Mythical Ethers
In a universe delicately balanced by the forces of Creation, Preservation, and Destruction, a sinister threat follows. Cults driven by madness and ambition seek to awaken the ABSOLUTE EVIL, an entity capable of unraveling reality itself. To counter these dark forces, the elite S.T.A.R Corps (Search, Traverse, Act, Reinforce) stands as the universe's line of defense, charged with maintaining order and protecting the equilibrium.
Jasper, a young man, joins the S.T.A.R Corps hoping to find purpose and escape the shadows of his trauma. But the Corps is no sanctuary. Behind its heroic façade lies a brutal, unforgiving reality where the line between savior and monster blurs.
As Jasper confronts missions, ancient secrets, and the darkness within himself, he must decide: Will he rise above his inner demons and fight for the balance of the universe? Or will the weight of his past drag him into the abyss, leaving the universe vulnerable to total annihilation?
How far would you go to protect a universe that may never know peace?