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Reencarnação do Mestre Espírito Mais Forte

``` Depois de ser morto nas mãos do poderoso monstro raposa de nove caudas, William encontrou-se vinte anos no passado. Nessa época, ele era um garoto de onze anos sem valor algum, sem espírito e com um poder espiritual fraco. Ele trabalhava como carregador em uma famosa academia, servindo outros discípulos para viver. Mas aquele que voltou no tempo sabia que isso não era o fim do mundo. William tinha métodos desconhecidos por muitos. Então ele treinará e ficará mais forte, transformando-se no mais forte mestre espiritual do mundo. Partindo de um ponto tão baixo, ele começou sua longa jornada para se tornar uma verdadeira potência. Apesar de usar todo o conhecimento de sua vida passada, ele ainda enfrentaria muitos desafios na academia e no mundo. Mas William vencerá todos eles. Seu principal objetivo será não só ser alguém neste mundo, mas crescer além dos limites que alcançou antes em sua vida passada. Ele queria estar melhor preparado para o inimigo horrendo e mortal que o matou; o monstro raposa de nove caudas. Neste mundo e tempo, ele tinha muitos anos para treinar e planejar sua vingança. Ele nunca permitiria que a falha passada se repetisse uma vez mais. Junte-se à jornada de William rumo ao pináculo e veja como ele esmaga todos os outros. ___________________________________________ Siga-me nas minhas redes sociais: ++++Tiktok: @authorranmaro ++++Instagram: @authorranmaro ++++Facebook: /AuthorRanmaro ____________________________________________ Está escrito em Inglês do Reino Unido. Isso significa que palavras como 'Realized - Recognize - Meter' se transformarão em [Realised - Recognise - Metre] E são as palavras corretas em inglês, não um erro de ortografia ou algo do tipo. Velocidade de lançamento: de 3 a 6 capítulos por dia. ```
ranmaro · 116.2K Views

Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

After getting killed on the hands of the mighty nine-tailed fox monster, William found himself twenty years back in time. At this time, he was an eleven years old worthless kid, without spirit and weak spirit power. He worked as a porter in a famous academy, serving other disciples for living. But the one who returned back in time knew this wasn't the end of the world. William had ways unknown to many. So he'll train and get stronger, turning himself into the strongest spirit master in the world. Starting from such low point, he started his long journey towards being a real powerhouse. Despite using all his past life knowledge, he would be still faced with many challenges in the academy and in the world. Yet William will conquer them all. His main goal will be to not just be something in this world, but to grow beyond the limits he reached before in his past life. He wanted to get better prepared for the hideous and deadly enemy that killed him; the nine-tailed fox monster. In such world and time, he got many years to train and scheme for his revenge. He would never allow the past failure to be repeated once again. Join William's journey towards pinnacle and see how he crushes everyone else. ___________________________________________ Follow me on my social media: ++++Tiktok: @authorranmaro ++++Instagram: @authorranmaro ++++Facebook: /AuthorRanmaro ____________________________________________ It's written in UK English. It means words like 'Realized - Recognize - Meter' will turn into, [Realised - Recognise - Metre] And it's right English words not a misspelling or a mistake or something. Release rate: 3 up to 6 chaps per day.
ranmaro · 3.5M Views

The King's Age

It's speaking about a pro gamer who was a victim to a dirty scheme and lost his career, his girl, and his future. Hao was a pro gamer who played as an ADC and ended up falling in love with his support pro teammate girl. But her father didn't like him. That old man did all he could to separate the two, ending up ruining Hao's life in the end and taking his daughter away to the states. Hao decided to return back at the upcoming game, called Dawn. It's rumored to be the most shocking game that will change the entire gaming history with many changes in gears, game play, and even the global impact over industry. So he went to the states, joined an academy there, and started building a guild. He will join the new Dawn game, fight for supremacy there and try to rise all the ranks up till becoming the top in the world. Will Hao be able to make such a legendary comeback? Be the king of the new game? Let's see together... _____________________________________ Dawn is the next big thing in the gaming world. It's the game that's rumored to change the entire gaming world like never before. A mix of MOBA, Shooting, and MMORPG gaming styles in one game, Dawn is considered by many to be the Holy game. New changes in game hardware, new changes at the concept of gaming itself, and new changes at the gaming community worldwide... This game is going to create history with a bang! All this is made to cover the wide gap between current games and the futuristic VR games. Will it be this good? Will it really do all that? __________________________________________ The cover is temporary until a new one is done by my artist.
ranmaro · 252.8K Views

Reencarnación del Maestro Espiritual Más Fuerte

