The story takes place in the year 2035. And follows the story of a teenager girl, Astrid, who lives in the Post Apocalyptic city called Terminus. Located in the caves of the great canyon, a small handful of people survive after a series of catastrophic earthquakes that devastated Planet Earth.
But the sandstorms and sky without the sun are not all that bothers people of Terminus. Over the years, a planet that once was called home, evolved, bringing with it all sorts of creatures including the Reds. These creatures that nature created were some type of reptile. They had two arms, but no legs, like a snake with arms, with a long, thin tail. These predators hunted Astrid people for years, one day she decides it's enough and it's time for her to find her group another place for life.
In her journey, she crosses paths with Dayanara, Egyptian girl from the city of Ra. A shy boy Cato from the city of Amartus and Nero an arrogant son of a formal CIA agent. They all seek the same thing: A better place to live.
But there is so much to see beyond the walls of the places they once called home, creatures from your deepest nightmares and people who are not to be trusted.