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Madame Rouge Titans

Madame Gu est trop faible pour se débrouiller toute seule

On racontait que Qiao Xi avait une constitution fragile – une beauté maladive. On racontait qu'elle dépensait une fortune chaque jour en médicaments – les engloutissant comme des bonbons. On racontait que dix serviteurs l'attendaient auprès de son lit chaque jour – un fardeau pour tout le monde. Ils attendaient tous que la famille Qiao renvoie Qiao Xi à la campagne et la laisse se débrouiller toute seule. Qiao Xi : "Ils disent tous que je suis faible et incapable de prendre soin de moi. Apparemment, je dépense de l'argent de manière inconsidérée aussi." Elle regarda son chemisier déchiré et s’exaspéra. Qiao Xi : "Vous voulez dire que cette famille riche laisse sa fille porter des vêtements déchirés tous les jours ?" La fille riche de la famille Qiao ? Elle en avait assez ! Elle ne le serait plus ! Donc... Mauvais garçon : "Sans la famille Qiao, tu n'es rien." Qiao Xi : "Si je suis expulsée de la famille Qiao, je serai finie." Mauvaise fille : "Sœurette, ne sois pas trop déçue. Tant que tu travailleras dur, tu seras louée un jour." Qiao Xi : "Tais-toi, je ne connais pas une traîtresse comme toi." Le mauvais garçon et la mauvaise fille : "???" On racontait que le plus jeune fils de la famille Gu, Gu Zheng, avait imprudemment épousé une femme qui n'avait rien d'autre que son apparence. Qiao Xi : "Quelqu'un me méprise-t-il ?" Un jour, Qiao Xi vit un des employés de Gu Zheng se creuser la tête sur une série de chiffres à l'écran de l'ordinateur. Comme elle avait du temps libre, elle prêta main-forte. Avait-elle vraiment piraté le pare-feu créé par les efforts conjoints des meilleurs hackers de l'élite ?! Gu Zheng se rapprochait à chaque pas. "Qiao Xi, qu'est-ce que tu me caches encore ? Hmm ?" Qiao Xi : "Oh non ! Je me sens étourdie à nouveau ! Je suis si faible. Ce corps à moi est juste trop faible !"
Qiaoqiao · 96.8K Views

Die Identität von Madam schockiert erneut die ganze Stadt

Qiao Nian lebte 18 Jahre lang im Haus der Familie Qiao, bevor ihre leiblichen Eltern sie fanden. Plötzlich wussten alle wohlhabenden Familien der Stadt, dass die Familie Qiao eine falsche Tochter hatte! Eine echte Tochter einer wohlhabenden Familie wäre begabt, sanft und freundlich. Eine falsche Tochter wäre nicht in der Lage, irgendwelche Fähigkeiten zu erlernen und nichts zu erreichen. Jeder wollte sehen, wie unglücklich sie werden würde, wenn sie in ihre Schlucht zurückkehrte, nachdem sie aus einer reichen Familie hinausgeworfen worden war! Qiao Nian dachte auch, dass ihre leiblichen Eltern arme Lehrer aus dem Kreis Luohe waren. Wer wusste schon, dass ihr Bruder einen Phaeton fuhr, der dreihunderttausend Yuan wert war! Ihr leiblicher Vater war auch ein Professor, der an der Tsinghua-Universität lehrte! Der Big Boss der Familie von Abschaum wurde zum Schleimer und verbeugte sich vor ihrem Großvater... Qiao Nian war verblüfft. Ähm... das war nicht dasselbe wie ein Ja zu sagen! Nachdem sie sich von der Familie des Abschaums befreit hatte, konnte Qiao Nian sie selbst sein. Sie war die beste Schülerin in der College-Aufnahmeprüfung, ein Live-Sendestar und die Erbin eines unschätzbaren Kulturerbes... Ihre Identität wurde aufgedeckt, und als sie in den Suchanzeigen der Stadt auftauchte, wurde die Familie des Abschaums grün. Die Anti-Fans spotteten: Was soll der Versuch, ein Bild zu fälschen? Hältst du dich nicht einfach jeden Tag an meinen Bruder? Qiao Nian antwortete: Es tut mir leid, aber ich habe bereits ein Spiel. Oberster Bruder: @Qiao Nian. Ich möchte sie allen vorstellen. Das ist meine Schwester. Wohlhabender Großvater: Meine liebe Enkelin, warum arbeitest du so hart? Wenn du ein Fahrrad willst, wird Großvater es dir kaufen! Die Reichen und Mächtigen in Peking verbreiteten das Gerücht, dass Meister Wang in seinem luxuriösen Haus eine Frau versteckte. Egal, wie sehr die Leute versuchten, ihn zu überreden, er ging nie mit ihr aus, um jemanden zu treffen. Wenn man ihn fragte, sagte er immer denselben Satz. "Meine Frau kommt vom Land und ist schüchtern." Bis eines Tages jemand sah, wie der edle und kalte Meister Wang die schlanke Taille eines Mädchens umklammerte, sich in einer Mauerecke versteckte und mit roten Augen murmelte. "Baby, wann wirst du mir einen Titel geben?" [Falsche Tochter, die aus einer wirklich reichen Familie stammt] + [Zwei große Bosse]
Brother Ling · 38.2K Views

Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Qiao Nian lived in the Qiao family’s house for 18 years before her biological parents found her. Suddenly, all the wealthy families in the city knew that the Qiao family had a fake daughter! A true daughter of an affluent family would be talented, gentle, and kind. A fake daughter would not be able to pick up any skills and accomplish nothing. Everyone wanted to see how miserable she would become when she went back to her ravine after being kicked out of a rich family! Qiao Nian also thought that her biological parents were poor teachers from Luohe County. Who knew that her brother drove a Phaeton that was worth three hundred thousand yuan! Her biological father was also a professor who taught at Tsinghua University! The big boss of the family of scums became a bootlicker and bowed in front of her grandpa… Qiao Nian was dumbfounded. Erm… this wasn’t the same as saying yes! After being freed from the family of scums, Qiao Nian was able to be herself. She was the top student in the college entrance examination, a live broadcast star and the heir of an invaluable cultural heritage… Her identities were revealed and when she started to appear on the hot searches in the city, the family of scums turned green. The anti-fans mocked: What’s the point of trying to fake an image? Aren’t you just sticking to my brother everyday? Qiao Nian responded: I’m sorry but I already have a match. Top Brother: @Qiao Nian. Let me introduce her to everyone. This is my sister. Wealthy Grandpa: My dear granddaughter, why are you working so hard? If you want a bicycle, grandpa will buy it for you! The rich and powerful in Beijing spread a rumor that Master Wang was hiding a wife in his luxurious house. No matter how much people tried to persuade him, he never took her out to meet anyone. If he were asked, he would say the same sentence. “My wife is from the countryside and she is shy.” That was until one day when someone saw the noble and cold Master Wang holding a girl’s slender waist while hiding in a corner of a wall and muttering with red eyes. “Baby, when will you give me a title?” [Fake daughter who is from a truly wealthy family] + [Two big bosses]
Brother Ling · 13.7M Views

Não é Fácil Ser um Homem Depois de Viajar para o Futuro

Após morrer de uma estranha doença terminal, Ling Lan renasceu em um mundo 10000 anos no futuro. Embora ela desejasse ardentemente poder apenas viver uma vida pacífica e sem eventos em seu novo corpo saudável, o destino tinha outros planos... Obrigada a se disfarçar de menino apenas para poder herdar os benefícios militares premium de seu falecido pai, a jornada de Ling Lan até a idade adulta foi cheia de desafios. Após muita dificuldade, ela finalmente chegou aos dezesseis anos, quando poderia abandonar a farsa. Mas antes que pudesse aproveitar sua recém-descoberta liberdade para se casar e iniciar sua própria família, uma reviravolta do destino a lança na principal escola militar para garotos da Federação. Com essas reviravoltas do destino, Ling Lan teve pouca escolha a não ser caminhar cada vez mais por um caminho sem volta, um de domínio frio e distante... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ryuxenji, o tradutor aqui. :3 Aqui estão algumas outras coisas que vocês devem saber: 1) Esta história NÃO é primariamente um romance. O sistema da QI atualmente categoriza todos os romances provenientes do site chinês de novelas para mulheres (起点女生网) como 'romance' sem falhas, independentemente de serem verdadeiramente romances ou não. Então, se você está aqui apenas pelo romance, talvez queira encontrar um romance diferente. Haverá algum romance eventualmente, mas a maior parte deste romance é de ficção científica/Xianxia com muita construção de mundo e desenvolvimento de personagem. 2) Eu uso ortografia britânica. Então, por favor, certifique-se de que erros ortográficos são realmente erros antes de reportá-los. 3) Não importa o que a taxa de lançamento no topo diga, a taxa de lançamento garantida no momento é de 1 cap/dia (também conhecido como 7 cap/semana). O resto é extra à minha discrição. (Eu tentarei fazer o meu melhor, mas responsabilidades da vida real vêm primeiro.)
Madam Ru · 79.5K Views

Madam, Your Identities are being Exposed One by One!

