Rise of the Powerless
Ray, an ordinary young man, is transported to the magical kingdom of Rideon, where power defines one’s worth. Rescued by a group of legendary heroes, Ray is determined to rise above his powerless state. Trained in combat and strategy, he sets off on a quest to gather allies and prove himself.
During his journey, Ray meets Rhyuji, the holy sword-wielding brother of his mentor, Rheana, along with a diverse group of powerful individuals: Amy, a skilled weaponsmith; Miria, a calm witch; Hagon, a gentle giant; Shero, a shadowy assassin; and Haran, a skilled swordswoman. Together, they face dark forces and grow stronger as a team.
As Ray learns that true power lies in unity and resilience, he moves closer to his goal of becoming an equal to the legendary heroes, proving that even the powerless can rise to greatness.