe läuft es nicht so gut. Es war schwierig, einen Job zu finden, denn sie war lange Zeit eine Hausfrau ohne Ausbildung. In ihrer Verzweiflung, weil sie sich um ihre Tochter kümmern musste, blieb ihr nur ein Ausweg. Sie wandte sich an ihren Schwager - Vernon Phoenix Gray, 25 Jahre alt, ein junger, herzloser Playboy, der zufällig der Geschäftsführer eines aufstrebenden Unternehmens war - und bat ihn um einen Job in dieser schwierigen Zeit. "Ein Job? Das ist kein Thema. Du kannst als mein persönlicher Assistent arbeiten und dich um alle meine täglichen Bedürfnisse kümmern." Vernon schmunzelte und beugte sich vor. "Besonders im Bett", flüsterte er ihr ins Ohr. - Würde Chloe in die Hände ihres bösen Schwagers fallen und eine Sklavin seiner Launen werden? Oder würde sie zu ihrem missbräuchlichen Abschaum von Ehemann zurückkehren, um die Zukunft ihrer Tochter zu sichern? - Hinweis: Es gibt einen Altersunterschied in dieser Geschichte, Chloe ist 35 Jahre alt. Vincent ist 35 Jahre alt. Vernon ist 25 Jahre alt. -- Offiziell in Auftrag gegebenes Cover. - Kontaktieren Sie mich: Instagram: @ForeverPupa Discord: --
ForeverPupa · 136.6K Views

Divine Beast Ascension

Given a second chance at life, Oli’s soul was whisked away through the cosmic void. He opens his eyes to a purple sky with three suns and two moons. Oh yeah, and his parents are gorillas. However, to Oli’s pleasant surprise, those gorillas raise him with more love and care than his previous parents ever had. That is, until Oli’s father dies defending Oli from a dragon. Oli is then gifted his father’s secret treasure to rampantly boost Oli’s cultivation, also discovering his father to be a wanted criminal. Oli and his gorilla clan decide to seek a territory of their own, and proudly take control of the nearby beast clans to form a town. With his bombastic uncle leading the clan and his uncle’s feline, best friend creating a cultivation academy, Oli can finally focus on his own growth! But… That defeated dragon reveals the whereabouts of Oli’s gorilla clan. Spies are sent to investigate everything, while powerful mercenaries are hired to betray and slay the gorillas. In the midst of the mayhem, Oli is kidnapped! But not by his enemy… Oli is awoken by a mysterious man, a man who claims to be an old ally of the gorilla clan and the one responsible for Oli’s reincarnation into this world. Oli makes a deal with him, whether he wants to or not, dragging the entire world into chaos, genocide, and all-out war! Everything is for a greater cause, in order for Oli to become the world’s strongest divine beast. ---Book 2 of 10 in the Quillverse--- ~ BULK RELEASES! Every Thursday & Friday! ~ Discord: Art by @itsjustfroggy, found on Youtube, Twitter, or Twitch! **Note: You do NOT need to read my "Quillverse" series in order, but some books will have tie-ins or shared characters further back or further forward on the cosmic timeline.
TheSilverQuill · 2.1M Views

Jujutsu Kaisen: beyond infinity

In Jujutsu Kaisen: Beyond Infinity, the world trembles under the weight of cursed spirits, but for Satoru Gojo, the most powerful jujutsu sorcerer, it’s a battle he can handle—until he faces an enemy he never expected: love. Nakamura Sana, burdened by a mysterious curse and haunted by a love from her past, steps into Satoru’s life like a storm, unraveling everything he thought he could control. As the two are drawn together, Satoru begins to feel something he’s never allowed himself to—a connection that threatens the balance of his duty and his heart. But the harsh truth lingers: no matter how much they care for each other, it’s impossible for Satoru to be with her. Bound by his responsibility to protect the world from cursed spirits, and knowing that their futures can never merge, Satoru is torn between love and duty. Sana, still reeling from a past love, must also decide if she’s ready to open her heart again—knowing that it may only bring more pain. With deadly secrets and mounting threats from both cursed spirits and their own inner demons, Satoru and Sana’s bond faces impossible odds. Alongside their allies, Suguru Geto and Shoko Ieiri, they must navigate a world that tests not only their strength but the very core of their hearts. Jujutsu Kaisen: Beyond Infinity is a high-stakes emotional journey, where love collides with fate and where even the most powerful sorcerer can’t always protect what matters most.
0pointsixdegreeC · 315K Views

