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The Unicorn Iris Murdoch

Alfa: Merenggut Putri Musuhnya

``` “Kenapa kamu punya bekas luka?” Tiba-tiba, Iris mengubah topik, saat ia menatap mata Cane. Ia masih mencengkeram lengan bajunya. “Ayahmu yang memberi,” jawab Cane. Ia berpikir, Iris tidak akan mengingat percakapan ini ketika dia terbangun. “Itu pasti sangat menyakitkan.” “Iya.” “Apakah bekas lukanya bisa sembuh?” “Kurasa tidak.” Memang malam bisa membuatmu rentan dan membiarkanmu mengatakan sesuatu yang tidak akan pernah kamu akui saat terang. Kegelapan melunakkan hatimu. “Sayang sekali. Kamu memiliki jiwa yang hangat.” Iris mengerutkan keningnya sedikit. “Aku tidak lagi memiliki jiwa.” Ia telah menjual jiwanya demi kebebasan orang-orangnya. Kini tidak ada yang tersisa darinya. “Ada, kamu punya, tetapi kamu sedang menderita.” Iris berkedip. “Binatang buasmu sedang menderita. Kamu memiliki begitu banyak bekas luka.” “Bekas luka yang aku punya hanya di wajah.” Iris menggelengkan kepalanya dengan lemah. “Aku tidak berbicara tentang wajahmu. Aku berbicara tentang jiwamu. Sayang sekali, kamu sangat menderita… apa yang ayah dan saudaraku lakukan padamu pasti menyakitkan...” Dan setelah itu, Iris menutup matanya dan tertidur. ====================== Dia adalah anak perempuan dari seorang alfa yang telah membunuh keluarganya, membakar kawanan dan juga menjadikan orang-orangnya sebagai budak. Kini, setelah sepuluh tahun diperlakukan sebagai budak, ia berhasil membalas dendam dan menjalani kehidupan yang tak pernah dibayangkan siapapun. Kehidupan mirip neraka. Dan sepuluh tahun kemudian, Alpha Cane berhasil mengambil alih dan membunuh alfa yang telah membuat kehidupan orang-orangnya lebih buruk dari kematian. Saatnya bagi dia untuk membuat anak-anak alfa tersebut membayar untuk apa yang telah ayah mereka perbuat. Hanya saja… Iris adalah anak yang lemah dan dia sangat berbeda dari ayahnya. ```
i_want_to_sleep · 7.2K Views

The Unicorn's Forest

Vol 1: The Unicorn's Forest Charlie Rivers is a 14-year old girl who is trying to get through high school without being noticed when she finds herself hearing a voice asking for help when she is only one of two who can hear it. She agrees, despite the fact the other person is someone she doesn't like. When she meets the 'voice' that needed help, she learns that it's a unicorn, yet she's the only one who seems to be able to see the horn. Everyone else thinks it's a horse. Charlie also learns that by having agreed to help the unicorn, she'd gotten herself involved with a group of friends, including the other person who can hear the unicorn, that she hadn’t been really involved with before. Not only is it changing her normal schedule drastically, given she hadn’t hung out with anyone before, but even her personal space seems under attack at times. As she continues to help the unicorn, she funds that going back to how she was isn’t as attractive as it had once been, before she was helping the unicorn but also she wonders if she really would want to. *Minor spoiler in the synopsis for vol. 2 if you haven't read vol. 1* Vol 2: Tip of Other Worlds Charlie and her friends begin traveling to other worlds in search of the world that the griffin canyon connects to. While they do that, Charlie finds herself torn with wanting to grow her relationship with Alex and beginning the expedition through different worlds. Then as the expedition begins, she finds more than she ever expected to find on other worlds, but ever in the back of her mind is the dream she had in which Beth, her best friend, dies in. A dream she's determined to keep from happening, even if she has to sacrifice the friendship that's come to mean so much to her. *Minor spoilers in vol. 3 synopsis* Vol. 3: Acclimating to a New World Charlie leaves her friends and is taken by The Lost. Her friends continue on and encounter a family who has the same disease they had just recovered from. While helping them, they learn about how this world is that of a matriarchal society and has been since ancient times. What that means they can't say, only that it's going to be awkward. Charlie comes to after a while, feeling like her brain had been I'm a fog and that she had been in a waking dream, only to find she's naked and in a kind of cage where she learns she's been taken as a slave. While she has no idea how this happened, she's determined to find a chance to successfully get out of that situation. Mature content will be either through implications or will only extend to the edge of it. The cover art was ai generated. If anyone has any thoughts or comments about this book they'd like to say, but not leave a record of it here, I can be contacted at
Mikaela_Risner · 87.6K Views

The Cosmic Myth Hunters

