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Principal Faust

Madam, Your Identities are being Exposed One by One!

A menace. A delinquent. A disappointment. If you ask anyone how they would describe Jiang Yue, it would be those three words. She has a bad reputation. She dropped out from school at the age of 6. She left her father who was in a vegetative state to roam around and wreck havoc in other cities. That's what she is known for. They all thought she spent her days just getting into trouble, living life recklessly. What others didn't know though was those words are far from what she actually is! A Genius! She has a bad reputation because she never hesitates to use violence against those who seek to harm her. She dropped out from school at the age of six because she has learned everything there is to learn in the school! She left her father to create a machine that could help him recover and she roamed around to find those who hurt her father and avenge him! She won't spare anyone who harmed her family! She will find those bastards who killed her Older Brother, caused her father to be in a vegetative state, and hurt her sister. However, things didn't go the way they should be. She's back in high school to fulfill her promise to her sister, but why is it that she got a clingy Young Master stuck to her instead? *** On a certain night, Jiang Yue and Luo Zhelan met in an unexpected situation. On that day, Luo Zhelan had no idea that the woman standing in front of his car with a gun in her bloodied hand would be the woman who would complete his life. "Young Master Luo, Young Madam is trending again on Weibo!" A subordinate reported. The Young Master narrowed his eyes, "What is it again this time?" "It turns out she's the person behind Allico Intelligence! She created it and made it into one of the leading tech giants in the country!" A certain subordinate reported. "Brother Zhe, there was some news going around!" His good friend exclaimed at him. Luo Zhelan asked, "What news?" "Sister-in-law is Shadow! The top assassin that brought up 'Fallen Vengeance'! The league that was made up of all the feared assassins!" "Young Master Luo, look at this post!" "Son, why is Principal Wei calling Xiao Yue 'disciple'?" "Brother Zhe, Sister-in law created Altersky?!" "Young Master! I found out something about Young Madam!" A certain Young Master was dumbfounded.
Nnaise · 1.4M Views

Le Toucher du Mech

Dans un futur lointain, la civilisation humaine galactique est entrée dans l'Âge des Mechs. Les innombrables puissances mineures de l'humanité ont adopté les mechs comme leurs principales armes de guerre. Seul un petit nombre d'humains possède l'aptitude génétique nécessaire pour piloter ces machines de guerre destructrices de la taille d'un bâtiment. Né dans une famille militaire à la périphérie de la galaxie, Ves Larkinson est l'un des nombreux individus dépourvus du talent pour gagner la gloire au combat. Au lieu de cela, il devient concepteur de mechs. Aidé par son père disparu, Ves a obtenu le mystérieux Système de Concepteur de Mechs qui peut l'aider à s'élever dans la galaxie et au-delà. Ses mechs, basés sur les principes de la vie, lui permettent rapidement de se distinguer. Puissants et hautement compatibles avec les pilotes de mechs, ses produits ont le potentiel de révolutionner le marché. Cependant, le succès n'est pas facile, et d'innombrables défis entravent sa capacité à vendre ses mechs à un marché avide d'innovation ! Avec les péchés de la race humaine dans l'arène galactique qui rattrapent lentement, Ves doit naviguer dans les périls du marché ultracompétitif des mechs et maintenir le contrôle sur son organisation grandissante de marginaux. C'est l'âge d'or des mechs. C'est l'âge d'or de l'humanité. La question est, durera-t-il ? "Tout défi peut être surmonté tant que je conçois le bon mech !"
Exlor · 1.2K Views