In service to the CEO

Lucas Mark, whose old name was "Hades, the Dark Monarch," is a former soldier who now works in the high-stakes world of business power. People who were afraid of my power forced me to quit early, so I went back home. When I got a job offer at Prospera Corporation, I was thrown back into danger. I met Amelia Marco there. She is the smart, persistent CEO who guards her business and her heart with equal vigilance. When I find Amelia poisoned in her office, I know that her life and her business are in grave danger. She is in even more danger now that you have saved her, because people are attacking her home and life. We were both surprised when we were forced to go to a public event. It was meant to boost her reputation and buy us time while we look for the mysterious person who is planning her downfall. But the more time I spend with her, the more difficult it is to separate the act from how I feel about her. Amelia is strong and driven, but she is also becoming more and more fragile because of lies and betrayals she can't get away from at every corner. Every turn shows how deep the plots go and how badly her enemies want her to fail as they deal with corporate spying, break-ins, and constant threats. But when I find that one of her closest friends has been hurting her from within, I understand the stakes are higher than we ever expected. In our final battle with her betrayers, just when I think we’ve finally won, a new threat appears, one we never saw coming. And as I stand beside her, I can’t help but wonder: will my loyalty be enough to keep us both alive, or has our trust come too late?
Daniel_Ugbo · 5K Views

Diabolic Occult Of The Forsaken

[Previous Title: Travesty of 1959 (TO1959)] Ines Lacroix, the Lady of the Witching Hour who was hunted worldwide for decades. Someone like her… No one would believe that she had settled down, and grown into an old wrinkly woman who sold books for a living. From being a low-ranked member in an occult, a personnel under the Archduke, then a Saintess belonging to the Church of the Sun God, to finally having her face plastered everywhere and deemed a sinner. At first, Ines was flabbergasted at the accusations that flew her way one after another. Worst of all, all those whom she once knew believed the damned rumors and the papers—even her closest allies, and her lover, Regis Beaumont. During the pinnacle of her horrid reputation, horrified, Ines watched as the rumors came to life. Starting from mass genocide, arson, crimes against humanity, and dozens more—crimes and actions she had never committed were now tied with her name. But as time flew by, Ines had unknowingly accepted the rumors, and she became the person they made her out to be. “Ines,” Regis mumbled, a distraught look in his eyes, “You’ve changed.” Gently embracing the deformed spirit in her arms, she patted their little heads and smiled at him. “Have I?” — Excerpt: Ines watched as her sweet, beloved lover, Regis, held a blade to her neck. The poor man trembled like a feeble branch, unable to go through with his actions. “Do you hate me?” She softly asked, looking him in the eye. When he didn’t reply, she leaned closer to his blade. A thin red line appeared on her neck, and droplets of blood spilled onto the ground. Regis shook, and the corners of his eyes reddened as he helplessly dropped his blade. “No,” He murmured. A smile slowly crept up Ines’ face. Tears streamed down her face like a waterfall, and she threw herself at him. Muttering incoherent words, she wrapped her arms around him and wept. For a moment, Regis stood still. But, in the face of her tears, he crumbled and hugged her back. “I’m sorry, my love. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” “I know.” Ines watched as he defenselessly leaned into her arms, unaware of the looming dangers. Slowly, she raised a small dagger that she had previously hidden in her sleeve and aimed it at his heart. —— [This novel is participating in the 2023 WSA ] Discord: eudine Discord server: [ON BREAK TILL OCTOBER 7, 2023!]
eudine · 211.6K Views

My System was Muted!

