a story of a strong demon
In a world where strength defines survival, Shushi, a young and skilled warrior, embarks on a journey of training under the guidance of the enigmatic Yochiro. After a grueling night of battle, Shushi learns the art of wielding a sword—an exceptional weapon specially crafted for her. Despite her growing bond with Yochiro, she is unaware of the deeper mysteries surrounding him, including the unsettling connection to the notorious Suka.
When Shushi visits Muiro, her trusted ally, they discuss her progress and the powerful sword she now possesses. Muiro questions the truth behind Yochiro's actions, and Shushi realizes she might have feelings for him, even as suspicions grow about Yochiro's true identity. As training intensifies, Shushi is faced with the challenge of mastering her new weapon, while a formidable demon fighter—a potential threat to Yochiro—emerges on the horizon.
With a dangerous battle looming, Shushi must confront the truth, hone her skills, and prepare for a fight that could change everything. As the lines between friend and foe blur, the future of their world depends on the outcome of this epic struggle.