Ultimate Sky Wars
In a mechanical world filled with advanced technology, robots reign supreme. Their currency, Digital Coin (Digi Coin), fuels the economy. With Digi Coin, robots can purchase humanoid bodies, upgrade components like motherboards, batteries, and even mechanical organs such as lungs and hearts. A humanoid body is the pinnacle of aspiration, with prices reaching hundreds of billions of Digi Coins. However, only the super-wealthy can afford such bodies, leaving most robots to make do with standard forms or scavenge for upgrades.
The protagonist, a simple robot named Bolt, reincarnates into this world with a body worth mere hundreds of Digi Coins. However, his fate changes when he discovers a mystery box in an old shop. Inside lies a humanoid body worth 200 billion Digi Coins: handsome, orange-haired, muscular, and armed with a massive hammer. When the shopkeeper, enraged by the loss, tries to destroy Bolt, the new body’s power allows him to fight back and win. However, this act makes him a fugitive, as the shopkeeper was a member of TradeCore Corporation, the largest robot trading company. Thus begins Bolt’s journey of survival, revenge, and discovery, aided by his new body and an internal AI system. With determination, Bolt vows to destroy the corporation, uncover hidden treasures, and lead an army of robots across the cosmos.