Impératrice des Glaces Éternelle: Chemin vers la Vengeance

Mira était juste une jeune fille mortelle menant une vie normale jusqu'à ce qu'un dieu ruine tout pour elle. « Va te faire foutre, DIEU ! Pourquoi continues-tu à me faire ça !!! Qu'est-ce que j'ai fait pour mériter ça ?! » Prise au piège dans un cycle de réincarnations, Mira continue d'apprendre et de s'améliorer dans l'espoir de renverser son oppresseur. Suivez Mira alors qu'elle est projetée dans un Monde de la Cultivation où l'impossible devient possible, et la réalité peut être tout ce que vous voulez qu'elle soit tant que vous êtes suffisamment fort. --------------------------------------------------------- Avertissement : Je ne prévois pas d'ajouter de romance au début du roman. J'en ajouterai probablement plus tard, mais ce ne sera pas l'accent principal. S'il y a de la romance, alors ce sera du yuri. Ce roman se concentrera également principalement sur des personnages féminins. Bien sûr, il y aura des hommes dans l'histoire, mais pour la plupart, ils ne seront pas des personnages importants. ---------------------Système de Récompenses--------------------- Cadeaux : Château : 2 Chapitres Supplémentaires Vaisseau spatial : 4 Chapitres Supplémentaires Gachapon : 6 Chapitres Supplémentaires --------------------------------------------------------- La couverture a été créée par Moonfist sur Fiverr : Discord : Patreon :
Dreyerboys · 81.8K Views

Réincarnation du maître d'esprit le plus puissant

Après avoir été tué par le puissant monstre renard à neuf queues, Guillaume se retrouva vingt ans en arrière dans le temps. À cette époque, il était un gamin de onze ans sans valeur, dénué d'Esprit et de faible puissance spirituelle. Il travaillait comme porteur dans une célèbre académie, servant d'autres disciples pour vivre. Mais celui qui était revenu dans le temps savait que ce n'était pas la fin du monde. Guillaume avait des méthodes inconnues de beaucoup. Alors il s'entraînerait et deviendrait plus fort, se transformant en le plus puissant maître de l'esprit au monde. Partant de ce point si bas, il commença son long voyage vers la position de véritable puissance. Malgré l'utilisation de toute sa connaissance de sa vie antérieure, il serait encore confronté à de nombreux défis dans l'académie et dans le monde. Pourtant, Guillaume les surmonterait tous. Son objectif principal serait de ne pas juste être quelque chose dans ce monde, mais de dépasser les limites qu'il avait atteintes auparavant dans sa vie passée. Il voulait mieux se préparer pour l'ennemi hideux et mortel qui l'avait tué ; le monstre renard à neuf queues. Dans un tel monde et à une telle époque, il avait de nombreuses années pour s'entraîner et comploter pour sa vengeance. Il ne permettrait jamais que l'échec du passé se répète une fois de plus. Rejoignez le voyage de Guillaume vers le sommet et voyez comment il écrase tout le monde sur son passage. ___________________________________________ Suivez-moi sur mes réseaux sociaux : ++++Tiktok : @authorranmaro ++++Instagram : @authorranmaro ++++Facebook : /AuthorRanmaro ____________________________________________ C'est écrit en anglais britannique. Cela signifie que des mots comme 'Realized - Recognize - Meter' se transformeront en, [Realised - Recognise - Metre] Et ce sont les bons mots anglais et non une faute d'orthographe ou une erreur ou quoi que ce soit d'autres. Rythme de publication : 3 à 6 chapitres par jour.
ranmaro · 52.8K Views