Animal spirits, rare bloodlines, monsters from three realms, and eight families of Astral Conjurers. These are the things that unexpectedly enter Kairav’s life when the young cryptozoologist encounters a mysterious stranger during his expedition to find cryptid animals on a remote island. The stranger’s first words are, “Are you one of the Astral Conjurers?” “My bull spirit saw a unicorn spirit behind you. But that’s strange... didn’t the Pure-Hearted Clan die out hundreds of years ago?” That unexpected statement leaves Kairav shocked. The mention of a unicorn immediately brings back memories of his younger brother’s mysterious disappearance years ago, and of the day he awoke in the woods, face-to-face with a golden-horned unicorn spirit that healed his dying dog. From that moment on, Kairav sets out on a journey to uncover his true identity. His quest takes him from soul-searching in a haunted mountain forest to discovering a mysterious inscription under a step pyramid, one that speaks of Eternal Holy Water. He travels to the eight cardinal directions, solves complex puzzles, and faces mysteries. Author’s Notes: Hello, readers! Here are a few things to know before you read this story: This is a fantasy adventure with a touch of mystery and friendship, and you won’t find any harem storylines here. The hero is smart, a skilled problem-solver, and has a mysterious background. The creatures and monsters in this novel are inspired by mythological stories. I hope you enjoy it! Thank you, and happy reading.
EternalSaga · 30.4K Views

L'Alpha: revendiquant la fille de son ennemi

## CONTENU MATURE! ## “Pourquoi as-tu des cicatrices?” Tout à coup, Iris changea de sujet, alors qu'elle regardait Cane dans les yeux. Elle tenait toujours ses manches. “Ton père me les a données,” répondit Cane. Il pensait que Iris ne se souviendrait pas de cette conversation au réveil. “Ça a dû être tellement douloureux.” “C’est le cas.” “Les cicatrices vont-elles guérir?” “Je ne pense pas.” La nuit vous rend en effet vulnérable et vous laisse dire quelque chose que vous n'admettriez jamais quand il fait jour. L’obscurité adoucit votre cœur. “C'est dommage. Tu as une âme chaleureuse.” Iris fronça légèrement les sourcils. “Je n'ai plus d'âme.” Il avait vendu son âme pour la liberté de son peuple. Il ne restait plus rien de lui maintenant. “Si, tu en as une, mais tu souffres tellement.” Iris cligna des yeux. “Ta bête souffre. Tu as tellement de cicatrices.” “Les seules cicatrices que j'ai sont sur mon visage.” Iris secoua doucement la tête. “Je ne parle pas de ton visage. Je parle de ton âme. C'est dommage, tu souffres tellement… ce que mon père et mon frère t'ont fait doit être douloureux…” Et après cela, Iris ferma les yeux et s'endormit. ====================== Elle est la fille d'un alpha qui a tué sa famille, rayé sa meute et a aussi fait de son peuple des esclaves. Maintenant, après dix ans de traitement en tant qu'esclave, il a réussi à se venger et vit une vie que personne n'aurait jamais pu imaginer. Une vie proche de l'enfer. Et dix ans plus tard, l'Alpha Cane parvient à prendre le dessus et à tuer l'alpha qui a rendu la vie de son peuple pire que la mort. Il était temps pour lui de faire payer aux enfants de l'alpha ce que leur père avait fait. Seulement… Iris était chétive et elle était très différente de son père.
i_want_to_sleep · 1M Views

O Alfa: Conquistando a Filha do Inimigo

## CONTEÚDO MADURO! ## “Por que você tem cicatrizes?” De repente, Iris mudou de assunto, enquanto olhava nos olhos de Cane. Ela ainda estava agarrada às mangas dele. “Seu pai me deu”, respondeu Cane. Ele pensou que Iris não se lembraria dessa conversa quando acordasse. “Deve ser tão doloroso.” “São.” “As cicatrizes vão sarar?” “Não acredito que sim.” A noite realmente te tornava vulnerável e te fazia dizer coisas que nunca admitiria quando estava claro. A obscuridade amolecia seu coração. “Que pena. Você tem uma alma quente.” Iris franziu a testa levemente. “Eu não tenho mais uma alma.” Ele vendeu sua alma pela liberdade de seu povo. Agora, não restava nada dele. “Sim, você tem, mas está com tanta dor.” Iris piscou. “Sua fera está em dor. Você tem tantas cicatrizes.” “As únicas cicatrizes que tenho estão no meu rosto.” Iris balançou a cabeça fracamente. “Não estou falando do seu rosto. Estou falando da sua alma. Que pena, você está com tanta dor... o que meu pai e irmão fizeram com você deve ser doloroso...” E depois disso, Iris fechou os olhos e adormeceu. ====================== Ela é filha de um alfa que matou sua família, dizimou sua alcateia e também fez de seu povo escravos. Agora, ele alcançou a vingança depois de dez anos sendo tratado como escravo e estava vivendo uma vida que ninguém poderia imaginar. Vida semelhante ao inferno. E dez anos depois, Alfa Cane consegue derrubar e matar o alfa que tornou a vida de seu povo pior do que a morte. Era hora dele fazer os filhos do alfa pagarem pelo que o pai deles havia feito. Apenas... Iris era uma rejeitada e era muito diferente de seu pai.
