In a world where humans and monsters, known as Inns, coexist, a nightmarish creature emerges—a being with a shadowy, human-like form. Inns come in various sizes and shapes, with horns differing in size and number depending on certain factors.
In an era of progress, there came a night known as the Night of Tears in Nytianna Village, where the Inns began to reveal their true nature to humans. Fifteen-year-old Akin, an orphan, lost everything to the Inns, and to make matters worse, he witnessed something unforgettable. An Inn named Frey displayed an act of heartlessness before him.
“This is the end of them!”
[Author’s note:]
disclaimer: not my art.
Warning: gruesome fighting scene and slightly spooky.
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Real schedule: Monday (@12pm est), Friday (12pm or 6 to 7pm est).