Mage le plus puissant avec le système de Luxure

``` [ Avertissement : Contenu Mature R-18 ] La mort est-elle une fin ou un nouveau début ? Je ne sais pas. Mais, pour notre protagoniste, c'était ce dernier. Max, un vingtenaire vierge, fut attaqué par un ours en forêt et mourut d'une mort plutôt réticente et prématurée. Heureusement pour lui... ce n'était pas la fin de son histoire. Il se réveilla et se retrouva transmigré dans un monde rempli de magie, de merveilles et... de belles femmes. Dieu semblait être content de lui car non seulement il était le plus jeune fils d'un noble dans ce monde, mais il avait aussi reçu un système -Le Système de Luxure- pour devenir le mage le plus fort et atteindre des sommets jamais égalés. Tout semblait incroyable mais était-ce vrai ou juste une illusion ? Rejoignez le passionnant voyage de Maxwell Garfield dans ce monde merveilleux pour s'élever au sommet. ______________________________ [Points à noter] 1. Comme vous l'avez sans doute déjà deviné à partir du titre, mais permettez-moi de vous dire que l'histoire sera remplie de nombreuses aventures sexuelles. Alors... vous êtes les bienvenus pour en profiter..... 2. Cependant... ne vous attendez pas à ce que le personnage principal ait des relations sexuelles avec chaque femme qu'il rencontre. Je vais me concentrer sur l'histoire, et j'essaierai de ne pas insérer aveuglément des scènes de sexe à tort et à travers. 3. Plus important encore, c'est ma première expérience en écriture donc la qualité des 50 premiers chapitres ou à peu près peut être un peu médiocre (Mais cela ne devrait pas vous poser de problème si quelques petites erreurs ne vous dérangent pas). 4. C'est une histoire au rythme lent. Si vous voulez que tout soit explosif et rapide, peut-être que ce n'est pas pour vous. Note importante : Si vous appréciez l'histoire, n'oubliez pas de voter pour vos GTs, Power stones et aussi, si vous le pouvez, d'envoyer quelques CADEAUX. Cette pauvre âme vous en serait reconnaissante. Consultez également mon autre œuvre : [ L'Ascension du Dieu de Guerre le Plus Fort ] & [ Mon système de diable pervers ] Bonne lecture~ ________________ ```
Blizzard54k · 142.1K Views

Reencarnación del Maestro Espiritual Más Fuerte

``` Después de ser asesinado a manos del poderoso monstruo del zorro de nueve colas, William se encontró veinte años atrás en el tiempo. En ese momento, era un niño inútil de once años, sin espíritu y con débil poder espiritual. Trabajaba como porteador en una famosa academia, sirviendo a otros discípulos para subsistir. Pero aquel que había regresado en el tiempo sabía que esto no era el fin del mundo. Guillermo tenía métodos desconocidos para muchos. Así que se entrenaría y se haría más fuerte, convirtiéndose en el maestro de espíritu más fuerte del mundo. Partiendo de un punto tan bajo, comenzó su largo viaje para ser una verdadera potencia. A pesar de utilizar todo el conocimiento de su vida pasada, todavía se enfrentaría a muchos desafíos en la academia y en el mundo. Y sin embargo, Guillermo los conquistará todos. Su objetivo principal no solo será ser algo en este mundo, sino crecer más allá de los límites que alcanzó antes en su vida pasada. Quería estar mejor preparado para el enemigo horrendo y mortal que lo mató; el monstruo del zorro de nueve colas. En tal mundo y tiempo, tuvo muchos años para entrenar y tramar su venganza. Nunca permitiría que el fracaso pasado se repitiera una vez más. Únete al viaje de Guillermo hacia la cima y mira cómo aplasta a todos los demás. ___________________________________________ Sígueme en mis redes sociales: ++++Tiktok: @authorranmaro ++++Instagram: @authorranmaro ++++Facebook: /AuthorRanmaro ____________________________________________ Está escrito en inglés británico. Eso significa que palabras como 'Realized - Recognize - Meter' se convertirán en [Realised - Recognise - Metre] y son las palabras correctas en inglés, no un error ortográfico o equivocación o algo por el estilo. Tasa de publicación: de 3 a 6 capítulos por día. ```
ranmaro · 243.2K Views

