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Sasha Gaby

Ascensão do Alfa Escuro

``` [COMPLETO - GANHADOR DO PRÊMIO SILVER $8,000USD: Competição de Lobisomens 2022] Zev avançou em direção a ela, toda uma brilhante e brutal beleza, o queixo baixo e aqueles olhos incríveis e penetrantes fixos nela. Ele não parou até que estivessem frente a frente e ele bloqueasse sua visão de qualquer outro macho no círculo. Seus olhos desceram para a boca dela enquanto ele se inclinava, seu sussurro brincando em sua pele. "Você. É. Minha." Sua voz profunda ressoou na barriga dela enquanto os uivos da matilha de lobos surgiam por trás dele, ecoando pelas montanhas de Tana, enquanto os outros Quimeras protestavam contra sua reivindicação. Segurando o impulso de acariciar o amplo peito nu dele com suas mãos trêmulas, Sasha forçou-se a inclinar a cabeça e erguer uma sobrancelha. "Tão ousado para um filhote que acabou de encontrar suas presas." Os outros machos rugiram de riso. Ignorando suas provocações, os olhos de Zev brilharam e ele se inclinou ainda mais, a barba por fazer em sua mandíbula fazendo cócegas na bochecha dela enquanto ele sorria. "Tão ousada para uma humana que já conhece o prazer de ofegar meu nome." Ela estremeceu quando os dentes dele roçaram sua orelha. ***** Apenas dias depois de Sasha se entregar ao amor de sua infância, ele desapareceu. Cinco anos depois, em uma escura rua da cidade, Zev voltou - com perigo seguindo seus passos. Zev é Quimera: Metade humano, metade lobo. Criado em um laboratório de pesquisa seguro, sua existência é um segredo. Mas quando os homens poderosos que o criaram tentam matar a única mulher que fez seu coração cantar, Zev rompe sua coleira e a sequestra para o mundo brutal e oculto dos clãs dos Quimeras. Dividida entre a atração magnética de seu primeiro amor e a dor da traição de seu desaparecimento, Sasha tenta manter Zev a uma distância segura. Mas quando chegam a esse mundo misterioso, Zev descobre que, em sua ausência, os humanos tomaram o controle e roubaram quase todas as fêmeas. Os Quimeras estão morrendo - e Zev não é mais o Alfa. Agora, Zev deve lutar contra seu próprio povo para ganhar o direito de acasalar com seu único amor. Será que ele consegue provar a ela que sua promessa de muito tempo atrás, de proteger seu coração, bem como seu corpo, era verdadeira? Ou os humanos atravessarão mundos para caçar o lobo e separar os amantes para sempre? [Conteúdo maduro, sem assalto sexual] Imagem de capa por Aenaluck e usada com permissão com direitos autorais pagos. Veja mais arte deslumbrante e apoie o artista em ```
AimeeLynn · 53.6K Views

Ascenso del Alfa Oscuro

—Tú. Eres. Mía —sus ojos se desviaron a la boca de ella mientras se inclinaba, su susurro jugando en su piel. Su voz profunda vibró en su vientre mientras los aullidos de la manada de lobos se elevaban tras él para hacer eco a través de las montañas de Thana, mientras los otros Quimeras protestaban por su reclamo. Luchando contra el impulso de acariciar su amplio y desnudo pecho con sus manos temblorosas, Sasha se obligó a inclinar la cabeza y levantar una ceja —Qué atrevido para un cachorro que acaba de encontrar sus colmillos —los otros machos rugieron de risa. Ignorando sus burlas, los ojos de Zev brillaron y se inclinó aún más, la barba incipiente en su mandíbula le hacía cosquillas en la mejilla mientras sonreía —Qué atrevida para una humana que ya conoce el placer de respirar con dificultad al pronunciar mi nombre. Ella tembló cuando sus dientes rozaron su oreja. ***** Solo días después de que Sasha se entregara a su amor de la infancia, él desapareció. Cinco años más tarde, en una oscura calle de la ciudad, Zev regresó, con el peligro pisándole los talones. Zev es Quimera: Mitad humano, mitad lobo. Creado en un laboratorio de investigación seguro, su existencia es un secreto. Pero cuando los hombres poderosos que lo crearon intentan matar a la única mujer que hizo cantar a su corazón, Zev rompe su correa y se la lleva al brutal y oculto mundo de los clanes Quimeras. Dividida entre la atracción magnética de su primer amor y la dolorosa traición de su desaparición, Sasha intenta mantener a Zev a distancia. Pero cuando llegan a este mundo misterioso, Zev descubre que en su ausencia los humanos tomaron el control y robaron casi todas las hembras. Los Quimeras están muriendo, y Zev ya no es Alfa. Ahora, Zev debe luchar contra su propia gente para ganar el derecho a aparearse con su único amor —¿Puede demostrarle que su promesa de hace mucho tiempo de proteger su corazón, así como su cuerpo, era verdadera? ¿O cruzarán los humanos mundos para cazar al hombre lobo y separar a los amantes para siempre? [Contenido para adultos, sin asalto sexual] Imagen de portada por Aenaluck y utilizada con permiso y derechos de autor pagados. Vea más arte impresionante y apoye al artista en
