Souls End
Soul's End is a dark and gritty historical novel set during the early 20th century, against the backdrop of a world teetering on the edge of war. The story follows Marcus Fontaine, a young man from the country of Francillion, who is thrust into the turmoil of the First Great War. Unbeknownst to him, Marcus will have to learn how to harness the sacred life force energy know as Jūren.
As the war escalates, Marcus discovers the existence of Sustainers, individuals who can manipulate Jūren to perform supernatural feats. However, not all are born with this energy. Some, known as Specters, are devoid of Jūren but are gifted with superhuman strength, becoming formidable warriors in their own right. Caught in a web of political intrigue, secret societies, and brutal warfare, Marcus must navigate a world where the lines between ally and enemy blur, and where the true nature of Jūren holds the key to survival and power.
As Marcus learns to harness his latent abilities and uncover the hidden truths of the war, he is forced to confront his own humanity, questioning whether the cost of wielding Jūren is worth the devastation it could bring. In a world where the fate of nations hangs in the balance, Marcus must make a choice that could determine the future of all life.