i_want_to_sleep · 2M Views

Der Alpha: Der Anspruch auf die Tochter seines Feindes

## REIFER INHALT! ## "Warum hast du Narben?" Plötzlich wechselte Iris das Thema, als sie Cane in die Augen sah. Sie hielt sich immer noch an seinen Ärmeln fest. "Dein Vater hat sie mir gegeben", antwortete Cane. Er dachte, Iris würde sich an dieses Gespräch nicht mehr erinnern, wenn sie aufwachte. "Das muss so schmerzhaft sein." "Das sind sie." "Werden die Narben heilen?" "Ich glaube nicht." Die Nacht hat dich in der Tat verletzlich gemacht und dich etwas sagen lassen, was du im Hellen nie zugeben würdest. Die Dunkelheit hat dein Herz erweicht. "Schade. Du hast eine warme Seele." Iris runzelte leicht die Stirn. "Ich habe keine Seele mehr." Er hatte seine Seele für die Freiheit seines Volkes verkauft. Jetzt war nichts mehr von ihm übrig. "Doch, das hast du, aber du hast so große Schmerzen." Iris blinzelte mit den Augen. "Deine Bestie hat Schmerzen. Du hast so viele Narben." "Die einzigen Narben, die ich habe, sind in meinem Gesicht." Iris schüttelte sanftmütig den Kopf. "Ich spreche nicht von deinem Gesicht. Ich spreche von deiner Seele. Schade, dass du so viele Schmerzen hast ... was mein Vater und mein Bruder dir angetan haben, muss sehr schmerzhaft sein ..." Und danach schloss Iris die Augen und schlief ein. ====================== Sie ist die Tochter eines Alphas, der seine Familie getötet, sein Rudel ausgerottet und seine Leute zu Sklaven gemacht hat. Jetzt hat er sich gerächt, nachdem er zehn Jahre lang wie ein Sklave behandelt wurde und ein Leben führte, das sich niemand vorstellen kann. Ein Leben, das der Hölle gleicht. Und zehn Jahre später gelingt es Alpha Cane, die Macht zu übernehmen und den Alpha zu töten, der das Leben seiner Leute schlimmer als den Tod gemacht hat. Es war an der Zeit, dass er die Kinder des Alphas für die Taten ihres Vaters büßen ließ. Nur... Iris war ein Zwerg und sie war ganz anders als ihr Vater.
i_want_to_sleep · 1.7M Views

IRIS Mystery

In a world filled with different people. I'm one of the most different people you will ever see. I live with my uncle and his wife with their five kids. I got adopted into the family when i lost my parents in an accident that took their lives on the same day two years at then it was sixteen years birthday. They were actually coming to pick me up from highschool to take me out on my birthday but they died on their way, ever since then my life have been hell. Everyone sees me as a cursed child everyone just hates me. Today i turned eighteen years old. I've hated birthday since i lost my parents. Although today I'm a bit happy that I'm turning eighteen cause i now have the right to leave my uncles house. Since i woke up I've been staring at the ceiling thinking of what to do on this day a then i heard a voice "make a wish" i just obeyed and closed my eyes " I wish to have something that no one has and can ever have something beyond imagination, something mysterious, extraordinary and magical. I wish for love " After i made this wish i felt an adrenaline rush through me giving me chills and goosebumps all over my body. I stood up from the bed and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Although i felt this sharp pain on my back which i quickly ignored, i took off my clothes and stepped inside the bathroom. I adjusted the water temperature to how i like it and i turned it on while humming a song. The first splash on my body was so refreshing. I let my hair down and as the waters flowed down my body cooling every nerve in my bones. But then all of a sudden i felt this sharp pain that made me scream and fell to the ground and then i saw something like feathers wrapped around me. It all felt like an illusion. I felt the pain quickly subside and i gradually stood up. What seemed like feathers was actually attached to back. I looked through my left shoulder and saw wings on my back. I doubted it and went to front of my bathroom mirror and to my greatest surprise there was wings directly coming out from my skin it had colour like flames a mixture of red and gold. My hair which was normally shoulder length blonde was now long down to my waist and was now red with gold edges. My eyes were literally flaming it was sparkling. I held my mouth from screaming this is theoretically impossible. I heard when my door burst open and i was naked in my bathroom confused. All of a sudden the wings and hair everything changed back to normal. It was no one else that barged into my room but toby, one of my cousin's. I quickly dragged a towel and hid by my bathroom door but he already saw me. Toby is one of the people i dislike because he has always wanted to have his way with my body