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Palani Swamy

No 1 Businessman

#Love #Tranding #Mafia #Ceo SKS उफ Shivya Krishna Swami एक ऐसा इंसान , जिसने अपनी पूरी Life में कभी भी घाटे का सौदा नही किया । ट्रिलियन डॉलर कंपनी का इकलौता मालिक जिसके लिए सबसे जरूरी उसका Business था पर एक दिन अचानक से उसका 10 साल पुराना प्यार उसकी जिंदगी में वापस आ जाता है उसकी Parsonal Secretary के रूप में , वो दोनो एक दूसरे के करीब होने लगते हे पर किसी कारण से SKS को अपने Business के लिए Russia जाना पड़ता हे और वही उसकी दुश्मनी.. Rusian Mafiya से हो जाती है पूरा Rusian Mafiya SKS के हाथ धो कर पीछे पड़ जाता हे पर SKS अंत तक उस लड़की और अपने परिवार को कुछ नही होने देता । क्या SKS उस लड़की के लिए अपने Arrogance  स्वभाव को बदल पाएगा ? क्या SKS को उसकी Dream Girl मिल पाएगी है ? क्या SKS को कभी घाटे का सौदा करना पड़ेगा ? क्या उन दोनो की कभी शादी होगी ? जानने के लिए बने रहे No 1 Businessman के साथ
Black_Racer · 175 Views

Kekasih bayangan

Cinta dan kasih yang dilanda tokoh Aku atau Roy terhadap seorang gadis keturunan bule bernama Jeska. Hampir setiap tempat mereka jadikan untuk memadu kasih. Tak pernah memikirkan apakah tempat itu bersih atau kotor. Bahkan, tak memikirkan tempat umum yang ramai dan tempat yang sangat horor. Yah mungkin itulah yang disebut cinta. 3 tahun berlalu, cinta dan kasih yang dilanda Roy masih tetap sama. Malahan bertambah kuatnya rasa ingin memadu kasih antara kedua. Sesekali sahabat Roy mengingatkan bahkan menegur perlakuan sahabatnya itu. Apris nama sahabatnya itu. Apris tak mau Roy jatuh ke lubang yang sama kedua kalinya. Berbagai cara yang dilakukan Apris. Mulai dari mengajak Roy ke masjid untuk sholat, mengaji, bahkan mengikuti beberapa ceramah agama setelah sholat subuh atau Kultum, namun hasilnya nihil. Roy masih tetap dengan lakuan yang seperti dulu. Tiada habisnya memadu kasih dengan pacarnya Jeska. Hingga suatu hari, Roy mendapati Jeska sedang berduaan dengan laki-laki bertubuh kekar, tinggi, dan berkulit putih, yang sedang asik berciuman di tempat mereka pertama kali memadu kasih. Tower Pakaya nama tempatnya. Roy langsung menghampiri Jeska. "Jeska!!!" Teriak Roy saat menghampiri Jeska. Jeska, dan pria itu terkejut bukan main. "Roy?!" Terlihat Jeska sedang merapihkan rambutnya yang berantakan akibat adegan ciuman dengan pria itu, dan sesekali membersihkan area bibir mungil merahnya untuk tidak kelihatan jorok di depan Roy. Tanpa basa-basi, Roy menonjok dengan kepalan tinju ditangan dengan sekuat tenaga yang ia miliki. Sekitar 6 kali tonjokan dilayangkan Roy terhadap pria yang bersama Jeska. "Sudah Roy! Sudah.!" Dengan linangan air mata, senjata empuk milik Jeska tak mampu meredakan amarah Roy saat itu. Maklumlah Roy telah mengetahui tabiat Jeska yang selalu menggunakan rengekan manisnya.
Bipong · 56K Views

