The Ascenders Odyssey
In a world forever altered by the descent of the Elysian Grid, monsters ravaged the land, and countless lives were lost. Amid the chaos, the Ascenders rose, inheriting divine titles and becoming humanity's last defense. Sanctuaries were built, offering a fragile shield against the monstrous onslaught.
A man, regressed in time, seeks to save his loved ones and rewrite a future doomed to destruction.
A woman, transmigrated after death, yearns to live a life unbound by the constraints that once caged her.
A girl, lost in an unfamiliar world, is determined to find her way back home.
A boy, who wants to break free from control of a powerful deity.
Bound by fate, their paths converge as they fight not only for survival but to defy the very destiny that seeks to shape them. Yet, their unity is no mere coincidence—it is the calculated manipulation of a deity, pulling their strings for a purpose none of them can yet comprehend.
This is a tale of their journey through trials of survival and sacrifice, where they must rise together, confront the forces shaping their fate, and chart a path beyond Elysian Grid itself.