``` Después de ser asesinado a manos del poderoso monstruo del zorro de nueve colas, William se encontró veinte años atrás en el tiempo. En ese momento, era un niño inútil de once años, sin espíritu y con débil poder espiritual. Trabajaba como porteador en una famosa academia, sirviendo a otros discípulos para subsistir. Pero aquel que había regresado en el tiempo sabía que esto no era el fin del mundo. Guillermo tenía métodos desconocidos para muchos. Así que se entrenaría y se haría más fuerte, convirtiéndose en el maestro de espíritu más fuerte del mundo. Partiendo de un punto tan bajo, comenzó su largo viaje para ser una verdadera potencia. A pesar de utilizar todo el conocimiento de su vida pasada, todavía se enfrentaría a muchos desafíos en la academia y en el mundo. Y sin embargo, Guillermo los conquistará todos. Su objetivo principal no solo será ser algo en este mundo, sino crecer más allá de los límites que alcanzó antes en su vida pasada. Quería estar mejor preparado para el enemigo horrendo y mortal que lo mató; el monstruo del zorro de nueve colas. En tal mundo y tiempo, tuvo muchos años para entrenar y tramar su venganza. Nunca permitiría que el fracaso pasado se repitiera una vez más. Únete al viaje de Guillermo hacia la cima y mira cómo aplasta a todos los demás. ___________________________________________ Sígueme en mis redes sociales: ++++Tiktok: @authorranmaro ++++Instagram: @authorranmaro ++++Facebook: /AuthorRanmaro ____________________________________________ Está escrito en inglés británico. Eso significa que palabras como 'Realized - Recognize - Meter' se convertirán en [Realised - Recognise - Metre] y son las palabras correctas en inglés, no un error ortográfico o equivocación o algo por el estilo. Tasa de publicación: de 3 a 6 capítulos por día. ```
ranmaro · 240.8K Views

NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

-Please make sure to check my other novel: MY SOLO SYSTEM- It's a story about a shameless, wicked, and a twisted player who seeks to destroy everything inside a new VR game to prove his beliefs right and achieve his goals. **Two virtual reality games started at the same time. After seven years, one game was thriving and became a world phenomenon, and the other was considered a total failure. Bloom was an NPC at the failed game. He had his life destroyed by the game developers’ one wrong decision. For years he hated two things in his entire doomed, miserable life; the game developers, and the other successful game, known as: Eternal Glory. In an unbelievable twist of fate, he was reincarnated seven years back, to the time where the two games started, inside the body of a human player. He decided to use his past life memories and enter the successful game to destroy everything that made it that successful. What turn of fate would he end up at? Will he succeed in ruining the Eternal Glory game? Will he change his mind? Let’s find this out together… _____________________________________ “Isn’t he the player to trigger that legendary mainline quest? I will kill him, and make him lose the sacred item of the quest!” “Isn’t this the place where players will find the crucial magic ore for healing the shrine sacred relic? I will take it and throw it away! No more mainline quests to be completed under my watch!” ________________________________________ Join the Discord Server Via this Link:
ranmaro · 1.5M Views

