In the Australian dystopian town of Nambour, Velvet is a deli-owner by day, thug thwacker by night; and powerlifter on the side.
Dedicated to her troubled small town, Velvet finds herself in the strangest of situations as she assists fellow business-owners; from breaking noses with water bottles to warding off junkies with K-pop.
Velvet falls madly in love with man-of-mystery, Volta, who begrudgingly requests her help to find a mystical water source, which is rumoured to awaken the dormant powers of his people... not that he tells Velvet that much.
Nambour is in the grips of a neo-Nazi revival, racial tensions at an all-time high. Local white-collar skinhead Seamus faces off with Volta, and his loyal sidekick Joey on the regular, and is yet to win a fight. Enraged, he seeks a different avenue to rid Nambour of Volta and his 'black magic' crew for good.
Velvet is being pursued by new-to-town Min-jun who’s attempts at romance go unnoticed, except by Volta who doesn’t trust him.
Stuck between a man she loves and another who loves her, Velvet must balance running her deli with saving Nambour from gentrification, mass racial violence and other mysterious forces which she is yet to truly understand.
Updating a minimum of once a week.
Find me on IG @walleaeaglehawk