The Nine Mysteries
The multiverse is governed by the enigmatic System, a mechanical and magical force that rewrites the fates of entire universes. It functions without judgment, its invisible hand silently calculating the rise and fall of civilizations. But now, something unexpected has appeared—an anomaly the System cannot predict, one powerful enough to shatter its omniscient gaze.
At the far edges of reality, cosmic beings stir. A woman meditates in the Void, untouched by time, tethered only to the pulse of her soul. A shapeshifting alchemist, known for destroying galaxies and raising empires, seeks seven singularities to fuel their ambitions. And on a distant, beast-filled planet, an otherworldly man watches the unfolding chaos with quiet amusement, waiting for nine chosen geniuses to rise.
Unaware of the vast forces at play, Michael Ashford, an ordinary electrician with a "dad bod" and a knack for troubleshooting, finds his world turned upside down. What begins as a routine house call spirals into a surreal nightmare when dark text sears itself into his vision: