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Tarzan Dvd

High School DxD : Diablos of the Old School Building

The story revolves around Issei Hyoudou, a lecherous high school student attending Kuoh Academy, a former all-girls school that has recently turned co-ed. He lives a peaceful life with his equally-perverted friends, Matsuda and Motohama, until he is called for a date by a girl named Yuuma Amano. At the conclusion of the date at night, Issei is brought to a local park, where Yuuma asks him if he wants to know what her wish is. Under the impression of receiving a kiss from the girl, Issei is shocked when Yuuma whispers the words "Can you die for me?" and transforms into a Fallen Angel. Issei is brutally attacked and killed by Yuuma, his last sight being a glimpse of red hair in front of him. The next day, Issei wakes up to find himself alive, leading him to assume the events that transpired yesterday were all but a bad dream. Later, after spending the night watching some porno DVDs with his friends, Issei walks home and finds himself in the same place where Yuuma had killed him. He is then attacked and wounded by a male Fallen Angel Dohnaseek until a crimson-haired woman named Rias Gremory steps in and saves him, just before Issei loses consciousness from the light spear that was thrown by the Fallen Angel. The next morning, Issei, under the assumption the events that occurred yesterday were all just a dream again, wakes up to find a naked Rias in his bed. Rias reveals her identity as a Devil to Issei, and claims that she has reincarnated him into a Devil, thus beginning his new life as a Devil servant in the Occult Research Club..
Rock_writer · 13.2K Views

High School DxD (LN)

The story revolves around Issei Hyoudou, a lecherous high school student attending Kuoh Academy, a former all-girls school that has recently turned co-ed. He lives a peaceful life with his equally-perverted friends, Matsuda and Motohama, until he is called for a date by a girl named Yuuma Amano. At the conclusion of the date at night, Issei is brought to a local park, where Yuuma asks him if he wants to know what her wish is. Under the impression of receiving a kiss from the girl, Issei is shocked when Yuuma whispers the words "Can you die for me?" and transforms into a Fallen Angel. Issei is brutally attacked and killed by Yuuma, his last sight being a glimpse of red hair in front of him. The next day, Issei wakes up to find himself alive, leading him to assume the events that transpired yesterday were all but a bad dream. Later, after spending the night watching some porno DVDs with his friends, Issei walks home and finds himself in the same place where Yuuma had killed him. He is then attacked and wounded by a male Fallen Angel Dohnaseek until a crimson-haired woman named Rias Gremory steps in and saves him, just before Issei loses consciousness from the light spear that was thrown by the Fallen Angel. The next morning, Issei, under the assumption the events that occurred yesterday were all just a dream again, wakes up to find a naked Rias in his bed. Rias reveals her identity as a Devil to Issei, and claims that she has reincarnated him into a Devil, thus beginning his new life as a Devil servant in the Occult Research Club.
heramking · 558.8K Views

Dwi Kurniasih

stefanie bersikeras mendaki gunung bersama teman kuliahnya . walau tidak setuju sang ayah tetap mengijinkan fanie pergi . bus yang ditumpanginya masuk jurang . semua orang yang ada disitu mati kecuali Stefanie . stefanie masuk kejurang dan tersesat di dunia iblis . dia hidup bersama kakek Alex Lila dan jenni . stefanie bertemu kalleid dan jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama . mereka belajar di akademi sihir kerajaan iblis api yang berada di benua iblis . disana dia menemukan fakta bahwa Stefanie adalah anak seorang selir raja kerajaan iblis es yang dibuang ke dunia manusia . fanie juga berhasil membuka segel sihir kuno miliknya . sihir kuno Stefanie sangat hebat dan misterius . kalleid mati di tangan pangeran Harry setelah terluka parah saat perang melawan raja benua hitam . raja benua hitam yang bernama Leon , diam-diam jatuh cinta pada Stefanie . dia menutupi identitasnya sebagai raja karena Stefanie sangat membenci raja benua hitam yang membuat kalleid terluka parah . fanie meneruskan pendidikan di akademi sihir benua hitam . Leon menjadi guru pembimbing disana dan benih-benih cinta diantara mereka muncul . setelah lulus akademi Stefanie diterima di pasukan ksatria merah yang dipimpin langsung oleh raja leon . dia membalaskan kematian kalleid dan ibunya yang dibunuh oleh kerajaan iblis es . fanie memberikan kontribusi besar bagi kerajaan hitam . stefanie menjadi selir raja Leon masuk ke istana kerajaan hitam . pertarungan antar Harem dimulai karena Stefanie selalu dapat cinta yang mulia raja . raja Leon dikenal dingin pada wanita dan cuek . stefanie berhasil menikah dengan Leon dan menjadi ratu kerajaan hitam . dia juga menaklukkan 3 benua menjadi satu dan diberi nama benua DEMON KINGDOM .
Tarzan_Kurniasih · 2.2K Views

game to play with your kids on long car trips

Looking back at my childhood, I remember taking road trips with my family (this is well before there were DVDs, let alone CDs or other entertainment systems in cars) and we had to find ways to pass the time as the corn stalks and rolling hills rushed past the windows. Reading books in the car never worked for me as it would as I had car sickness, but we would play games about books. My mom, dad, sister, and I would each take turns going around the car naming book titles, but the last letter of the title had to be the first letter for the next person. “Fox in Socks” would then queue “Sneetches”. Since that one started and ended with an “S”, the order reversed. It was a great game to help pass the time, but after a while, we would end up always going through the same 30 books or so. So we needed a way to expand and get into more titles (since there is rarely a word that ends in “I” so I was never able to play my favorite book, “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”.) My sister suggested that instead of using the ending letter to start the new title, and since we were working on the orders of our alphabet, she suggested that we take however many letters are in the last word, and add it to the last letter and that becomes the starting letter. For instance; “Where the Wild Things Are” the last letter is “E” and there are three letters in “Are”, so from “E” you go three letters forward to get “H” and that is the next starting letter. This method really helped expand the game, and we could keep it going for hours and almost never repeating a title. Now that I have children of my own, and take them on road trips, my wife and I have picked up these same past-time games. It really encourages them to read more, learn more titles, and has improved their overall reading abilities. I have seen their vocabulary grow just by them picking up a new book once a week. For every new book they pick up, there will undoubtedly be a new word in there that my kiddos will read, absorb, and use in conversation. But their knowledge of titles continues to grow.
Basit_Sheikh · 1.8K Views

The Gaming Information

Gaming is the running of specialized applications known as electronic games or video games on game consoles like X-box and Playstation or on personal computers (in which case the activity is known as online gaming). The term "gaming" originated as a synonym for "gambling" although most electronic games today do not involve gambling in the traditional sense. Pong, an electronic version of ping pong, was the first widely played video game. It was simple: you moved a bar up and down to deflect the ball, which your opponent (either the machine or another player) would attempt to deflect on the other side. It became popular in the 1970s. Since then, gaming has grown increasingly complex with enhanced graphics, full-motion video, 3-D effects and high fidelity stereo sound. Specialized input devices such as joysticks and steering wheels enhance the ability of the user to interact with the programs. Games designed for playing offline on individual computers are sold on DVD or Blu-ray media and can be downloaded from the Internet. Second Life, one of the first massively multiplayer universe (MMU) games, uses a decentralized server architecture to meet the demands of up to several thousand online users simultaneously. In its most sophisticated form, a gaming interface can constitute a form of virtual reality. More recent developments include motion gaming, which responds to the movements of users, and virtual reality headsets, which enable an immersive experience. Because of historically slow response time in playing games over the Internet, a trend in which gamers convene at a so-called LAN party, bringing their own computers and attaching them to a LAN (local area network) set up especially for the occasion. The increasing prevalence of high-speed Internet connections has made online gaming practical for more people in recent years, however, making LAN parties less common. Gaming faces criticism by groups who point out that some of the programs have violent, xenophobic, sexually explicit or otherwise objectionable content. Concern has also arisen because some young people seem to become addicted to gaming, spending inordinate amounts of time at the activity. That said, gaming can be useful in a wide variety of professional and educational scenarios, especially in simulations for activities requiring visual and motor coordination such as driving race cars and piloting military fighter aircraft.
Chaudhry_Hassan_5641 · 1.9K Views

Online Games The Evolution Games

Next came the interpersonal interaction in a multi-player environment. The first such game was called DUNGEN. DUNGEN had players competing against one another to complete a series of quests. DUNGEN provided with new settings and players each time the user logged on. The late 1970’s saw the start of video game craze with more and more households getting computer savvy. As a natural corollary, people started writing their own games for the home computers. These programming hobbyists traded and sold these home-grown games in local markets. Other changes in the 1970’s were home gaming consoles which used game cartridges. That meant the people could collect games cartridges for one base unit instead of having bulky game console systems. The 80s – some pause before the storm 1980’s saw growing craze for the video and computer game craze, but online gaming wasn’t on the horizon yet. New games with better sound and graphics were introduced and gained popularity. Pole Position and Pac-man were two that achieved big popularity. It was during 1980’s when Nintendo introduced its first gaming system. The 90s – revolution begins The 1990’s saw the phenomenal growth in both popularity and technology mostly because of the rise of 3-D and multimedia. Myst, the intellectual adventure game introduced gaming on the CD-ROM format. Fancier 3-D graphics hardware made FPS (first person shooter) games such as Quake possible. The late 1990’s saw the exponential growth of the Internet, MUDs (multi-user dungeons) which made online games wildly popular. New and improved graphical interfaces had people all over the world playing against each other not only in FPS games but also in real time strategy games (RTS games) as well as third person games like Grand Theft Auto. This was also the period when websites started offering online games such as tetris, ping pong, mario bros, super Mario, and other free online flash games and non-flash based games free for playing after registering with them. This really pushed online gaming into the popular psyche. The 21st Century – world is just a playground Early years of the 21st century were dominated by the DVD-CD-ROM. It has changed the way online games are played. The latest gaming systems such as Sony’s play station and Microsoft’s X-box have networking capabilities to enable people play with each other in real time from all over the world. Exponentially growing broadband internet services have made playing these online games possible in true sense of the word. The only drawback to the constantly evolving technology for online games is that what you buy today might become obsolete by the next year. Luckily, for the serious gamers, the resale industry for these online games is huge. This resale industry is just another element to the ever-changing history of online game.
Nitin_Chaudhary_8063 · 3.9K Views

We all going to die but korea will never learn english by king ill sok

Is like watch predator finding your true enemy But is just there were there a simple yet invadeding alien From mars what juice Life is not good the the say of king illsok We change our name write a new words that our self know And just other make there own words A make it good Is like spokening dollar just i learn with my play in road who know is die We going to die who going to say in earth a simple answer God who create us , and just simple sleep Life is not with the bad side like movie badman and robin Drive the fat old mobile who does work at night why its a solar just one battery will last 3 more years in storeage I hope man last long long a singel battery I hope life ge life and othet just read my poet Say your good , But you all my writeting in just throwing back to certain Girl name reana in twitch the finaly he buy Hope meet in public hospital If i have in a ginie in bottle i wish there will equal Like drop rain one buy one only one drop And the sun just half and moon half to And girl half man half girl is like sugar Half of sugar half milk and drink with out water that equal we save watet buy drink boko juice but no watet just the balat and laman just throw Is drive in school old cuting class there and tommorrow you will be a drop out its equal must equal is like subtract The 1 to 2 equal is half like buy soap makano half lang po Paano yon balat gamit yong laman itapon Maligo sa umaga matapos pasko doon palang mag lalaba Is like drop a bomb in herorusma kill all the man but just leave why they make kids but one man will alive Like movie tarzan and janet jackson We must equal in all thing So our house must half all half that equal We ken save and our money is half half head half fish Is not tail its super korny ,, But its not a joke we learn half life half bread,
Alex_Makoy · 1.9K Views
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