A menace. A delinquent. A disappointment. If you ask anyone how they would describe Jiang Yue, it would be those three words. She has a bad reputation. She dropped out from school at the age of 6. She left her father who was in a vegetative state to roam around and wreck havoc in other cities. That's what she is known for. They all thought she spent her days just getting into trouble, living life recklessly. What others didn't know though was those words are far from what she actually is! A Genius! She has a bad reputation because she never hesitates to use violence against those who seek to harm her. She dropped out from school at the age of six because she has learned everything there is to learn in the school! She left her father to create a machine that could help him recover and she roamed around to find those who hurt her father and avenge him! She won't spare anyone who harmed her family! She will find those bastards who killed her Older Brother, caused her father to be in a vegetative state, and hurt her sister. However, things didn't go the way they should be. She's back in high school to fulfill her promise to her sister, but why is it that she got a clingy Young Master stuck to her instead? *** On a certain night, Jiang Yue and Luo Zhelan met in an unexpected situation. On that day, Luo Zhelan had no idea that the woman standing in front of his car with a gun in her bloodied hand would be the woman who would complete his life. "Young Master Luo, Young Madam is trending again on Weibo!" A subordinate reported. The Young Master narrowed his eyes, "What is it again this time?" "It turns out she's the person behind Allico Intelligence! She created it and made it into one of the leading tech giants in the country!" A certain subordinate reported. "Brother Zhe, there was some news going around!" His good friend exclaimed at him. Luo Zhelan asked, "What news?" "Sister-in-law is Shadow! The top assassin that brought up 'Fallen Vengeance'! The league that was made up of all the feared assassins!" "Young Master Luo, look at this post!" "Son, why is Principal Wei calling Xiao Yue 'disciple'?" "Brother Zhe, Sister-in law created Altersky?!" "Young Master! I found out something about Young Madam!" A certain Young Master was dumbfounded.
Nnaise · 1.4M Views


For millions of years, they have slept beneath us—ancient titans, creatures of impossible scale and power, hidden beneath the deepest oceans and the most remote landscapes. But now, something has awakened them. When Titanus Vortigaon, a monstrous, city-sized kaiju, rises from the Mariana Trench, it triggers a chain reaction of destruction across the Pacific. The world’s military forces launch a desperate counterattack, but the Titan is unstoppable. Manila is obliterated. Millions perish. The world watches in horror. Dr. Elias Kaine, a marine biologist aboard the Poseidon research vessel, and Agent Julian Mercer of G-Force International, uncover a terrifying truth: Vortigaon is not the only Titan awakening. A second behemoth, older and deadlier, has begun to stir beneath the Andes. And it won’t be long before they collide in an apocalyptic battle. Meanwhile, in the shadows, the Apex Syndicate, a rogue organization, has been preparing for this moment. Their solution? A weapon of their own—a Jaeger, a towering war machine engineered to fight the Titans. But as governments scramble and secret factions move to seize control of the Titan war, a terrifying question looms: What if humanity’s greatest weapon is not enough? As Earth stands on the brink of annihilation, Elias, Mercer, and an elite team of scientists and soldiers must race against time to uncover the Titans' origins—and find a way to stop them before the world falls. The age of man is over. The age of Titans has begun.
DaoistJd3XGh · 353 Views

Je suis une maman patronne qui veut se la couler douce

Tout le monde savait qu'après avoir été abandonnée par un homme volage, Mademoiselle Shen était devenue dévergondée et était tombée enceinte sans se marier. Après avoir été chassée de chez elle, elle tomba dans un état de désespoir. La tristement célèbre Shen Ruojing apparut néanmoins au banquet d'anniversaire de la vieille madame de la famille Chu. Tout le monde la raillait. « Ceux qui offrent des millions en guise de cadeau sont à une table, tandis que ceux qui offrent des dizaines de millions à l'autre. » « Mademoiselle Shen, combien avez-vous donné ? » La foule attendait qu'elle se ridiculise, mais Shen Ruojing sortit de derrière elle un adorable petit garçon et dit, « Excusez-moi Madame, à quelle table votre petit-fils aîné va-t-il s'asseoir ? » *** Mère et fils furent admis dans la famille Chu, et Shen Ruojing eut envie de passer ses journées à flâner, mais elle fut rejetée par la famille de diverses manières. « Nous avons des hackers de premier ordre, des maîtres de la musique, des experts en technologie… Tout le monde est renommé dans cette famille. Et vous, que nous apportez-vous ? » Shen Ruojing se caressa le menton. « Eh bien, toutes ces choses que vous avez mentionnées… Je m'y connais un peu en tout. » Ses trois adorables bébés se tenaient à côté d'elle et hochèrent la tête à l'unisson, « Nous pouvons témoigner que maman s'y connaît un peu en tout ! »
Mr. Yan · 275.8K Views
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