The Story Of Mira's Love

[Originally Written By Swami Budhananda All Rights Reserved Adhyaksha, Advaita Ashrama First Edition by Ramakrishna Mission] Mirabai was one of those totally unself-conscious teachers of supreme love of God, whose manner of loving God became the manner of her teachings. Mirabai was a sixteenth century saint born in Rajasthan, India. Her approach to God as Sri Krishna, was that of absolute love. For expressing her most powerful love of God she composed many moving songs, which became one of the tenderly cherished spiritual heritage of India. The Story of Mira's Love moves everyone who has love of God in heart. Even those who may not like to think of God at all, could be struck by the inspiring quality of God at all, could be struck by the inspiring quality of Mira's most dynamic pursuit of God the Beloved. For writing this small monograph, in good part, the author(Swami Budhananda) depended on Swami Vamadevananda's Mirabai published by 'Udbodhan' Kolkata. The theme of the seed-paper was given as a Sunday sermon at the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Centre, New York, with the caption, 'Mira: The God-intoxicated Queen' in April 1960. Later on, the same was the subject of a Sunday talk early in 1965 at the Vedanta Society, Hollywood, given under the caption, 'The Story of Mira's Love.' 'The Story of Mira's Love' was first published in the July-August 1965 issue of the Vedanta and the West, a bi-monthly, which used to be published by the Vedanta Society of Southern California. This is now being made available for wider circulation in the form of this small book, enlivened by the sketches of Sri Biswaranjan Chakraborty. Artist Biswaranjan has, by grace, succeeded in good part in capturing with the delicacy of his brush the thores and the abandon of Mira's divine love. It is hoped that the story of Mira's total love for God will energize and inspire lovers of God everywhere in the world. 16 March 1983 Sri Ramakrishna's Birthday New Delhi Swami Budhananda: The original Author of this book 'The Story of Mira's Love.
Surviving_17 · 15K Views

Spooky Shrine In India

FACTS/MYTHOLOGY: The Dattatreya Temple is itself a blessed and highly auspicious place in the entire Ganagupura kshetra which is considered holy and is a major pilgrimage spot for Hindus everywhere. The area was first deemed holy after the appearance of Guru Dattatreya, and became even more important after Shree Nrusimha Saraswathy Swami took reign of the spiritual guidance activities in the region after the disappearance of Shri Dattatreya. Shree Nrusimha is regarded as the second avatar of Dattatreya himself. REAL STORY OF BLACK MAGIC/EVIL SPIRITS: At Dattatreya Temple, people here are believed to be possessed they gather inside on new moon and full moon days. They are seen hurling abuses at the gods. Which is believed to free their body of the evil spirit in them.Very unusual sight of people climibing on the walls and ramparts of the temple and scream from there.Its a very bizarre site to witness and can certainly spook one out.Priests of the temple can be seen reciting mantras Hawans and pooja for hours together.It is visited by thousands of devotees everyday offering penance in extreme ways, ranging from climbing and chaining themselves to the walls.When the aarti begins people can be heard shouting, screaming, dancing with open hair and hurling abuses at the God. Even though with all such paranormal activities the place is blessed and really powerfull. Once you visit this place surely one can will get peace.If any problems like black magic and ghost problems exists this place is a must visit.
Dr_Nikita_Pawar · 3.4K Views

Spooky Shrine In India

Real Existence of Spooky Witchcraft Shrine : Gangapur (Karnataka) There are many haunted temples existing in India that claim Ghosts and Spirits existing and can overpower a person affecting for a long duration or lifetime which can be removed with the help of Hawans or Black Magic.Various places and shrines in the world which talk about haunted and have numerous ghostly stories linked to them.In India there are many spooky stories related to evil spirits and ghosts which make us difficult to trust upon the fact that black magic and ghosts really do exist.The more deeper you go into the Indian psyche,the belief in the existence of supernatural stories gets affirmed.Spirits, demons, wraiths,which constantly we see or hear about where people are under the control of an evil force,occupying different temples and places of worship actually can be seen.Such places in turn become synonymous with the paranormal and the downright eerie. But there is one of the famous Temple in India which is very famous for its ghostly stories and one of it is Dattatreya Mandir, Gangapur located in the Afzalpur taluk of Kalaburagi district in Karnataka. INTRODUCTION: Shree Kshetra Dattatreya temple is dedicated to God Dattatreya who is an Incarnation of the Divine Trinity of lord Brahma,Vishnu and Shiva.Bramha is the creator who creates things, Vishnu is the operator he is the one who operates the universe and Shiva is the destroyer who destroys harmful & old things. The temple is dedicated to Sri Narasimha Saraswathi swami who is considered as a 2nd reincarnation of Lord Dattatreya himself and lived around 550 years ago.Temple is simple,messy and not well maintained though.But throngs many devotees to visit this shrine.Around the vicinity of the temple there is confluence of two rivers Bhima and Amaraja which are considered extremely holy and whoever takes bath in this Sangam, will be free from their sins and their wishes will be fulfilled.Shreeguruswamiji had said to the disciples and citizens of Ganagapur as follows. “ Vasathi rani sangamase jate nithya bikshese taya vare Gangapurase madyana kala pareyasa” “ You need not worry. I shall stay at this Ganagapur kshetra secretly and will receive poojas at this Kshetra in the form of Padukas”. festivals that are celebrated with great ravelry here. Datta Jayanti (birth anniversary of Shri Dattatreya), Guru Purnima (The special day in the Hindu calendar dedicated to all teachers and gurus), and Shravan Maas (the holy month of Shravan) attracts large crowds of devotees, who come from every corner of the country and place their heads on these sacred grounds in the hopes of being blessed with lasting happiness and wisdom. People suffering from Chronic diseases,Mentally retarded, Psychological problems,People overpowered with evil spirits come to this place to get remedy through pooja and hawans performed by priests in the temple.The trouble of bad or evil spirits and ghosts vanishes and one can get peace of mind with the darshan of Swamy Padukas at this Kshetra. Many people get thier wishes fullfilled, solve their problems and dreams from God's grace soon after visiting Ganagapur and after taking just "Nirgun Paduka" Darshan of God.One can feel the positive energy in Ganagapur if they come up with positive attitude and belief towards God and the temple.Its still a hard fact to trust and wonder if black magic,evil spirits really could exist but truly this place is spooky and very powerful with supernatural powers existing which have no answers till date by anyone.The unnerving experience of the temple will forever remain hidden in the devotees own hearts.
Dr_Nikita_Pawar · 3.4K Views