Não é Fácil Ser um Homem Depois de Viajar para o Futuro

Após morrer de uma estranha doença terminal, Ling Lan renasceu em um mundo 10000 anos no futuro. Embora ela desejasse ardentemente poder apenas viver uma vida pacífica e sem eventos em seu novo corpo saudável, o destino tinha outros planos... Obrigada a se disfarçar de menino apenas para poder herdar os benefícios militares premium de seu falecido pai, a jornada de Ling Lan até a idade adulta foi cheia de desafios. Após muita dificuldade, ela finalmente chegou aos dezesseis anos, quando poderia abandonar a farsa. Mas antes que pudesse aproveitar sua recém-descoberta liberdade para se casar e iniciar sua própria família, uma reviravolta do destino a lança na principal escola militar para garotos da Federação. Com essas reviravoltas do destino, Ling Lan teve pouca escolha a não ser caminhar cada vez mais por um caminho sem volta, um de domínio frio e distante... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ryuxenji, o tradutor aqui. :3 Aqui estão algumas outras coisas que vocês devem saber: 1) Esta história NÃO é primariamente um romance. O sistema da QI atualmente categoriza todos os romances provenientes do site chinês de novelas para mulheres (起点女生网) como 'romance' sem falhas, independentemente de serem verdadeiramente romances ou não. Então, se você está aqui apenas pelo romance, talvez queira encontrar um romance diferente. Haverá algum romance eventualmente, mas a maior parte deste romance é de ficção científica/Xianxia com muita construção de mundo e desenvolvimento de personagem. 2) Eu uso ortografia britânica. Então, por favor, certifique-se de que erros ortográficos são realmente erros antes de reportá-los. 3) Não importa o que a taxa de lançamento no topo diga, a taxa de lançamento garantida no momento é de 1 cap/dia (também conhecido como 7 cap/semana). O resto é extra à minha discrição. (Eu tentarei fazer o meu melhor, mas responsabilidades da vida real vêm primeiro.)
Madam Ru · 78.6K Views

La Trampa de la Corona

``` —Estoy seguro de que encontrarás mis brazos más cómodos que cualquier otra cosa en este mundo... —Rey Darío Grant, el poderoso gobernante del Reino de Cordon. Era despiadado e impetuoso contra sus enemigos. Su mera presencia gritaba con autoridad robusta; su aura sola era más que suficiente para que algunos de sus enemigos admitieran la derrota y huyeran con solo verlo. Pero a pesar de todo esto, era impotente y desvergonzado frente a una mujer… su pareja, la Princesa de Ebodía a quien se negaba a dejar ir. Descubre cómo resultarán las cosas para nuestro Rey posesivo que está decidido a usar el Encantamiento de la Corona para hacer suya a su pareja por cualquier medio necesario. ¿Podrá tener éxito y conquistarla toda, cuerpo, corazón y alma? * Nota: Volumen 1 & 2: Historia Principal Estado: Completado (Capítulos 1 al 555) Volumen 3: Historia Secundaria Estado: Completado (Capítulos 556 al 641) —Solo puedo declararme ganador una vez que logre conquistar tu corazón... —Volumen 4: Historia Secundaria Estado: Completado (Capítulos 642 al 701) —El amor nunca estuvo en mi vocabulario cuando se trata de mujeres hasta que llegaste tú... —Volumen 5: Estado: Completado (Capítulos 702 al 805) —Te elijo a ti… tú que ocupas codiciosamente todo el espacio en mi corazón... —Capítulos Especiales en adelante, completados **** PD: ¡Portada del libro encargada y propiedad del Autor! ¡No usarla! ```
Eustoma_Reyna · 116.1K Views

I’m More Perverted Than You!!!

Hunter, a bold transfer student, finds himself thrust into the unfamiliar halls of a prestigious, Japanese-dominated school. From the moment he steps onto campus, he realizes he’s out of his depth—cultural norms, strict rules, and a school hierarchy that doesn’t tolerate stepping out of line. But none of that prepares him for his first encounter with Yukio—a charming yet unapologetically eccentric girl who takes a peculiar interest in him. What begins as a budding friendship takes a bizarre turn when Yukio reveals her true nature: she’s a self-proclaimed “perverted entity.” Intrigued and not one to back down, Hunter challenges her with a bold claim—he’s more perverted than she is. Thus begins an outrageous competition that spirals into a series of escalating dares, pranks, and teasing moments that blur the line between rivalry and romance. However, the stakes are far greater than Hunter realizes. The school’s ironclad rules, enforced ruthlessly by the Principal and a formidable Student Council, leave no room for misconduct. As Hunter’s antics with Yukio and a growing circle of admirers draw more attention, the Student Council begins to see him as a threat to the school’s pristine reputation. Yet, despite their suspicions, Hunter’s cunning ensures they can’t pin any infractions on him. Future of this novel - This has a high chance of being adapted into a manga, This will require obviously a fanbase and funding. If this light novel get's high traction, I'll make this happen. Fun facts about this story - The protagonist, isn't a pussy, do what you will with that information. This is an original novel so a-lot of time was placed into making this light novel. Hope you enjoy! This site is being funny about the Cover art, you can also read the novel here : Support the series here:
HoppyPop · 21.2K Views

Protecting the Tycoon's Heir

Wu Xiuxin almost ended her life after a tragic incident that erased all her memories, leaving her mind like a vast, dark void. However, despite being naive about her past, memories keep flashing in her head incase someone provokes her to madness. Harming people would not be enough but it would definitely send them to death! Despite her situation, Wu Xiuxin wanted to go back to school, hoping that it could help her bring back the memories that she lost a year ago. On the other hand, Madam Lu, who took accountability to her, asked for her help in exchange for her benevolence. And that is to look after her son who will become the heir of their company. Later found out that he was involved in any illegal actions that have brought him harm. There were news reports circulating that rich people were the targets of an organization. They roamed around, capturing them to demand ransom or they might end up lifeless. Although Madam Lu had the power to keep him away from danger, it wouldn’t be enough. She believed that Wu Xiuxin could be his hope. By letting Wu Xiuxin befriend him, she hoped to persuade him and make amends with his mother. But the moment they met, she couldn’t believe that the person she was assigned to look after was the person who would cause her hell and somewhat change her life. Yet, after figuring out the people after him, she didn’t hesitate to save him. Those people behind has also had something to do with her situation. How would she be able to stay by his side? Will she succeed in eliminating the people behind all this? Or... Will it trigger her memories from the past and bring them all back? —— Xu