this has gotten me really scared of being home alone. I caught a sinister smile on his face and he went back and locked my door and placed the keys in his pocket. I ran out from the bathroom and hid by my bed wrapping myself with my blanket "i never knew today will be my lucky day " as he spoke he walked towards me. "Who would have thought that i and oris would be the only ones at home today" upon hearing this i shivered " i like what i just saw ".He licked his lips "please toby don't hurt me " i could hear my heart racing and my eyes were watery "i really don't care if i do" the more he got closer i shifted backwards until i reached the wall and no where to run to i burst into tears pleading with him not to hurt me but he gave deaf ears, he dragged the blanket away from me and threw me on the bed. I was fighting to run away but he climbed on me and tried forcing me to kiss him and i bit him " you bitch" he punched me on the face and i could taste something thick i guessed it was blood "you are gonna pay" the next moment he was kicking off his pant. I kept on fighting and kicking but it couldn't do anything on his frame instead it angered and he smacked my cheeks and punched me several times until i got weak but i still struggled. Gradually
Mystery_Fire · 1K Views

The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter

WARNING! -DARK ROMANCE- “Why do you have scars?” All of sudden, Iris changed the topic, as she looked at Cane in the eyes. She was still clutching to his sleeves. “Your father gave me,” Cane replied. He thought, Iris wouldn’t remember this conversation when she woke up. “That must be so painful.” “They are.” “Will the scars heal?” “I don’t think so.” The night indeed made you vulnerable and let you said something that you would never admit when it was bright. The obscurity softened your heart. “Too bad. You have a warm soul.” Iris frowned slightly. “I no longer have a soul.” He had sold his soul for the freedom of his people. There was nothing left of him right now. “Yes, you have, but you are in so much pain.” Iris blinked her eyes. “Your beast is in pain. You have so many scars.” “The only scars that I have is on my face.” Iris shook her head meekly. “I am not talking about your face. I am talking about your soul. Too bad, you are in so much pain… what my father and brother had done to you must be painful…” And after that, Iris closed her eyes and fell asleep. ====================== She is the daughter of an alpha who has killed his family, razed his pack and has also made his people slaves. Now, he has achieved revenge after ten years of being treated as a slave and was living a life that no one would ever imagine. Life akin to hell. And ten years later, Alpha Cane manages to take over and kill the alpha who has made the lives of his people worse than death. It was time for him to make the children of the alpha pay for what their father had done. Only… Iris was a runt and she was very different from her father.
i_want_to_sleep · 13M Views

The Heiress Is Back

When the cold metal of the heavy-duty truck knocked her, she surprisingly somersaulted in the air before crashing harshly on the cold and wet floor. Blood oozed from every natural opening in her body, including the artificially created ones, courtesy of the truck. Former heiress, Iris Bowman breathed her last, wishing for nothing but an opportunity to avoid the board meeting that destroyed her entire life. As funny as her wish may sound, the deities answered her prayer, fulfilling her dying wish. Iris was reborn as a vindictive grand witch who wouldn't bat an eyelid when wreaking havoc. How would she mend the broken relationship with her family and avoid her sister's tragic death? Would she save herself from doom in this lifetime? By a cunning design of the heavens, Iris Bowman discovered Tyler Harper, the heavily wounded mafia prince, sitting at the back of her limited-edition Ferrari. When love sparked between the two, would Iris survive in his ruthless world filled with bloodshed, or would it overwhelm her? What if the bloodshed was what the new Iris loved more than anything? Now, her traitor of a fiance wanted her back, but Iris had different plans for him. ******* "Tyler… Tyler… Don't be surprised that I know who you are…Tyler… I promise you… I mean no harm… Please, I need you to calm down and wait for a little while… Please don't die on me, Tyler… I beg you… Spare my sister and I… We cannot stand the wrath of the Harper clan if anything were to happen to you." Iris pleaded dreadfully. “Drive!” It was all the mafia king had to say before he shut his eyes.
call_me_mirror · 392.4K Views
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