AimeeLynn · 53.5K Views

Bride Of The Villain King

When Sasha is betrayed and her child dies in the hands of her fiancé, she turns to the sacred tree in Willowbrook village, pleading for a chance to bring her son back to life, accidentally summoning the villainous fae king. King Izaiah, the king of the wild fae, agrees to her plea - but as payment for fulfilling her wish, he presents Sasha with a daunting challenge: 'Take off the necklace around my neck within two months or I will have your child's life.' The challenge sounded easy except, how can Sasha steal the necklace off the neck of a monster with a death touch? Sasha's time is ticking and left with not many options, she employs all skills in seducing and outwitting the devilish handsome trickster King without touching him or she would end up losing her child. Again. For a life given, could easily be taken again. —-------------------------- "Don't bother," he told her, his voice calm yet authoritative, ensnaring her attention. His lips curled into a predatory smile. "I've lived long enough to see it all, and just like the others before you, you will fail too, my twelfth bride." His gloved hand trailed across her cheek, a precaution against the deadly effect of his touch. Despite the thrill coursing through her, Sasha's hands balled into fists. This cannot end like this. No, she refused to accept defeat. One way or another, she had to find a way to reach this twisted, broken creature. Others might have come and failed, but they were not her. She would not lose her son for a second time. Sasha was determined to conquer this challenge, even if it meant defying all odds. Hell might as well freeze over before she gave up.
Glimmy · 3.9K Views

Garotas fortes também choram.

Essa é a história de Lorena, uma jovem mulher que ao longo sua adolescência sofre uma série de mudanças em sua vida, umas boas e outras ruins. Após sofrer um acidente de carro com seus pais, sua infância é totalmente alterada pelas marcas que essa tragédia deixa em sua vida. Ela acorda uns dias depois em uma cama de hospital, e não sabe o que será de sua vida, só sabe apenas que terá que morar com seus avós. Sua avó à ama muito, mas seu avô é um homem preconceituoso e muito ríspido, ela praticamente não os via, então, se adaptar a morar com eles será um grande desafio, porém são a única família que ela tem, mas que deixaram de vê-la quando ela era apenas um bebê, graças ao caso que sua mãe Laura teve com o primo Pedro aos 14 anos, resultando em seu nascimento. Laura era apaixonada pelo pai de Lorena, mas ele, por algum motivo que ela desconhecia, desapareceu sem deixar rastros. Assim, logo depois do abandono, Laura foi embora do Morro Grande, onde nasceu, sendo criada até sua adolescência. Laura conheceu então Roberto, ele era mais velho que ela, mas se apaixonou pelo seu jeitinho de menina, ela estava sem emprego, longe de casa, ele lhe ofereceu abrigo e trabalho, era um homem sozinho e precisava de companhia. Ele acabou se apaixonando por ela de verdade e pediu para que ela ficasse com ele, mas como sua esposa, ela relutou, mas, em pouco tempo acabou aceitando-o e eles tiveram um curto romance, até que se casaram. Roberto era apaixonado pela menina, ele escolheu seu nome e deu tudo de si como pai para ela. Os primeiros 10 anos de sua vida, ela se lembra de ser muito feliz, até que sua mãe engravidou quando tinha 13 anos, mas, não durou muito tempo, pois Laura perdeu o bebê aos 6 meses de gestação, sofrendo muito e tornando a adolescência de Lorena muito difícil, ela, sendo uma menina magrinha, pequena, mas, com muita inteligência, não costumava fazer muitas amizades, seus dias eram difíceis, até ela conhecer sua melhor amiga, Gabi, ela era linda e esperta e ajudava Lorena em tudo o que podia, com os meninos, as meninas que faziam bullying com ela, era sua única e melhor amiga, irmã e amor, até o dia fatídico do acidente. Elas se separaram ainda na adolescência depois do acidente. Logo depois do acidente, Lorena voltou para a casa de seus avós, mas lá não está tão fácil, queria que estivesse, durante sua adolescência acabou caindo em uma vida errada, trabalhando nas noites, fazendo coisas que a vida impôs em seu caminho, o que ela esperava que seria uma vida fácil, que teria apoio incondicional, acabou se tornando mais complicada do que viver com seus avós preconceituosos, mas pelo menos ela tinha sua “liberdade”. Mas, há que custo ela teria que viver a vida de liberdade que escolheu? Há que ponto terá que chegar para vencer os dogmas de uma sociedade moralista e hipócrita e viver sua vida e suas escolhas? Um encontro inesperado pode mudar seu destino, mas, há que ponto ela poderá chegar para sair do inferno que acabou entrando?