Yuan, frightened every student he met. Despite being a troublemaker and having terrible behaviour, Xiu Yan was still able to convince and be loved foolishly by many students on campus. An unfazed and gloomy girl named Wu Xiuxin walked across the hallway without noticing the people gathering around. Her natural eyes were sharp as if it had an intent of causing harm to people that made Xu Yuan feel uncomfortable. Xu Yuan didn’t hesitate to use his foot to block her way, which caused her to fall and made an entire student in the hallway burst in laughter. Wu Xiuxin couldn’t fathom why he did humiliate her. One person lent his hand towards her but she didn’t take it. Instead, she stood with no expression at all and with full strength she raised her clenched fist and directly threw a huge blow on Xiu Yuan’s face. The students who gathered clearly saw the ridiculous scene unfold before their eyes. “Miss Wu, you will be sent to Class 12!” said the principal, after the trouble she did. Xiu Yuan and Wu Xiuxin have finally crossed paths once again. But why does she suspiciously want to be part of his group of friends after what she did? Miss Wu, aren't you straight? ‘Cause you look cool, and the way you move and dress isn’t like what a typical girl would," one of Xiu Yuan’s friends remarked. “Is that so? Thank you but I’m straight.” Wu Xiuxin replied. “Miss Wu, do you uhm…” “What?” “D—Do you like girls?” “It’s up to you to think.” "Miss Wu, you can have friends from the other class, but why do you want to be part of a group of boys?" “Because it’s more fun together with boys.” "Miss Wu, I don't think we need to include you in the boys' group. Before you can be part of us, you still have to pass our initiation." “Really, what is it and when?” "We torture people, and only those who survive our bloody initiation will pass." "Sounds great," she replied, her face showing no expression at all. They all looked at each other, dumbfounded by her response. Wu Xiuxin had simply agreed, knowing it was all part of her plan. (I do not own this cover photo. If you are the owner, please let me know so I can take it down.)
Seirri · 1.4K Views

Sua amante é sua ex-esposa

[Aviso: R18+] "Sua Maior Vingança--Seduza-o, Destrua seu casamento, Roube sua fortuna e, por último... DESCARTE-o." ***** A vida de Sabrina Williams desmorona após descobrir a traição de seu marido e a aquisição desonesta da fortuna de sua família. Presumida morta depois de um trágico incidente, Sabrina ressurge cinco anos depois com uma nova identidade e um ardente desejo de vingança. Seu retorno provoca um caos romântico entre o círculo íntimo do CEO, um deslumbrante leque de belos solteiros disputando sua atenção. Sabrina Williams se vê no centro de um furacão romântico com pretendentes inesperados – seu protetor melhor amigo, um poderoso Chefe da Máfia e seu possessivo ex-marido. O palco está montado para uma tensa batalha de cabo de guerra – um confronto de amor e vingança com as emoções à flor da pele. Os jogadores estão todos presentes, e o jogo está apenas começando! ***** Quando seu escândalo com o Ex-marido se espalha na internet, os detratores a amaldiçoam, marcando-a como Amante Sem Vergonha, Destruidora de Lares Inútil e Vadia Maligna... porém, vários solteiros poderosos se unem para defendê-la. CEO da Principal Empresa de Moda: "Odiadores vão para o inferno! PS: para aquelas modelos que antagonizaram minha Deusa, eu tiro o patrocínio da nossa marca delas." Presidente da Maior Empresa de Entretenimento: "Notícia falsa! Tomaremos medidas legais por difamar minha Deusa! Artistas que a amaldiçoaram serão proibidos na minha empresa." Vice-Presidente da Maior Empresa de Hotéis e Resorts: "Calem a boca, Detratores! Não ousem pisar em um dos nossos hotéis e resorts!" Chefe da Máfia Dominador: "Recuem! Apaguem esses comentários maldosos, ou senão minha gangue irá atrás de vocês. Matarei todos que ousarem ridicularizar minha Rainha!" Todo mundo: "..." Então, um comentário de confissão surge repentinamente no meio do caos. Melhor amigo da FL: "Todos podem te odiar, mas eu sempre estarei lá por você. Sabby... Eu te amo... Eu te amo desde a nossa infância... Meu primeiro amor... e o último." Seu ex-marido não pode mais ficar calado e declara ao público. Ex-marido Possessivo: "Ela não é minha amante. Ela é minha esposa legal." Amigo da FL Lanny: "Esposa legal uma ova! Cara doido, vai morrer!"
ellezar_g · 61.5K Views

Conquest Of The Fallen: Dark Dominions