In a realm where folks wielded unique "Goldfingers," fonts of magical prowess, Lucas Evercrest remained blissfully unaware of his own exceptional potential. Little did he fathom that he harbored this incredible power deep within, an untapped wellspring. While others soared to grand heights, Lucas inadvertently subdued his Goldfinger, leaving him stranded at the humbling level 1, watching as his peers flourished. One fateful night, enveloped in the haze of sleep deprivation, our unsuspecting protagonist's world shifted. Battling to embrace slumber's embrace, he carelessly brushed against the "Mute Notifications" icon on his Goldfinger's interface before drifting into dreams' embrace. Seasons swept by like leaves on the wind, and there he stood, drowning sorrows in whiskey's amber embrace and endless loaves of bread, mourning an elusive system he believed had passed him by. Amid the din of a bar, laughter rippled like an unsteady melody. Echoes of "Status Open" danced in the air, chanted by playful kids, each repetition a chorus of mockery. Weariness pressed his head against the bar's cool surface, a failed shield against the jeers and japes. "Status Open, Status Open, Status Open," he muttered, lips grazing the wood, words coated in a blend of irony and irritation. And then, as if summoned by this weary incantation, a radiant cerulean window materialized before him. Within its luminescence, Lucas Evercrest's identity flickered, inscribed alongside his meager statistics: "[Lucas Evercrest], [Level 1 [^], Job: Starter], [HP: 1220, MP: 123], [Str:84, Agi:93, Int:43, Ins:23, Wis:53, Def:32, Sta:45, Dex:32, Con: 122]." Details unfurled like a tapestry, revealing a mosaic of attributes. His handiwork, etched in the fabric of his being, began to come to light. The window whispered of abilities and names, secrets shrouded in cryptic notation: "[Abilities: Open to show more.], [Titles: Open to show more.]" Yet even amidst this revelation, a sobering truth lingered – his status, labeled "Intoxicated," stood as a stark reminder of his present condition. Experience, captured within the confines of "EXP: 100/100," hinted at untapped potential, awaiting the spark of realization. An "Inventory" beckoned, promising more to explore, yet the ever-watchful "Missed Notifications" count of "99+" bore the mark of silence, a testament to a bygone era when his Goldfinger's voice remained muted. And so, in the quiet hum of the bar, amidst the ebb and flow of laughter and life, Lucas Evercrest's journey unfurled anew. The forgotten Goldfinger, once stifled by his own inadvertence, stood poised to rewrite his destiny, as he grasped the reigns of his dormant power, eager to ascend beyond the confines of level 1 and embrace the legacy that had patiently awaited his awakening. *This synopsis was written by someone else who wishes to remain Anonymous, thank you to who did it.* *Title is pending for the cover.*
Daoistc5PXIE · 15.3K Views

Rich husband read my mind,i become popular

Ava is rebirth, rebirth as a vicious girl in a novel she'd read. In the original book, Aaden,the boss of the world's top fashion and luxury goods group proposed to break off the engagement to his fiancee Avery, after meeting the heroine Bella. Avery received a huge sum of money as compensation, but she was still depressed for the rest of her life. But now,Ava rebirth as Avery. Ava:"You don't have to serve your husband, but can still get such a big amount money. Is there such a perfect thing?" Ava came from last age, before she entered the book and reborn as Avery, she want to be a fashion blogger. So she proposed that in addition to sharing the money, she would also be allowed to lend the jewelry, clothes and bags collected by Aaden's family indefinitely. Aaden agreed, but did not break off the engagement.Later, Ava posted outfits on INS and YT: a dress with white shoes, a coat with a sweatshirt and sneakers. In this ancient novel about the popularity of tight skirts and high heels, she quickly became popular! With her gemstone crown, imperial green emerald, and handmade high-end vintage evening gown, she was featured on the first cover of "TOP" magazine, nominating the mysterious fashion blogger that major blue-blood brands most want to cooperate with! The fashion and luxury goods empire headed by Aaden is the second oldest in this book. Aaden dreams of becoming top one. At the wedding break-up scene, his fiancee thought after seeing the next season’s key products:"Is it ten centimeters to hate the sky? If you wear this in the last days, you will die in three steps."Aaden: This marriage is irrevocable. The original person Avery drugged Aaden and Aaden used this as a threat to force Ava to live with him. From then on, Aaden, an arrogant and conceited boss changed his style and turned into a follower who was obsessed with eavesdropping on his fiancee. Aaden not only took out his black leather book at any time, but also took notes carefully and nodded frequently. He often asked "without shame": "What is French style? Old money style? Quiet luxury style?..." As the heroine of the original book, Bella is the most unique existence compared to the male protagonist Ava. Her appearance is a beam of light, illuminating the originally "meaningless" life of the ascetic workaholic... Bella, who had foreseen the plot, waited for the original book heroine Avery to be divorced by Aaden's family. She waited and waited until the hot search: # Top luxury brand young tycoon secret meeting new internet celebrity#, #AN President Aaden once said that his fiancee is the only one in his life#...
954108596 · 11K Views

Cardinal: God Spell

{{Cardinal Stories Book 2}} There once lived a scholar named Sora King, he knew the ins and outs of society as it pertained to magic, he understood and mastered the magic system that ran the world. When it came to magic there was none more knowledgeable than him, because of it he was dubbed the scholar of magic, he taught lessons and discovered theorems helping some of the greatest magic institutions and families gain a foothold. Frankly, he was a shining success in the founding generations, he helped many of history's greatest mages across the world awaken domains and create magic bloodlines that would live well beyond them. In all of his works however, the one thing Sora could never do, His one regret in all of his life, the area he felt he failed himself the most, was that he never bothered to awaken even a basic element. He never gave himself time for love because it would give the many, enemies he made leverage over him to use him for his knowledge. Consequently, he died at the age of 19 as he simply had too many enemies to fend off with just wit and resources alone, he was struck down by the magic spell of his lifelong brother-in-arms at the forefront of war. What surprised Sora however, was the fact that not only was he given a swift death, but he was put further down on the path to reincarnation, Rather than being revived 100 years later where his name would still be very well known, he was revived 1,000 years later in the modern era. His name was still known but there was no chance for him to be recognised or hunted by a vast majority of his enemies. As a plus, he not only kept his knowledge of magic but was reborn into the body of a dead orphan ironically also named Sora. In this life Sora was going to take the path of magic he so neglected till now and make himself one of the greats of history once more, and he planned to do it by breaking all possible records along the way regardless of if he went public with his feats.
Folklord · 38.1K Views

Unexpected Bonds : A Father's Journey

When a young bachelor finds a three-year-old girl named Lily waiting at his doorway one morning and claiming to be his daughter, his life takes an unexpected turn. With proof in the form of a DNA test certificate, Lily upends his world and forces him to assume the strange position of a single parent. Bewildered, confused, and completely unprepared, he sets out on a touching and dramatic adventure to solve Lily's mother's mystery while learning the ins and outs of parenthood. He and Lily develop an unshakable relationship as he juggles the stress of parenting, from struggling with diapers to cooking meals. Despite the difficulties, their developing relationship makes him happy and humorous, even though his quest to find her mother takes him down unforeseen routes, bringing to light long-forgotten memories and past romances. He gradually comes to terms with his new situation with the support of friends and surprising allies, such as his closest friend Sarah and the kind preschool instructor Emily. He encounters romance, excitement, and heartwarming situations that upend his beliefs about duty, love, and family along the road. Upon discovering the truth about Lily's mother, Mia, he finds himself facing the intricacies of their previous relationship and the reasons for her challenging choice to entrust Lily to his care. Their mutual love for their daughter brings them together as they start to mend their relationship. The three become a mixed family as they go on a number of excursions, learning about the pleasures and difficulties of motherhood and rekindling a love that was unexpected by both of them. They discover that family is not just about DNA, but also about the ties we choose to forge, and their trip is full of touching moments, jokes, and the odd tear. The endearing slice-of-life book Unexpected Bonds: A Father's Journey combines romance, humor, action, and adventure. It narrates the tale of a man's journey from confused bachelor to loving parent, learning the real meaning of family, love, and the pleasant surprises life has to offer.
dishaniseth07 · 6.4K Views

Fallen Conqueror

Gods were slain… Devils were vanquished... Worlds clashed into oblivion! Bilim Vladir was the hope of humanity, the great Flaming Conqueror. Finally, after years of war and battle, Bil created an empire and could start a family. Unfortunately, Bil was betrayed and his family was assassinated. However, Bil secretly survived along with his newborn children, a brazen, ambitious boy named Jash and a calm, collected daughter named Nelphy. After eighteen years of secrets and hiding, Bil settles down by the city. Finally, Bil can retire and enjoy life as best as he can while living in the shadow of society. But the journeys of Bil’s two children, now official citizens and adults, have only just begun. They no longer have to wander and travel aimlessly. Finally, they get to live life as they’ve always dreamed of! Jash rushes into the world of veita and training! With a grin on his face, Jash has the determination to leave his mark on the world, no matter what he has to do. He’ll train with experts, decimate the battlefield, and… secretly destroy the empire?! Nelphy, however, accidentally learned Bil’s identity and now seeks to learn EVERYTHING that Bil has kept secret. She scours books and legends for every hint available. She’ll search for the aunt she never knew she had. She’ll… be hunted by her own brother!? And Bil… may be forced out of "retirement" to try and clean up the mess. ---Book 3 of 10 in the Quillverse--- ** PAUSED (till the end of DBA, at the latest) ** Discord: Art by @itsjustfroggy, found on Youtube, Twitter, or Twitch! **Note: You do NOT need to read my "Quillverse" series in order, but some books will have tie-ins or shared characters further back or further forward on the cosmic timeline.
TheSilverQuill · 418.8K Views
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