Mell_Ribeiro · 6.9K Views

Der Aufstieg des dunklen Alphas

[KOMPLETT - SILBER $8.000USD GEWINNER: Werwolf-Wettbewerb 2022] Zev stürmte auf sie zu, in strahlender, brutaler Schönheit, das Kinn gesenkt und mit diesen unglaublichen, stechenden Augen auf sie gerichtet. Er blieb nicht stehen, bis sie auf Augenhöhe waren und er ihr die Sicht auf alle anderen Männer im Kreis versperrte. Seine Augen wanderten zu ihrem Mund, als er sich zu ihr beugte und sein Flüstern auf ihrer Haut spielte. "Du. Bist. Mein." Seine tiefe Stimme klang in ihrem Bauch, als das Heulen des Wolfsrudels hinter ihm aufstieg und über die Berge von Thana hallte, während die anderen Chimären gegen seinen Anspruch protestierten. Gegen den Drang ankämpfend, mit ihren zitternden Händen über seine breite, nackte Brust zu streichen, zwang sich Sasha, den Kopf zu neigen und eine Augenbraue zu heben. "So mutig für einen Welpen, der gerade seine Reißzähne gefunden hat. Die anderen Männchen brüllten vor Lachen. Zev ignorierte ihren Spott, seine Augen funkelten und er lehnte sich noch näher an sie heran, wobei sein Kinnhaar ihre Wange kitzelte, als er lächelte. "So mutig für einen Menschen, der bereits das Vergnügen kennt, meinen Namen zu rufen. Sie erschauderte, als seine Zähne ihr Ohr streiften. ***** Nur wenige Tage nachdem Sasha sich ihrer Jugendliebe hingegeben hatte, verschwand er. Fünf Jahre später kehrte Zev auf einer dunklen Straße in der Stadt zurück - mit der Gefahr im Nacken. Zev ist eine Chimäre: Halb Mensch, halb Wolf. In einem sicheren Forschungslabor erschaffen, ist seine Existenz ein Geheimnis. Doch als die mächtigen Männer, die ihn erschaffen haben, versuchen, die einzige Frau zu töten, die sein Herz je zum Singen gebracht hat, reißt Zev an ihrer Leine und entführt sie in die brutale, verborgene Welt der Chimera-Clans. Hin- und hergerissen zwischen der Anziehungskraft ihrer ersten Liebe und dem schmerzhaften Verrat seines Verschwindens, versucht Sasha, Zev auf Distanz zu halten. Doch als sie diese geheimnisvolle Welt erreichen, entdeckt Zev, dass die Menschen während seiner Abwesenheit die Kontrolle übernommen und fast alle Weibchen gestohlen haben. Die Chimären sterben - und Zev ist nicht mehr der Alpha. Jetzt muss Zev gegen sein eigenes Volk kämpfen, um das Recht zu erlangen, seine einzige Liebe zu paaren. Kann er ihr beweisen, dass sein lang zurückliegendes Versprechen, ihr Herz und ihren Körper zu schützen, wahr ist? Oder werden die Menschen die Welten durchqueren, um den Wolf zu jagen und die Liebenden für immer auseinander zu reißen? [Erwachsener Inhalt, keine sexuellen Übergriffe] Das Titelbild stammt von Aenaluck und wird mit Erlaubnis und gegen Bezahlung verwendet. Sehen Sie mehr wunderschöne Kunst und unterstützen Sie den Künstler auf
AimeeLynn · 57.7K Views

My CEO Daddy is Gay?