Reinkarnation des stärksten Geistmeisters

Nachdem er von dem mächtigen neunschwänzigen Fuchsmonster getötet worden war, fand sich William zwanzig Jahre zurück in der Zeit wieder. Zu dieser Zeit war er ein elf Jahre altes, wertloses Kind ohne Geist und mit schwacher Geisteskraft. Er arbeitete als Pförtner in einer berühmten Akademie und diente anderen Schülern zum Lebensunterhalt. Aber derjenige, der in die Vergangenheit zurückkehrte, wusste, dass dies nicht das Ende der Welt war. William hatte Wege, die vielen unbekannt waren. Also trainierte er und wurde stärker, um sich selbst zum stärksten Geistmeister der Welt zu machen. Von einem so niedrigen Punkt aus begann er seine lange Reise zu einem echten Kraftpaket. Obwohl er all sein Wissen aus dem vergangenen Leben nutzt, wird er in der Akademie und in der Welt immer noch mit vielen Herausforderungen konfrontiert werden. Doch William wird sie alle überwinden. Sein Hauptziel wird es sein, nicht nur etwas in dieser Welt zu sein, sondern über die Grenzen hinauszuwachsen, die er in seinem früheren Leben erreicht hat. Er wollte sich besser auf den abscheulichen und tödlichen Feind vorbereiten, der ihn getötet hatte: das neunschwänzige Fuchsmonster. In dieser Welt und in dieser Zeit hatte er viele Jahre Zeit, zu trainieren und seine Rache zu planen. Er würde nie zulassen, dass sich das vergangene Versagen noch einmal wiederholt. Begleiten Sie William auf seinem Weg zum Gipfel und sehen Sie, wie er alle anderen zerquetscht. ___________________________________________ Folgen Sie mir auf meinen sozialen Medien: ++++Tiktok: @authorranmaro ++++Instagram: @autorranmaro ++++Facebook: /AuthorRanmaro ____________________________________________ Es ist in britischem Englisch geschrieben. Das bedeutet, dass Wörter wie 'Realized - Recognize - Meter' zu [Realized - Recognise - Metre] werden. Und das sind richtige englische Wörter und kein Rechtschreibfehler oder ein Irrtum oder so. Veröffentlichungsrate: 3 bis 6 Chaps pro Tag.
ranmaro · 78.3K Views

My Solo System

To make your reading experience MORE FUN, I created a free comic for the novel. Check out the first chapter to read it or join my discord server :D ____________________________________ It's a story about a super hero in his early footsteps, the journey to become one, and the rise to save all human kind. The only mistake Aroon and his brothers made was to say no. They got an offer to submit and they refused. Aroon didn’t know all this would happen next. He and his two other twins wrongly thought that the worst would be to lose some privilege... not losing their lives. Under other circumstances you wouldn’t put him, his brothers, or even any of his family in any regard at all. He was raised knowing how hard it was to survive in this world, especially with such a big family with no father to shoulder many responsibilities for them. However fate had another opinion regarding him. The world is under great turmoil for five years. Dungeons came up out of nowhere and monsters kept killing people. In this brutal and mysterious world, systems started to appear. They were only given to twins, and humanity started to strike back and defend their homeland. Join the adventures of Aroon, who lost his two twin brothers before, lost his systems and was left as someone without anything at all... The loser Fallen as he was always called. In a sudden twist of fate he got himself a system, the only and unique Solo System that no one else had. He can fight on his own without the help of anyone and also can level up; something wasn't available to anyone before. _______________________________ Discord server link: _______________________________ Release schedule: one up to two chapters per day. _______________________________ The cover photo is from the comic XD
ranmaro · 1M Views

Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

If you love Resident Evil series, you'll definitely love this novel. It's a story about a strong badass ambitious young girl aiming to break all shackles of family, men, and destiny to achieve her goals and be the strongest person in the whole world; one that can decide her own fate with her own hands. ________________________________________ Book 1 synopsis: "Did you know how it felt like when you see everything crumble in front of you and you were the root of it ?" - MC said. What happens when a princess enters a VR game? No, she won't get protected by others like what you think, she will be a bloody princess that's strong enough to make herself stand out in the game. Agatha is a princess from a weak magic-based kingdom. She was forced to be marry a sex maniac, who also happens to be a crown prince of a mighty technology-based empire. To escape the fate of being part of his harem, she requested to join the training program of the empire. This training program is a VR game called Destiny. Upon entering the game, she receives an exceptional evaluation and gets the very rare rank called the Guild Master. She will start to go wild, killing everyone in sight, being a scary being in her own traits, while learning the strong mystic arts and enters the mysterious sacred lands to harvest treasures, fame, and wealth. Follow this story about Guilds and Adventure groups wars amidst love struggle between the three and the ambitions of Agatha as she try to raise her guild to be the most powerful in the game. +Important Announcements: ++Book 1 - The Legendary Guild Master - is completed. Book 1 includes Volumes from volume one to volume five. It's a VR game book with many Action and Adventure. ++Book 2 starts from Volume 6. It goes by the name: The Rebirth of the Witch. It's a post apocalypse book with kingdom building elements and a system in it. You can start reading book 2 directly if you wish to, as I will start it with a separate beginning. ++The picture here is for Book 2 :). ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Book 2 synopsis: Coming soon, stay tuned. ________________________________________ Join the Discord Server Via this Link: ________________________________________ To support author: Thanks for your support here and there :)
ranmaro · 1.2M Views