Cross the Line

Nathaniel Rothschild, seorang agen rahasia yang sedang melakukan misi pengejaran terhadap mafia paling berbahaya di dunia, Dragon Knight. Demi misi yang diembannya, Nathan menyamar dan masuk ke dalam organisasi yang dipimpin oleh Dragon Knight. Namun bukannya berhasil mengungkap siapa Dragon Knight, Nathan justru terjebak dalam hubungan dengan seorang pria yang pendiam tapi perhatian, Ethan Hunt. Semakin lama, Nathan tidak mampu lepas dari jeratan Ethan Hunt. Hingga dia akhirnya bertemu dengan Dragon Knight dan membuat Nathan bimbang. ***** "Lepaskan obsesimu pada Dragon Knight. Lalu hiduplah bersamaku," pinta Ethan pada Nathan yang bersandar di dadanya. "Aku tidak bisa. Itu tujuan utamaku masuk kedalam organisasi ini," jawab Nathan lirih. Keduanya terdiam, hingga akhirnya Ethan mengatakan sesuatu yang membuat Nathan terbelalak. "Apa kau begitu menginginkan dia, daripada aku? Apa hubungan kita ini tidak ada artinya bagimu?" sergah Ethan dengan getir. "Itu dua hal berbeda! Bersama denganmu adalah mimpiku. Menangkap dan menyeret Dragon Knight ke penjara adalah misiku," sahut Nathan tegas. "Kalau begitu, hubungan kita harus berakhir. Kita ... selesai." Ethan menatap lurus ke arah depan, menolak untuk melihat pada Nathan. "Apa maksudmu!" seru Nathan tidak terima. **** "Ke-kenapa ... k-kau, kenapa jadi begini," lirih Nathan tak percaya. Senjata di tangannya jatuh ke bawah. Sementara tubuhnya merosot, turun tak berdaya. Menatap pria di depannya dengan tak percaya. "Kenapa, Ethan? Kenapa kau menipuku?!" teriak Nathan tidak terima. Sementara Ethan menatap pria di depannya dengan rumit. Mengeratkan kepalan kedua tangannya, Ethan berkata dengan datar. "Bukan aku yang menipumu di sini. Namun kau yang kurang jeli dalam memata-matai diriku," ujar Ethan dengan rahang terkatup rapat. Sontak saja Nathan mendongak, mendengar pernyataan itu. "Kau yang masuk ke sini untuk memburu dan menangkap diriku, bukan?!" kata Ethan dengan getir. Ucapan itu menusuk jauh ke dalam hati Nathan. Membuat pria itu tertunduk menyedihkan. Setetes air mata, lolos dari sudut mata Nathan. Merasakan hatinya terluka dan kecewa dengan keadaan ini. **** "Maafkan aku, Ethan. Aku mencintaimu, tapi aku juga mempunyai kewajiban untuk negaraku. Ini sudah menjadi tugas dan kewajiban yang harus aku lakukan," ujar Nathan lirih. Nathan menangis sembari memeluk erat tubuh Ethan, yang terbujur tak berdaya di pangkuannya. Sementara tangan Nathan terus berusaha untuk menghentikan pendarahan di dada pria itu. "Aku mohon, Ethan. Bertahanlah," bisik Nathan di telinga Ethan. Air mata penyesalan dan kesedihan, mengalir di kedua sisi wajah Nathan. Ketika hidup memberikan dua pilihan. Antara cinta dan tugas negara. Yang mana keduanya butuh pengorbanan besar. **** Hai.. aku Re. Aku juga author di beberapa PF lain. Semoga kalian suka dengan cerita ku kali ini.
Re_Seyren_Amazona_4586 · 1.7K Views
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