“Are you sure this is the right address?” “I’m pretty sure.” They rang the doorbell and a tall handsome man stood in front of them. “Alex?” “Hi, Robbie.” “It’s been a long time.” “Yeah, well..” “Mom,” said a girl who emerged from behind her. “Is he the one?” “The one what?” She rolled her eyes. “Duh?! Can’t you see? I’m your daughter.” “What?! That can’t be right.” “Better believe it, stupid!” “Honey!” “What?” “I thought you said I’m gay, Alex?” “You’re what?” “You hear that right, honey. Your daddy is gay.” ********** All that ten-year old Sasha ever wanted was to meet her true father but every time she asked her mom, she always tried to make excuses. Until one day, as a birthday gift, she finally convinced her to bring her to meet her real father. What she didn’t expect is that he is not what she thought he would be... Allison Jane Macatangay has been known as one of the youngest top models in the fashion world. She had been in the covers of magazines in the country until one day, her dreams had been shattered when she got pregnant by her best friend, Robbie. Thirty-three year old Robert James Magsano, the CEO of JM Cosmetics had almost everything he ever wanted except for one thing. Everyone thinks he is gay because of one person, Alex. So to prove her wrong, he gave her a night she would remember expecting her to tell everyone about it. Except she fled out of the country, and he was left owning up to the stereotype the media has thought of him. For ten years, his life was normal until one day, Alex showed up in his doorstep with a ten-year old girl claiming to be his daughter. Will this news bring Alex and Robbie together or will it tear them apart? What will Sasha do upon knowing who his father is? Come and find out. Note: This will be edited every now and then. ************* Gold Tier Winner of WFP#15: Parenthood. Thank you for all your support. *************** *Book cover created as fan-art credited to: Michelleleee Thank you.
Honey15 · 1.3M Views

Countess Winter

Sasha winterchild lost it all due to her own follies. she is determined to protect her kingdom, yet, the fire empire is hell bent on conquering it. When a dragon prince brings his dragon to threaten her, she befriends the dragon. With this dragon, and her wits, she will blaze a path through her enemies, take back every thing that her family lost. Dan Frost lost it all despite living virtuously, and striving for betterment of all. He now had only one aim, enjoy every day like his last day. However, when his only family is hell bent on conquering the world that's only ever heading towards destruction, what is he to do? Should he run away with her ? or fight with her? Xena Winterchild left it all, and ran away. Yet, her sister is fighting her way through impossible odds. Should she stay away, or join her sister? what about her love Justin, who is but a commoner, but left all that he has just to follow her? Ryan Winterchild was locked in his own body with an supernatural being which is pulling strings sending all of his family towards their doom. Will he ever be able to break out and help his family ? wars kill people, but never on the scale nature can. The coldest winter they have ever seen is heading towards them, along with a water and fire calamity. Could the winterland survive through all these calamities safely? ֍-----------֎-----------֎ Discord : Instagram: miuhozuki I answer questions on Discord, and post character pictures, location profiles and relevant content to story on instagram. Currently, Almost all character profile pics are posted on instagram for this novel.
miu_hozuki · 180.3K Views

Ang Liwanag ng Kadiliman: Isang Paglalakbay sa Pag-ibig at Katapangan

Synopsis: Sa isang malupit na gabi, sinapit ng malagim na pangyayari ang buhay ni Gabriel nang dukutin ng Aswang Queen ang kanyang mga magulang upang gawing alay sa impiyerno. Ang kanyang mundo ay biglang gumuho, at ang kanyang puso ay napuno ng galit at determinasyon na mabawi ang kanyang mga magulang mula sa kamay ng kasamaan. Sa kanyang paglalakbay tungo sa paghahanap ng katarungan, sumama si Gabriel kay Isabella, ang matapang na mamamahayag na may malasakit sa mga inosenteng biktima ng kadiliman. Kasama rin nila sina Mateo, isang siningero na may kakayahang makipag-ugnayan sa mga diwata at mitikong nilalang; Sofia, isang mandirigmang dalubhasa sa Filipino martial arts; at Rafael, isang dalubhasang siyentipiko na may malalim na kaalaman sa mga mitikong nilalang. Sa kanilang paglalakbay, sila ay tinulungan ng mga Diwata ng Kalikasan na maging gabay at proteksyon. Ang mga Diwata ay nagbigay ng liwanag at lakas sa grupo habang sila ay humaharap sa mga panganib at laban sa mga nilalang ng kadiliman. Kasama rin nila ang tikbalang na nagbigay ng lakas at kahusayan sa pakikipaglaban, ang kapre na nagbigay ng impormasyon at gabay sa mga kagubatan, at ang mga engkanto na nagdulot ng tulong at mahika sa mga pangangailangan ng grupo. Sa kanilang paglalakbay, sila ay dumaan sa mga matitinding pagsubok at pakikipaglaban. Sa bawat yugto, sila ay nakaranas ng kapangyarihan mula sa mga diyos at dyosa ng mitolohiya. Ang mga diyos at dyosa ay nagbigay ng mga espesyal na agimat at kapangyarihan kay Gabriel upang matulungan siya sa kanyang misyon na mabawi ang kanyang mga magulang. Ang mga kapangyarihang ito ay nagbigay sa kanya ng lakas, talino, at kahusayan na kailangan niya upang harapin ang Aswang Queen at ang kanyang mga kasamang masasamang nilalang. Sa huli, sa pamamagitan ng kanilang tibay ng loob, tapang, at pagkakaisa, nagawa ng grupo na labanan ang Aswang Queen at ang kanyang mga kasama. Sa isang matinding laban, nagtagumpay sila na mabawi ang mga magulang ni Gabriel mula sa kapangyarihan ng kadiliman. Ang kaligtasan at tagumpay na ito ay nagdulot ng liwanag at pag-asa sa mundo, at nagpatunay na ang kabutihan at katapangan ay laging mananaig sa harap ng kasamaan. Ang kuwentong ito ay isang paglalakbay ng pag-ibig, katapangan, at pagkakaisa. Ipinapakita nito ang mahalagang papel ng mga kaibigan, mga mitikong nilalang, at mga diyos at dyosa sa pagharap sa mga hamon ng buhay. Sa pamamagitan ng pagtutulungan at pagtitiwala sa isa't isa, ang grupo ni Gabriel ay nagpatunay na ang pag-asa at tagumpay ay laging maaaring matamo sa kabila ng kadiliman.
DelfinDimlasa93 · 5.2K Views

Till death separates us

Sasha is a young woman who has just received devastating news: she has a rare disease that gives her only a few years to live. As she tries to come to terms with her fate, she accidentally bangs into the expensive car of a wealthy and attractive man named Adam. Adam is initially angry at Sasha for damaging his car, but she doesn't have the money to pay for the damages. So they come to an agreement: Sasha will be in a contract relationship with Adam, which he can use as a way of making up for the damages. However, Adam is only interested in the relationship for show, and doesn't truly see a future with Sasha. Despite this, Sasha and Adam gradually grow closer, and they begin to develop real feelings for each other. Sasha finds herself falling in love with Adam, but she's afraid to tell him about her illness, fearing that he'll reject her because of it. As their relationship deepens, Adam starts to see that he has real feelings for Sasha too. He begins to see past their contract and begins to truly care for her. Just as he's about to propose to her, Sasha is admitted to the hospital, where she discovers that her disease is progressing rapidly and that her time is running out. Adam is devastated by the news, but he swears to do everything he can to help Sasha live as long as possible. They spend the last few months of Sasha's life together, making the most of the time they have left. However, just as they're starting to plan a future together, something tragic happens that tears them apart. Sasha's illness takes a turn for the worse, and Adam is forced to make a difficult decision that will change their lives forever.