Réincarnation du maître d'esprit le plus puissant

Après avoir été tué par le puissant monstre renard à neuf queues, Guillaume se retrouva vingt ans en arrière dans le temps. À cette époque, il était un gamin de onze ans sans valeur, dénué d'Esprit et de faible puissance spirituelle. Il travaillait comme porteur dans une célèbre académie, servant d'autres disciples pour vivre. Mais celui qui était revenu dans le temps savait que ce n'était pas la fin du monde. Guillaume avait des méthodes inconnues de beaucoup. Alors il s'entraînerait et deviendrait plus fort, se transformant en le plus puissant maître de l'esprit au monde. Partant de ce point si bas, il commença son long voyage vers la position de véritable puissance. Malgré l'utilisation de toute sa connaissance de sa vie antérieure, il serait encore confronté à de nombreux défis dans l'académie et dans le monde. Pourtant, Guillaume les surmonterait tous. Son objectif principal serait de ne pas juste être quelque chose dans ce monde, mais de dépasser les limites qu'il avait atteintes auparavant dans sa vie passée. Il voulait mieux se préparer pour l'ennemi hideux et mortel qui l'avait tué ; le monstre renard à neuf queues. Dans un tel monde et à une telle époque, il avait de nombreuses années pour s'entraîner et comploter pour sa vengeance. Il ne permettrait jamais que l'échec du passé se répète une fois de plus. Rejoignez le voyage de Guillaume vers le sommet et voyez comment il écrase tout le monde sur son passage. ___________________________________________ Suivez-moi sur mes réseaux sociaux : ++++Tiktok : @authorranmaro ++++Instagram : @authorranmaro ++++Facebook : /AuthorRanmaro ____________________________________________ C'est écrit en anglais britannique. Cela signifie que des mots comme 'Realized - Recognize - Meter' se transformeront en, [Realised - Recognise - Metre] Et ce sont les bons mots anglais et non une faute d'orthographe ou une erreur ou quoi que ce soit d'autres. Rythme de publication : 3 à 6 chapitres par jour.
ranmaro · 52.6K Views

I'm Really A Superhero!

Thomas suffered a problem his entire life, he couldn't feel anything at all! No pain, no love, no emotions at all. He was going to die without feeling any pain, but fate got other plans for him. He'll meet an old lady, one who'll turn his life upside down. She'll send him to a world where superpowers and superheroes exist. As a comic fan, he starts to live his dream. But will things there be like how he read in comics? One man, holding a magical bonsai tree, armed with an artefact, will rule both the dream and real world. other superheroes will suffer and struggle to rise their powers up, but not for Thomas. He will find a path for his superpower to evolve, grow beyond anyone could expect, and will start a journey to make things right in the new world. He won't get stopped by superheroes or villains and will create his own path that won't follow any of this world's weird rules. Only one man will be a hurdle, one man with something Thomas will always miss in his new world and life. Join Thomas in his journey and watch the legend of a new superhero get born! ---------------------------------------------------- Release rate: 1 chapter per day. More chapters for Summoning Pens. ---------------------------------------------------- It's written in UK English. The cover is mine. A Discord server will be launched very soon with lots of pictures and information about the novel. If you have any comments or suggestions, make sure to tell me in comments and I'll take all into consideration.
ranmaro · 108.4K Views

Tower of Systems

A tower that could bring power, fame, wealth, and prestige was situated in the center of the universe. All races tried to climb it to the top, with no one ever managed to reach the final level yet. The tower granted systems upon those who climbed it, and these systems unlocked a myriad of superhuman abilities according to a certain set of rules. And that made the tower a very brutal place to live in. Harry is a 16 years old phoenix kid, born with strange and useless eyes with no other power whatsoever. A trash; that was what everyone considered him to be. One day a disaster befell over his family, the main house of the phoenixes, and he had only to run with his parents help. Seeking a new path in life his parents sent him to the tower before it was too late. His big brother was rumored to be killed there, and he went to the tower with many things to achieve... Above all he wanted to look for his brother and seek strength enough to go back and get revenge. But the tower has its own rules, and inside he was destined to have many merciless challenges plus a real change in fate... Gaining an ability that was never heard of before; the ability to bend the tower rules! _________________________________________ Just a word for the future, despite me believing in this novel it's just made for the trial read of the Spirity contest. So if you like my novel and want to read it further, please support it as I'll decide either to continue writing or delete it after the end of the trial read. If it doesn't enter trial read... well then I'll just delete it. Ranmaro
ranmaro · 13.4K Views