[DING!] [Congratulations, APOLLYON. You have unlocked the Infernal System!] [NAME: Israfel BlüdThïrste.] [FACTION: DEMON ¢ RANK A.] [DING!] [You have ascended to the realms of man.] [CITY: The medieval Empire of Eldoria.] [ALL HAIL THE BURNING ONE!] [CONQUEST: Level Up to NINTH INFERNAL CIRCLE.] [The battle for DOMINION begins.] [SYSTEM has graciously provided the most delicious and bosomy babes to compete for MC.] [ADDITIONAL TAGS: Ruthless MC – NSFW – BDSM – Cosplay – MILF – War Crimes – Unholy Trinities – Hybrids – BDE – Smut – EVOLUTION – Succubus – Slaves – Yandere – Ascension – Gore – ADULT CONTENT AND LANGUAGE – Anal – Dominant MC – Hentai – Lust – Demon – Extreme violence – R18 – Faceslap – Fistfights – Bestiality – Bloodsport – Exorcism – LOLITA – Brutal MC – Magic – UNDERWORLD – Politics – Demonology – Necromancer – Old Gods – Fae – Sword and Sorcery – System – Hardcore – Mermaid – Cat girls – Dragon girls – DARK – Vulgar – Epic battle – Hell Ranking – Fallen Angels – DOMINIONS – Incest – Dungeon – Leveling up – Cold MC – Sibling Lust – Taboo sex stories – MONSTER GIRLS – Debauchery – Utter fuckery – Demented SC – MANA – Invulnerable MC – Elf – Vampire – Demoness – MATURE – Murder – Psychopaths – Luciferan Bloodlines – Corruption of virtue – Chivalry – Villainy – Death – LEGION – Clashing armies – Weapons system – Resurrection.] [WARNING: This book features detailed descriptions of female humiliation, hardcore sex and depravity. There is a guaranteed Adult Chapter one out of every five. NOT FOR CHILDREN! NOT FOR SOFT HEARTS!] • FULL BLURB Israfel BlüdThïrste was born in Hel. He has lived in it all eighteen years of his life. As seventh in the bloodline of the Morningstar himself, Rafel has had a pretty fucking great life. There's spilled blood in excess. Violence to choke the gray skies. Abundant sex—depraved and hardcore. And more blood. Everything a Prince of the Abyss could desire. But Rafel has heard stories, of the world above. The world of the weak mortals whose damned souls fall endlessly through the red skies of his, to meet with perpetual torture. Stories of their fine carriages and legendary kings. Their golden sun and green earth. But mostly, their virgin women. He wishes to see it for himself. And so, when a lucky gambit with his dear Aunt, Lilith, opens up a way for him to explore the surface, Rafel hops to it. The deal is a hundred years before he has to return to his duties as Hell's Apollyon. Accompanied by his new slave, a voluptuous horned Succubus, Rafel journeys to the mortal realm, entering into the mythical lands of Eldoria as the enigmatic Earl of Emberfall, a haunted estate. But Rafel intends to rise, into the very courts of the Eldorian Queen. At least before his time runs out. And if corrupting, blackmailing, fucking, and murdering a few mortals gets in his way, so be it. This is until the haloed mess of Ravenna de Vries ends up on the grand steps of his Manor, soaking wet with a blood debt hanging over her head. Israfel had seen many beautiful women in his time, but somehow the little mortal girl is sufficient to make him rethink his gambit. Ravenna is owed to a powerful Hell Principality. And though Rafel convinces himself that building up his power ranking is solely selfish, it also has to do with going up against an ancient adversary from his home who is certain to appear just about anytime to collect what he is owed—Ravenna. She is not his responsibility, but why does Rafel feel exactly that whenever he looks at her? And suddenly for this Immortal, a hundred years is not enough to fall in love.
Staplehead · 544.8K Views

Too Cozy to Care

Alex isn’t your average high school student. While most kids his age are focused on grades, sports, or fitting in, Alex has a singular obsession: sleep. Not just any sleep—perfect, blissful, uninterrupted sleep in the most serene and quirky places he can find. Whether it’s under the bleachers, on a park bench, or in an abandoned bus, Alex transforms napping into an art form. But what starts as a simple quest for the ultimate nap spot soon takes an unexpected turn. When Alex accidentally creates a pillow—the Dozer V1 by SnoozeCloud—that delivers dream-like sleep to anyone who uses it, his life begins to change. Teachers, students, and neighbors who once chuckled at his sleepy demeanor now find themselves clamoring for his product. His bizarre napping habits transform into a full-blown business venture, where sleep becomes not just his passion but his path to success. Guided by nothing but his need for sleep and his uncanny knack for finding the perfect sleep ambiance, Alex’s journey unfolds with humor and innocence. His interactions, whether with his eccentric family, bewildered teachers, or the strict yet secretly impressed school principal, add layers of charm and laughter. As word of his magical pillows spreads, Alex stumbles into entrepreneurship, making deals with his school, creating nap zones, and even entering the business world—all without losing sight of his number one priority: nap time. His business empire, SnoozeCloud, grows not from ambition but from a simple, genuine desire to share his love of sleep with the world. "Can't Sleep. Why?" is a delightful blend of humor, innocence, and inspiration. It’s a story about staying true to oneself, proving that success doesn’t always come from chasing big dreams—sometimes, it finds you when you’re dreaming
TheCozyPenn · 5.7K Views
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