Lindsy_newton · 17.9K Views

Harana, Isaw, Tamang Tiyempo, At Ikaw (Filipino)

Kontento na sa buhay niya si Donna. Meron na siya ng lahat ng pwedeng hilingin ng isang babae. Hindi siya mayaman at sikat pero meron naman siyang masayang pamilya, supportive na mga kaibigan, stable na trabaho at higit sa lahat, love life. Sa katunayan, limang taon na sila ni Jestoni. Nagtatrabaho ang nobyo niya sa Amerika para sa pamilya nito at para raw sa future nila. Mahirap para kay Donna ang malayo rito pero dahil mahal niya si Jestoni at may tiwala siya rito, tiniis niya ang lahat. Pero basta na lang bumaliktad ang mundo niya nang malaman niya mula sa nanay nito na tinatapos na nila ang relasyon nila dahil nagpakasal na ito sa isang Amerikana para makakuha ng green card. Lahat ng pangarap niya para sa kanilang dalawa ay naglaho at ang mga sakripisyo niya ay nabale-wala. Pakiramdam niya ay pinagkaisahan siya ng mundo. Para sandaling makalimot ay dinala siya ng mga pinsan niya sa isang bar upang panoorin ang paboritong banda ng mga ito—ang papasikat pa lamang na Tough Love. Doon ay nakilala niya ang gitarista na gwapo sana pero snob na si Bob Earvin Montelibano. Ang akala ni Donna ay makakalimot nga siya kahit pansamantala lang pero mukhang pinagkakaisahan yata siya ng tadhana. Nang gabi ring iyon, isang lalaking kapangalan ng ex niya ang nag-propose ng kasal sa nobya nito. Sila dapat iyon kung hindi lang siya nito ipinagpalit sa American dream nito! Nilayasan niya ang mga pinsan sa bar at sa hindi inaasahan ay sinundan siya ni Bob Earvin at sinigurong walang mangyayaring masama sa mga tao sa paligid niya—este sa kanya pala. Doon nagsimula ang friendship nila. And then Bob Earvin asked her out. Hindi iyon inaasahan ni Donna. Pumayag siyang makipag-date dito sa susunod na magkita sila. Pero may iba nang plano si Donna. Nang magkita sila ulit, dalawang taon na ang nakalipas at naghilom na ang sugatan niyang puso. Pumunta uli siya sa bar kung saan nagpe-perform ang Tough Love at hindi hamak na mas sikat na ang mga ito ngayon. Ang akala niya ay nakalimutan na siya ni Bob Earvin. Pero nagulat siya nang basta na lang siya nitong halikan. Para raw iyon sa pang-iindyan niya rito dalawang taon na ang nakararaan.
slightstories · 36.6K Views


In the glittering landscape of C City, where wealth and betrayal intertwine, "Threads of Betrayal" weaves a captivating tale of love, revenge, and resilience. The narrative unfolds around Anna, a woman whose life is shattered when betrayal strikes unexpectedly, leaving her with nothing but an empty apartment and a broken heart. As she navigates the aftermath of the betrayal orchestrated by her stepsister Sasha and her former fiancé Ken, Anna's life takes an unexpected turn when she encounters Antonio De Luca—the enigmatic billionaire with a mysterious past. Drawn to each other by shared pain and a desire for redemption, Antonio and Anna forge a connection that transcends the betrayals of their pasts. Together, they embark on a journey of vengeance against those who wronged them. From the elite circles of C City to international stages of haute couture, the story unfolds against the backdrop of a world that is as glamorous as it is treacherous. Amidst the twists and turns of the narrative, love blossoms between Antonio and Anna. Antonio, haunted by the loss of his parents and driven by a determination to build an empire from scratch, finds solace and purpose in Anna's strength. Anna, a victim of betrayal, transforms into Lucia De Luca—a renowned fashion designer poised to rival the giants of the industry. As their love deepens, so does their commitment to rewriting the narrative of their lives. The couple faces challenges, confronts painful truths, and embraces unexpected joys, all while navigating the intricate threads of betrayal that continue to unravel around them. "Threads of Betrayal" is a tale of resilience, transformation, and the enduring power of love. Through the vibrant streets of C City and the transcendent world of fashion, Antonio and Anna create a new legacy—a legacy woven with threads of redemption, forgiveness, and the promise of a future unburdened by the shadows of betrayal. Will they triumph over the betrayals of the past and forge a destiny that defies the expectations of their world? "Threads of Betrayal" invites readers into a world where love is the ultimate tapestry that binds and mends the intricate threads of life.
Africa_Ufuoma_9888 · 3.2K Views
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